InTheWoods Journal

Saltwater Kush @hoss8455
Insanely dense, I can’t squeeze the buds :exploding_head:
Easy to grow likes epsom salt is light feedings with dry backs.
Very similar to the scents as the Lazy lightning and Triple sunshine A I grew in the past.
Robust lemon earth with little subtle differences.


Day 50F
Sweeter Lemony
Tallest plant, 3x stretch

Lower branch

Visual comparison for size.

Day 50F
Funky lemon earth
Shortest plant out of the three. 2.5x stretch
Could finish before 1 and 5 with the swelling and most amount orange hairs.


Day 39F
Slight piney lemony earth., May change as it’s a little behind plant 1 and 4.
3x stretch.


Lemon Cheese Haze @HolyAngel
Day 39F
Water only from here on out. I burnt then with a back to back feeding. Flipped more clones of them.
I’ll do a scent rub on day 50F to get a better idea, So far it ranges from rubber to sweet to epoxy like.






Hope this gets your week off to a great start @minitiger :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Metal Haze x DE @boatbum325


Kilimanjaro @Kidete
Very frosty lowers


Malawi Gold #1 @Tejas


Oh yeah! I think that #11 is definitely gonna be where it’s at :drooling_face: :heart_eyes:


Yeah, it’s cool watching this, especially since I haven’t seen anybody else grow these. They all look so “nug-y” compared to the three I grew. Maybe it’s just because you didn’t top them and I topped mine, I dunno.

I was thinking the same thing. The #9 looks pretty cool, too. I mean, they all look intriguing, but those are the two that really caught my eye.


very nice, do you have any more malawi gold pictures?

edit: i just looked about 80 posts so i found the pics. a smoke report would be awesome though if you don’t have one already. :fire:


Hope she struts enough leg for you to use her haha.

With #11 should I expect 12-13 weeks for her to finish?

I was saying that earlier, it was the last to develop flowers and could still put on a show in the coming weeks. I’m keeping my eye on her too.

Maybe they those with the LCHs will get them popped soon. I can’t imagine the vastness of some people’s vaults. Multiple lifetimes worth of seeds. I bet it hard to choose when it gets to that point.

Eh idk could be an illusion or the angle of the photos. I’m going to go back and see where our three ladies were at this time. I only run 400w in my 5x5 for flower. I obviously need more light and full coverage in there. For now, it’s gets the job done.

Ever since I grew @VAkish SSDD F2 BX1 x [ OGC/CJ ]cross, I don’t want to top anymore. Another reason is I can fit a couple more plants in flower with them untopped.

I’m letting her mingle for a little bit longer before trying to give a smoke report.

Sooner or later, I will make a separate thread for all the plants I have grown so far with reports.


Good morning :sunny: @InTheWoods & friends. Just drinking some coffee :coffee: and smoking some budz. Happy to be home :house:, we had a nice ride and stopped a few times at some road side places. Have a great day! :partying_face::blush::wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::v:

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Good morning brotha :coffee:

Hope the coffee and smoke is delicously smooth.

Homeeeeeee Sweeeet Homeeee :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Just uppotted the clone :yum: as for your question :thinking: I wouldn’t think so. They all finished around 9-11 for me.


Nice!!! Did you ditch the other females or still waiting to see them later in flower?

I wonder if there is an outlier in that ballpark, I bet there is.:face_with_monocle:
If/when I decide to put some the H/sk1 pollen on them I believe she can easily see 12-14weeks.


I did actually. I would’ve kept #9 too but she didn’t make it for me. I still have 3 males left too.

I also ran my batch 12/12 from seed so I can’t say for sure on days.


Beautiful plants!


Nice, Hope one of them works for you!
All good I figured I’d ask.

Thanks brotha!


I wouldn’t worry about it. There’s no point, really, in those sorta estimations (other than when seed sellers say it, because people want quick stuff). I’ve grown plants that supposedly took twelve weeks to be done finish in nine and plants that were supposed to finish in nine weeks finish in twelve.

Yeah, I get that. More horizontal room is always nice, but what about vertically? Haha. That’s one of the reasons why I almost always top, is just because I’m concerned about things getting too tall.


that’s great. i look forward to it.


Good morning :smiley: @InTheWoods, hope you are having a great weekend! :wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::v:

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I hear yah, I just like to have a touch stone for finishing.

Not worried about the height as I can bend over the unruly ones. I dont mind the branches interlocking like a gear in the canopy. I defoliate so its not as packed.

Likewise brotha!

Dream Drifters finally were up potted after 30 days in solo cups.
Ill let them recover for a couple days then take cuts, recover another couple days and flip.
Females will go into the 5x5, 3x3 will become the male only to flower them out.

The veg tent is super stinky. Blue cheesy funky scent.
Culled 2 of the smallest plants.
Fed 3 drops Superthrive, 1 tbsp, FF Grow big and LPF in one gallon mixes.


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods & friends, nice :blush: looking :eyes: pictures bro :sunglasses:. I hope they are all recovering well after the move! :partying_face::wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::v:

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Good morning @OhNo555 and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Thanks brotha, I bet they are enjoying the extra root space haha. I was cruel keeping them in a solo for a month haha.

Hope everyone’s coffee is deliciously smooth and strong to start the week!