InTheWoods Journal

Any idea if they’re all reeking or is it maybe just a couple that are reeking out the tent? I haven’t come across too many plants that reek out a tent in veg. That black river og girl i had tho was one of them and she smoked/smelled/tasted just like she smelled in veg. Fucking LOUD.

Anyways, plants are looking great! :slight_smile:


I’d say 80 % were stinky when handling them. A couple were more robust, I forgot to put a mark on the pots for those. I was just lazy and didn’t went I was up potting. I’ll do it when I take cuts.

I would say they taste like they are smelling in veg with the couple ladies I tried so far. More perspectives will help.

I know @tracker is running the Dream Drifter and @AmnioticBaptism Is running the Royally Hazed.
Stoked to see them get worked with and run. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods and friends, just drinking coffee :coffee: and getting stoned. Got a few guitars :guitar: to restring today, and a Triple Spice plant 🪴 that was a clone I was gifted from @OnePassionateGrower that is doing very well growing outside. Have a GR8 day bro :sunglasses:! :partying_face::wink::blush::sun_with_face::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::v:


That long podcast we were talking about a week or two ago was talking about this towards the end saying that you can manipulate the flower time of sativas with temperature. I think it was colder=quicker, which makes sense if the plant thinks a frost might come soon it will hurry up.


I dunno that I’d try that, sounds like you might also end up with herms, although it makes sense. I think I’d only try that if I was already familiar with whatever cultivar and had grown it before, like a clone or something. I do shorten lights-on as the grow progresses, just to mimic “nature.”

I just meant, you know, cannabis is wacky, you never know what’s gonna happen or how plants grown from seed are gonna behave. It’s why I like seeds haha.


Good morning @OhNo555 @Igor @minitiger and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Coffee strong and delicious to pair with this gorgeous fall weather we are getting, 70s in the day, cool 50s at night. The scent of fall is in the air.

I took the bike out yesterday for the first time this year, Bopped around town and some local backroads. I used to ride more but I went down on my father Softail years before finishing my bike which my father and I built together. My bike is a sleeper from the look. Hard to hold on to the bars when you get on her in any gear, wants to toss you off the seat haha.
I’m still mentally shook from it close to a decade later, but it was too nice not to get out there and about time I get over it.

Kilimanjaro @Kidete
Day 112F :axe:
The day has finally arrived for the Kilimanjaro after 16 weeks of living in a 1 gallon polybag under 11/13 lighting.

Sweet earthy lemon rind. Smells exactly like what I had all those years ago. STOKED!

Easy to grow. Only problem was myself, I ran out of LITFA and needed another delivery. :joy:

Where I went wrong is I top dressed some epsom salt in the earlier weeks of flowering. Looking back through the journal. She didn’t need it at all and took the abuse like a champ.
I would say that would be a stress test. No intersex issues.

Very lateral lower branching.

I’m happy with where the trichomes are at. If you wanted more amber, 17 weeks would be your ticket.

Is this a double headed trichome? ^
one head amber, other head cloudy. It caught my eye…


Good morning :sunny: @InTheWoods & all the rest of you taking a stroll in the wood! Nice pictures bro :sunglasses:, I would hold out to for more amber. I like to smoke :dash: weed that makes your eyes :eyes: roll into the back of your head! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::facepunch::+1::blush::joy::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Thanks brotha, I hear yah but the deed has been done. I have some other varieties that have that mellowing effect from the past harvests to smoke if I needed. Fortunate to be able to get to bed without a problem. I’ve been slacking on updates on the Saltwater Kushes and LCH so I’ll get a better one for both done today when the phone finishes charging.


Mate, those tunes had me going down the rabbit hole searching for something that was on the tip of my memory, but I found it.

Showing my age growing up in the 90s probably but imagine listening to this smoking a fat one at Cafe Del Mar in Ibiza as the sun sets.

Plants are looking top shelf as always. I looked up sativa in the dictionary and there was a picture of your Kilimanjaro.

Good to hear you’re back on the bike. I got a bad case of the yips (nervous after a crash) a few years ago after a big one, but I think once you have the bug it’s hard to lose. I stopped riding soon after I got my licence when a friend lost a leg, then around the time I turned 40 I realised of lost a few friends to cancer recently and wasn’t really “living” so I asked my mates who still rode how they justified it, and one said, “just have a blast but try to be as safe as you can” that stuck with me.


Usually when a trichome looks like it has 2 caps, one of two things has happened:

  • Resin leaking out made another blob off the side that looks like 2 caps.
  • Resin gooing out the side, actually gooed into another trichome cap and so they are stuck together.

Of the thousands…and gigabytes of photos, I’ve only seen those two things happen.


I havent check my mail for a couple days and found this in there. :package:

@HolyAngel YOU ARE THE MAN! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Thank you brotha! This made my day after I just lost the brakes on the way home from a sidejob and had to drop the truck off at the shop. I normally would do it myself but I don’t have the time and if it was one hose went. I’d rather have him do all four taken care off for peace of mind, and bleed em.

The bonus is the owner of the shop needs some landscaping work done at his house. Funny how things work out even when it seems to be going downhill fast.

@Igor Great tune! I bet Ibiza sunsets are epic too. I haven’t left the states, so much to see out there in the world. Im a hermit haha.

Very kind brotha funny enough I did notice Mike used one my photos of the Kilimanjaro in veg before I abused her with epsom salts. I hope I can get her really happy this round with the clones and provide some better flower shots that dont look neglected.

Yea its tough hurdle but I hope you can get comfortable again on the bike. Small little rides to ease into riding. I’m just getting there but the accident will still in the back of my head. I try to do like your friends say, have fun while being safe and don’t push it even when you want to a little.

Thanks for the insight. another way to put it is those trichomes are past their prime and oozing there goods all over the place. Make it stop! :joy: :axe:


Dude, that’s so funny. When I read InTheWoods’ post about,”Is this a double-headed trichome?” I thought,”I dunno. He should ask JoeCrowe…” haha! And there you were! Haha.

Gots to looooove Joe!


lol! After I read that trichome morphology study, I felt like a child playing with toys in the lab. 'Cause that was super powered research straight out of SFU. One of the details they explained in the study, was what I just barfed back up. I’ve seen things like that 1000 times but I had never realized what was really happening until that day. It changed my life.


Saltwater Kush Day 55F
Lemony earth scents

Buds are continuing to swell, Branches are taking the weight from the rocklike buds that are growing on them.


Might be finish before number one. Seems like she is a little quicker.

Day 48F
Staggered a week behind with the LCHs.
Seems to resemble #4 more than #1.


Lemon Cheese Haze
Day 44F

I forgot to do a trich rub for scent profiles again. I’ll do that in a couple days after week 7 finishes.



Still watching this lady for strong finish.

Looks like an early finisher.

I tried a little harder for these shots for your girl. :grin:
Foxtails inbound!


Woot! :partying_face: Glad they made it safe and sound!
Sorry to hear about your car trouble and whatnot. Hopefully today is better :slight_smile:

#1 reminds me of the FLC #1 girl that is the mom to those beans :thinking:

#6 looks pretty interesting!

I don’t actually think I got the #9 at all :thinking: think that one was still on the fence when we did the snips? or I totally misplaced the bag. No worries tho i’m good. She reminds me of the beasty one I had ^^

#11 :heart_eyes: :star_struck: I really appreciate the extra effort :heart:
She definitely looks like the one! Super frosty already too! Ready for it! Hope she turns out like I’m expecting :yum:


The #10 plant in InTheWoods’ last post is kind of reminding me of the #2 plant I grew, now that she’s filling out. Don’t sleep on that one, @InTheWoods haha. Even though she might finish the fastest, that doesn’t mean she’s gonna smoke all “Indica”-ish haha. I was pretty surprised by the smoke from that #2 plant once I finally started getting into those jars.


Thanks brotha, Hopefully not a large bill but glad it happened relatively close to home.

I wish I didnt burn her. She seems to be lagging behind. I would think #10 would be the FLC mom leaner. I dont know if I want to keep her. most likely not. Seem finicky or I suck at reading her cues haha.

#6 is definitely gaining some steam now. So hard to judge in this stage.

#9 wasnt sent to you but could if you want it. Let me know brotha I have my eye on her with since took the longest for flowers to set. It could be #9 and #11 that stay around.

Stoked to see how she is in your environment and what you do with her if she checks all the boxes for ya.

She has a like sweet kinda rubbery undertone or something. Very hard and different than what my nose is used too. Very interesting. Unfortunately none are cheesy.

I will keep all mothers around until I smoke them all haha.

Dream Drifters starting to take off.

I like this plant.


That uniformity is amazing :kissing_heart:, great job done … beer3|nullxnull


Usually if the leaf tips are pointing up, it’s deficiency not toxicity/lockout :thinking: They’ve been some decently heavy feeders in my experience…

Maybe :thinking:
It’s just the shape of the #1 from what I can tell, resembles the mom a bit. The #10 might too. I do remember the mom finishing around 9 weeks. Whereas the C5SS stuff can run 11-12+

Oh ok, means I didn’t make a mistake or anything :sweat_smile: No worries if you’re still holding onto her. If she crushes the other one and you still have her, then maybe ^^

To be fair, the closest ‘cheese’ I ever got from the Franco’s Lemon Cheese scent-wise was a ‘cheese-cake’ type smell. Cream cheese or similar. Definitely no stinky feet. The LCH I did find some musky dirty feet type scents but it comes out late.