InTheWoods Journal

Good morning OG’s :coffee::coffee::coffee:

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Good morning @Golfnutt @HolyAngel and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

First time seeing bottom end rot in our garden, but also the first time growing watermelons. Next year Ill try to mound it up more with wood chips to keep above ground level just in case our garden flood again.

Seems like the watermelon in everyone’s garden decided to take the year off.

Here’s your lady looking great, minus the tip burn haha.
Lemon Cheese Haze #11 - HolyAngel
Day 61F

Saltwater Kush #4 @hoss8455


I’ll have to look to remember off hand, but i also had a second one that was small and had a black spot on it. Inside was ripe tho when i took it. Little watermelon was perfectly fine inside. :rofl:

Here’s the current one


Tip burn???
I always STRIVE for a little tip burn. About an eighth inch or so. That tells me she is getting just the right amount of nutrients without overdoing it.
Your plants look spectacular, man!


Yeah that’s her alright :heart_eyes: just CAKED in frost
Really hope the high matches the look. So far we’re 2/2 between me and minitiger, so I’m hopeful/expecting this one will be too. I have to clone her again before I can attempt a run on her. Gonna be headed for an octopot :yum:


Im a heathen and dont have a thermometer/hygrometer in that tent lol it does have air flow bur like i said not ver much exchange. Humidity really isnt a issue for me. Ive had my other tent go up to 80 RH but havent had issues with mold or mildew.

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@Kasper0909 I like that idea of having them up on the sun shade or screen. More air flow it seems the better. Was your homegrown watermelon noticeably more flavorful?

Haha I’m in between its either tip burn or the air is flowing a little much. Leaning towards the former than the latter. Thanks brotha!

I think she be some great smoke! Seems like she may finish after in the 11-12 week range, Possibly 13 if you’d want more amber. Ill post the others in a bit. No amber on any yet but its still kind of early.

I have zero fancy meters, only thing I have is a cheap temp/rh meter in the tent. I’m very minimal. Water,light , good soil and bottled salts if I need em. I’d go mad trying to do all that extra stuff.


Yeah i agree as much as i want to do more it doesnt seem worth it. The shittiest part for me is sifting through soil every run so i can reuse it. But i need a hygrometer where i am because of how wet it is most of the time.


SWK #1 @hoss8455
Well I wish I didn’t stop trying cloning her, She is a beauty.



LCH @HolyAngel

6 - smells like captain crunch oops all berries.



Metal Haze x Dragon Energy #3 Clones

Yield is doing better than the plant from seed.



#3 from seed.


You took cuts? Right?!?! RIGHT!?!? :rofl::rofl::rofl:


You know this as well as anybody, but I’d just say do NOT base anything on looks. The #3 plant is great; the #4 plant, which grew almost exactly like the #3, is strangely much heavier; and the #2 plant, which didn’t look anything at all like the other two, almost the total opposite, is basically as good as the #3. Very similar highs.

Don’t write anything off, InTheWoods! haha. Wait until they’re chopped, dried and cured! Erase your preconceived notions! Haha…


Aha, so I’ve just learned what tip burn is. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I thought I had a calmag deficiency and have been adding more and more. Oops, I’ll relax about it now.

Plants looking awesome mate, I’m loving the loupe trichome shots. :ok_hand:


I have three 50 gallon totes inside for soils.
First is full of fresh sifted composted soil, Second with used soi. Third is where I mix them 50/50 for my new pots.
If that possible for you, maybe give that a go to avoid the wetness.

Also could put some red wiggler worms in they used soil to let them go to town during a grow cycle.

Ya but I already flipped them though haha. I may have go back in to take a cut from #6 again.

Would you want to run it if I did? I could send you her if you want. Let me know brotha :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

I hear ya but I kind of already did but only keeping 11,10,9, in my mom tent.
6 is grabbing my attention now in the later days. 1 is either beat up and not optimally showing what she can do.

I could go back and take 1 and 6 late cuts again from the clones that were just flipped. I’m running out of space for all these activities :joy: I wish I had a 4 x 8 for only mothers lol. I liked so many already that I’ve grown out so far.

No worries brotha, thats how we learn. Trial and error. If you can I’d switch to epsom salt instead of cal mag. I feel the calcium in calmag causes more problems then solutions. My plants would need magnesium but since I had calmag only eariler on. I caused nute lockouts the times I did use it.


Morning everyone :coffee:

I’d for sure run it. I just can’t take it in right now. If you plan on keeping her around I’ll reach out when I get things started up after my break.


Sounds good brotha, I’ll go back in today and take a couple #6 cuts for ya. Also I’ll send my mother list to see if you’d want others too.


Only if you want some plants I can’t get rid of :rofl::rofl:. I had two spaghetti ass plants I twisted around each other until they snapped, but they’re still alive.


:+1: :+1: any more info on the malawi gold? :fire: i skimmed through over 1000 of your posts absorbing everything malawi gold


Good morning brotha, Hope this is the info you’re looking for;

Malawi Gold #1 info
14 weeks to finish, Stretched 4x from seed untopped but only 2x from clone when topped.

MG #1 Smoke report @Tejas
The scents are very pleasing to the nose. Its has sweet slight fermented scent upfront, woody/earthy undertone.

Tastes are similar. The effects are immediately felt. Straight to the eyes as you inhale and the flavors are dancing all over your pallet. Face sweats, Feel very energetic after smoking some. Like a cup of espresso. Great for me at work. Personally I can smoke this all day. I haven’t been paranoid off her like people say. Everyone is different though. I think she has a ceiling though or I just smoke too much.

Main cola.

MG Clone. Day 40F


perfect! thanks for the update, that’s what i wanted to hear.

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Man that had to be a pain in the ass. I really need to stop procrastinating creating the other thread.

Continues to procrastinate more:joy: