InTheWoods Journal

Time for more coffeeeeeeeee

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Hey caffeine is caffeine bro :wink:

This pic , this plant is chop ready that’s 100% 15-20%


You like to suffer in the mornings :joy:

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I suffer always, not just in the morning :joy::joy:

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Thats the Banana Fruit Cake :axe: :axe: :axe: :sunglasses:


Working on a good kickstart!

Got A LOT to try and get done today! Currently cooking the family breakfast, then it’s out to the garden/yard to get shit done.


Got some for me? @blowdout2269 i was contemplating smoking this garlic breath fatty. But now I’m hungry. Got a ton of shit to do myself.


I’ve got a stainless one too, but I like yours with the branding! Very nice. Aren’t they epic! No joke I pour hot water in and get her nice and hot, then fill it up and cap it quick in the winter, hike down the gorge trail etc. that coffee will stay warm all day long in the middle of winter! Since I got these they changed my whole game, literally


You guys and your yetis :laughing:


Haha I rarely use them. I have a small one and doesnt fit a whole pot of coffee for my addiction.
I just carry around a coffee maker instead. :joy:

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Since your cooking, Ill take some Bisquits and gravy. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Bahaha this one got me good!

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Sorry bud. I was actually down to three potatoes. Kinda ticked me off, cuz I was just in town yesterday! Got plenty of eggs though! Lol, the chickens are outta control. Guess I’m not pre-making breakfast burritos for the week today. Just breakfast. Got plenty of coffee for ya though!
Yeah, I’ve got three or four of these 30oz tumblers. Mostly brushed steel. The color eventually just runs off. Especially if they’re getting tossed around in my service truck or bouncing around in my loader, hehe. Love em! My boy even has a badass flip top leakproof water bottle. Lol, the only three/four yeah old at his school that has a Yeti. Funny thing is…they are actually the only one we could find that TRULY was leak-proof. Every other one before would eventually leak, no matter what.

Sorry @InTheWoods, its taters eggs and sausage with wheat toast today! :wink:


With the slight amber on some and 20% only on the BFC. I’ll look to chop on Tuesday for a Happy 4th of July! :boom:

Start spreading the news…

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That’s awesome! Kids a baller! I’m jealous of you guys and your egg factories


Hahaha I have 24 chickens and they’re in hyper drive. 5 egg omelettes for everyone. I qualify coffee as a breakfast :grin:

:yum: Thats a great breakfast to start the day.

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Yeah he is. He can’t go anywhere without this thing!

I love my egg factory. I cannot eat store bought eggs anymore. I tried last year. Fricken sweat shop eggs! Gross.
Ok, I gtg fella’s. Have a good day! :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s awesome! I need to get my son one as he ALWAYS has his water like I always have my coffee. Thanks for sharing…. He’ll love it!

Same here, in fact 8/10 days it is , if I’m solo nothing gets made, but when wife and/or boys are home call me chef dad! Lol

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