InTheWoods Journal

Looking forward to those! Everything he has made intrigues me no joke, definitely has a good eye for crosses imo now time will tell how exceptional they are


Affie #9 @Budderton

Day 26

Love how stout they are.
No stem rubs yet but I’m sure its stinky.






Gorilla Cookie Punch
Day 26
A and D are the taller than B and C.





Greenpoint Fems.
Day 26

Purple Crunch
Cruising along.

Purple Cake
Little hungry or dried back a little too much.

The Sweets
Beautiful plant.

Limited canopy view.

Birds eye :grin:


Beautiful, happy plants. Suuuper fat leaves on the affies, they look rad.

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Thanks :grin:
I’m stoked on this run. From super fat leaves with the Affies to the wicked thin Odishas and everything in between. I feel like I got the whole spectrum covered.

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I love a good variety! Makes keeping an even canopy and whatnot a pain in the ass but if everything is all the same, I don’t look at it as closely and don’t notice anything about anything.

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That royal procession is ridiculous. I started my beldias around 26 days ago also and this is the tallest one this morning…

(about 6 hours of direct sunlight a day and only watered once)


Variety is the spice of life. Yea the canopy might be a pain. Luckily I have some milk crates to raise some plants if needed.

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Haha they are really wild for 26 days. I’m running 18/6 lighting on them. I only started feeding nutes 6 days ago.

Nice healthy plant. Its the first time hearing of Beldia.
Have you grown them before?

I was just waiting for them to get to this point and then i’m going to put them into more sun. They kept turning away from it a week or two ago. I have not grown them out. Trying to do a preservation run for future breeding but only one seems to be impervious to everything including heat, drought, caterpillars, leaf miners and fungus.

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That makes more sense as to why the limited direct sunlight. Interesting observation. I wonder what caused them to do that.

I’m terrible with hardening off plants. I killed too many veggie plants over the years trying to start early then bring out in the sun. Now, I direct plant them to avoid that problem. :joy:

Very interested on how they turn out. Those outdoor defensive traits would be great to try to introduce it into something that is very prone to all the outdoor elements or to shore up something that just lacks a little firepower to combat the elements. Please feel free to post in updates of them in here.


I have now moved them out into the great openness of the backyard where they will get significantly more sun and hotter temperatures.

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Under the best bulb out there. :grin:

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The middle one is what i mean. It was fine previously. They went down flat the first time i noticed it.

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Looks like its top heavy. Maybe add a temporary stake to keep her straight.

To many posts, and not enough likes my friend.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
You’re killin it!

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@InTheWoods wake up! There’s coffee to be drank :rofl:


Thanks brotha! :vulcan_salute: :sunglasses:

Mmmm coffee. I need to make some.