InTheWoods Journal

Goood morning OG’s :sunglasses:


Morning :coffee:

I went to bed stupid early so I’ve been up since like 4 :joy:


I was up watching UFC but didn’t make it to the main event. :joy:
I have coffee in my mug, it’s going to the be great day.

What happened with your clones?


They shriveled up. I should’ve done them in batches but I needed those behemoths gone from the veg tent. They’re currently in a bin waiting to get tossed outside.

I’m gonna do a bunch of seeds in place of them.

Good morning guys!

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Dang man sorry to hear that. Next time I hope you have better luck on the next time.

I need to get ready for taking cuts from all. Store them until later. I need to go over the storing cuts thread again.

If successful when it comes time to root them, I’ll select the best females out of all variety.
Hopefully I’ll be able to collect the Affie male pollen to have some play with.

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Yeah, I’ll just be smarter next time :nerd_face: I have rooted clones of those strains, so nothing was lost. I’ll have another go at it soon.

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Oh nice, its all good then.

You’re a mad lad like me for taking 24 more cuts :joy:

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I want to nail down this quart container thing, I have more drippers coming to get the rest set up. Both it and the recharge took a delay to Atlanta :joy:

Cloning/rooting in quart or full grow in quart containers?

The supplies wanted to stop for some peaches for you. They must have heard of your famous peach cobblers. :grin:

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It’ll be a full grow now, but yeah I was gonna flip those clones as soon as they rooted into the quart containers.

Well now they’d better not show up without em :rofl::rofl:

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Nice, looking forward to how they turn out. I like the idea of smaller containers after seeing someone scrog with many varieties like that. He may have used 1/2 gallon but still cool.

Those drippers will help cut back on the watering for the little containers. I’m struggling on keeping up with my veg tent. This is my first time with fab pots and they just evaporate so quickly when compared to plastic pots.

A little drip setup would be nice to have better consistency on my waterings. I enjoy watering them as I get to check on every plant as I do.

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Check out mars hydro, they have these real cheap new dripped setups, with Rez and all. Was just looking at them last night. I was contemplating trying some with an 8 site at that price.

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That’s Canadian funds too so it’s like 4.99$ US


I got about 3.50.


I still check on them, it’s just nice having one less bucket to drag across the house :rofl: I started to just run the water hose into the house through the window :joy::joy:

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That would be nice for a trail run. I’m cheap so I’ll just keep watering by hand. Next purchase will be another light to fill the 5x5. Take the 200w King LED and 1x 100w Philizon. Put it back in the 3x3.

Then get a 2x2x3 tent for some clones or isolation chamber for males.


Out of likes…


I got 5 on it


My thoughts exactly. I have some old floraflex stuff from an old drip system but it’s been sitting for many many years, and before I start buying pieces and rebuilding a pro one again I’d rather try it out on my current style . I was going to go octo pots but I just can’t afford 600$ right now. I need a new tent too! It never stops does it , always something to buy! Between beans/clones/equipment I could work a full time job just to pay for those “NECESSITIES “ smh

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