InTheWoods Journal

Another great option is a pump in a Rez with a hose/wand (all you need is a sump pump and adapters if necessary to attach to a garden hose and a shut off valve. Makes watering a cinch

Yea, I bet those flora flex systems could get you by until after you get a new tent. I’m not familiar with them. So much has changed and improved over the years.
To do your whole tent of Octo pots cost 600$? That wild.
That 600 could go towards that new tent. What size are you getting?

I found this out quickly since coming back. I thought I was good with one tent, one light and some nutes and beans. Nope :joy:

That option may be something I do in the future but would like to a big catch would cover the tent floor first. I don’t want to floor my tent from and create mold issues.

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Ya that’s for 8 of the big 6 gallons with shipping etc. my sentiments exactly! Tbh I’d be cool with anything 4x4, 3x3, 2x4 etc. just a separate area for small clones/seedlings etc I can put a 3-4 level shelf in and a 100w led. But I really want another 4x8 for moms/Veg etc. having 1/2 the space I had 2 years ago has been screwing with everything, and frustrating the f out of me as I just want to get comfortable again but I can’t be because I’m always struggling lately with space and not being able to run the numbers I prefer and have built my style on. I think 8 octopots in a 4x8 would be epic you could grow 8 5-6 ft monsters every round and truly asses my plants, clones, hunted cuts etc. it’s probably why I’m so anxious and never happy it gets me anxious just writing this . This week come hell or high water I’m figuring SOMETHING out or I’m throwing in the towel NO FUC&ing kidding !

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Damn that pricey. Sometimes the expensive gear actually has some truth to the saying " you get what you pay for". Try to cut a corner here then later down the road chell out more money when I couldve got the real mccoy.

1% a day is what I try to say to myself. I tend to do too much all at once which stresses me out and trying to go with the flow. Spreading out purchases over weeks instead of one or two week haha.

You’ll figure it out brotha. :muscle:

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Couple drying pictures.
Sugar Mints

Tahoe Animal

Banana Fruit Cake


Sundae Batter


Fathers stag was a great success :sunglasses:
Hope everyone had a great sunday!

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I’m broke so I’ll just keep watering by hand :joy:

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Good Morning OGs :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Morning fellas :coffee:


Morning @Thats_bank and @HomegrownVABudz

No coffee yet… What am I doing with my life :joy:


I had coffee already, and some cereal :laughing:

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Nice, I need to get some in me. Good ol Dunkin Donuts to save the morning. :sunglasses:


Red Bull and a bowl of bud before a doctors appt. for me. :sunglasses:


Good morning everyone! Glad your dads stag was a blast! Surprised you aren’t dragging ass this morning after that.


Breakfast of Champions


Morning fellas


Coffee in hand. Now I can start my day.

@darkillusion :muscle: Hope the doctors appt goes well.

@TopShelfTrees1 Thanks man, It was semi rough morning even though I kept the drink count low as possible but it was hard when everyone is having a great time. :joy:


Just was watering and really took a look at the Gorilla Cookie Punch.
They have the largest fan leaves in the tent.

I had to bust out the ruler. Nearly 2 inches wide on the single leaf.
Fattest single leaf width I’ve ever grown.


Nice I’m one that looks for broad leaf traits and I closely inspect serrations on every plant, even inspect individual leafs/leaflets. I was taught long ago to find my indicas this way and have tweaked it over the last 14/15 years to look for double serrations , extremely long slim tips on fat leaves, and any unique identifiers it’s crazy how your eye just learns to seek out things and anything out of the norm I instantly see now and document etc. the correlations between things become EXTREMELY apparent after doing this for many years, I’d love to go spend a day in a 1000 plant greenhouse just leaf looking :eyes:


@TopShelfTrees1 Good tips on finding indicas. Been hectic here so I haven’t been able to really get detailed as I want too. That would a epic day at a greenhouse looking for the most unique traits.

Gorilla Cookie Punch row. Previous post is the plant on the far right.
Very interesting seeing the differences in them. 2 tall, 2 short.