InTheWoods Journal

I gotchu covered in the meantime :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thanks brotha,
I hope so, B is a beauty. I wouldn’t mind getting some room back if A was a male. I keep checking but no signs yet, but we will find out shortly. :sunglasses:
I think C is either different pheno or mismanagement on my part. Its a circus every watering lol .


Good Morning OG :coffee: :sunglasses:

Just tried a small bowl of BFC.
Shockingly there is a taste with nearly zero curing. Semi sweet tasting with a zest.

I instantly felt in the eyes/head then like a wave, washes over the body into a nice body high while still remaining in the head. Very heavy eyes after a couple hits. I need more coffee now haha.

I think this plant had the most amber trichs before harvest. This is going to be some great night smoke.

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I’m sampling some of the new batch of Freya’s Gift,it’s just how I remember it :joy:

Nice but I can’t tell if your experience is good one or bad one. :joy:

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It’s good! :joy: It’s not a super potent strain, just good smoking weed :rofl:

Sounds like the better choice in the morning. I kind of put the brakes on my day with the BFC haha.
Neeed morree coffffeeee to give me back some pep in my step :joy:

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I’m sitting here drinking my first, it’s making me wanna go back to sleep lol

I probably should, I just took the odishas out of the tent to take a picture and fumbled all four on to the ground. All safe but DOH!

No casualties to report, not a single branch snapped. These are hardy plant :joy:

Odisha @Budderton

Day 36

I was going to up pot them before flip, but I will up pot after sex is shown. Some nubs showing but nothing definitive.
I will need to make a decision to either keep two if I get two females. All plants were only feed twice nutes. 1 tbsp of Grow big and 3 Tbsp of Big bloom (Liquid plant food) in one gallon mixes.
Tomorrow on day one of 11/13. I will go lower to 10.5/13.5 once in final pot and separated in the 3x3.

All plants have a cedar/pine slight aroma from stem rubs on all.

Slight purple streaks, Structure suffering due to being close to tent wall.

Dropped this one this before the picture, It’s a trooper. Most purple/burgundy stems and branches

Given the tight space in veg, this has the best structure. Second most purple/burgundy on stems and some branches. Upper branches mainly, lower branches still green.


The one with thick indica dom. leaves earlier on. Very little purple stems.
Structure suffered as well from being close to tent wall.

Thanks for stopping by, the fun is about to begin.
Hope everyone has a great day! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Those look great! Can see the candelabra style already forming, I had the OG bubba crazy outlier that had the craziest candelabra style with just nugs everywhere tip to stalk but quite small, still it was awesome! I should have kept those genetics around though for sure. I hope these turn out stellar and something real special lies in there :facepunch:t2:


D has some really large nodes. Watch them take off.

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@TopShelfTrees1 I’m not sure what you mean by candelabra style. I will look it up. haha
Fingers crossed for two females, most of the plants in the tent are very close to telling which sex they are.

I’m looking forward to getting some space back in there but hopefully not too much space :joy:

Yea I think it may be due a fan blowing nearly on the plant until I noticed it two days ago, whoops. Would be nice if D turned out to be female.

I hope all is well on your end. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Oh yeah just the heatwave cooked one of my beldias but it seems to not be totally done yet. Some are more drought resistant than others apparently. I was told people dry farm them but of course it is pheno dependent.


Those odisha sure are cool lookin ITW! Cool to see the relaxed branch angles, where they grow out, instead of up. Classic “sativa” structure. Definitely see some hybrid looking structure in the D. I hope they all turn out to be female for you. If you can pull off the cross with the Affie, you’ll be my hero! Awesome project man!!


Definitely loving the variety, nice work @InTheWoods


Good Morning OG :coffee:

Those two beldias are really soaking it up. I don’t know what temps you’re dealing with, but it seems like a widespread problem this summer. Fingers crossed you get some reprieve from the sweltering heat and the one that got a little crispy, bounces back for you. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Dry farming is very interesting, Wild to see how little some plants can survive on but like you said depending on a certain phenotype or an acclimated plant to that environment.

If I understand it right, plant that goes to seeds in that soil, those seeds will have better chance of survival/genetic improvement in that environment as it knows what’s available in the soil. Take this last part with a grain of salt as I’m not 100% sure. Most likely bro science :joy:

Thanks brotha! The structure on them is very cool, Branches just hanging out.

They are my first real Sativa’s I’ve grown, and I really like the look of them. I wonder what these classic sativas could be if worked for years like people have with indicas over the past couple decades.

Do you think they could eventually match the higher thc content? or
Do you find people prefer to hunt these sativas for the other cannabinoids like THCA, THCG,THCV,CBD,CBN and others not mentioned?

I know that some people are not fans of the race to the high levels of thc content or not a fan of the anxiety from some sativas but just curious on your take.

I’m looking for 2 females because I think that’s all I could handle in the 3x3. I hope I can pull this off for my first seed project. If successful, expect a nice bag of beans heading your way. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Thanks for the kind words,
It’s a fun one this round. They all are shining even with the few troublemakers.
Hope you have a great day! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning brotha

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The equatorials are more about the secondary and minor cannabinoids. That’s what makes them magical. A “Sativa” with mid teens THC can get you so messed up that it leaves you in the fetal position for hrs. Not all sativas are like that. I like the motivational , happy just to be here buzz. Get up and boogie Herb.That’s why tropicals are selected on effects above all else.( or should be at least) and if we just focused purely on raising the thc, we’d wreck it, I think.