InTheWoods Journal

Oh man! They got 3 roosters? Damn ! Hey what’s a chicken/rooster cost? Do you get attached, like a dog/cat?


My aunt had a family make her inground pool collapse! When they took it out to rebuild it was absolutely insane! They had an entire village they clearly shared with bunnies too it went through like 1/4 acre of land! It was an absolutely huge job! I never imagined they could be so destructive

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:exploding_head: Thats unimaginable. Yea we dont want that to happen with the house.

We have 3 roosters, We got them when they were chicks and didn’t know what they would turn out to be, 3 out 10 chicks turned out to be roosters. It was only 3$ for the chicks. so 30$ for all. I have already recouped the cost of them already by selling the original flock eggs. Not in it for profit just a side gig thing for me and my neighbors and friends. Tax write off too at the end of the year.

Not anymore. At first I did but then after lossing like 10 birds to raccoons,foxes,hawks, lynx, owls, bobcats and coyote’s. I don’t anymore. I just give them the best life.
In reality they are livestock and have a job to do while on the farm. They will be eaten eventually when they’re egg production slows down.


Holy crap you have a veritable zoo in the woods there huh? Lynx and bobcat! Nice! A trappers dream lol! 3$ really? I would have imagined WAY more! I get the job part it would be hard otherwise cycling through I suppose. Thinking about it it would be a weird thing to get used to but we can get used to anything essentially

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Haha my name says it all.
Also have fisher cats but fortunate not to see them. My neighbor has a camera in his backyard and told me about the fisher cats he has seen.

On multiple occasions he had a bear walk thru his yard and into my yard. Thankfully It didn’t try my coup. If it did, there is nothing you can do at that point.

It’s different mindset that took time to get used too but it always sucks when it comes time to cull them.


Ya no stopping a bear unless you see it approaching! Hell walk through the fence like a sheet of paper lol! See I’d love to see all that large wildlife, I love that stuff. I have trained a fox at my most prominent local spot to take food from my hand (no joke) he literally will take a piece of ham right out of my hand, head back gobble it up and then put his head down but look up at me from the ground for more, it’s awesome! And he knows when I’m there as others will go, not see him all morning, I show up and he scampers out of his cave…. It’s an amazing experience, humbling. I even feed my local coyotes sometimes. They live out back so I’ve taken a whole chicken and tossed it 3 times now especially in the winter when they look starving idk I just love all animals


Spread the word, Spread the love.


I keep my dogs fairly close to the chicken coop. They tend to keep the smaller predators away. I have yet to get a cougar in my yard(that I know of). That reminds me, I oughta set up my new game cam this weekend.

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Having a dog will help tremendously against 98% of all predators. The other 2 % being Bears and cougars, big bobcats or anything large haha.

A new game cam? Noice! I always wanted to get one to see whats around the coup at night or in around the perimeter of the yard.

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Tahoe Animal
Almost three weeks cure.


Lazy Lightning is kicking ass and if the farthest along in the tent. :sunglasses:
This whole plant is getting pollenated.

Looks hungry to me or its the lightning playing tricks on me. What’s your thoughts?


Odishas finally got up potted. :joy: :sunglasses:

Different angle of D as it blended in the first pic. The plant had the indica dom looking leaves when it was a seedling. Thin leaves now that its older but stout and less lateral growing branches, more upwards growing. Tight nodes too.

Still no sex shown on B,C,D.
Royal Procession C still nothing definitive yet.

Defoliated on some plants, Its nice to have some room back :grin:
Time to enjoy some coffee. :coffee:


All of that before coffee? You feeling okay? :rofl::rofl:

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Shockingly I had only a few sips. Blasphemy i know. :rofl:
Let out the chickens and then started in the tent.
Now that I’m done, I’m chugging my luke warm delicious coffee. :joy:

How’s your morning going?

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Pretty good, made an early trip to Walmart before the heat/crowd comes in :rofl:

Just gave some of the ladies some water and lovin. Still have 6 more to water :sweat_drops:

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Nice, I love getting stuff down early before the madness. How many plants do you have?
It’s really nice not having the tent packed like I did in veg. It was very tedious when it came to watering. Would make like 13 one gallon mixes lol

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That Tahoe Animal should be like a rocket ship into space


I have 13 in flower, and 16 vegging in quarts/solo cups :rofl:

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Might be a touch light but I wouldn’t worry one bit, I find they really vary, you see the ones with lighter foliage, darker etc. looks good to me.