InTheWoods Journal

Temple of OG wisdom. :sunglasses:

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Thank you :pray::rofl:

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Original Peak Enlightenment is a good one.

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Enlightened OG sounds dope.

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For the F1 hybrids

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It lacks the creativity for a good name. it seems to just be reorganizing the variables.

Have you tried the wutang clan name generator?

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I have not but I will play around with it, Thanks!
I bet if I added some creative inputs it could pump out better ones.

Damn! Thanks brotha, had to screenshot that bitch!

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No problem, you should create an account. Its pretty interesting what you can do with it.

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What’s it called?

ChatGPT : Introducing ChatGPT (

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Thanks brotha :facepunch:t2:

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This one is good.

More options @CocoaCoir
bog 3 bog 4

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Years ago, I used Super thrive to clone a plant and was successful with it. I bought some yesterday for 10 bucks which I thought was a good deal since I need it to revive the affie male in a couple weeks.

Whats your thoughts on Super thrive?
Have you used it in the past or present?

When do you use it in your gardens? Transplanting,Veg, or Flower?

Does it still hold up to be a great rooting solution?

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I have not used it personally. Honestly since finding hormex #8 I’d be hard pressed to find anything better. But I still swear by clonex and clonex gel or the Wilson roots gel/powders. The hormex iba numbers are off the charts! Just recently found it but man it’s killer stuff, pricey but killer! Plus powders last forever too


I will probably get some clonex as well and experiment side by side.
Whats your preferred method to clone? Dip and into a medium?

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I scrape up the sides too, sometimes even cut off the outer perimeter if woody at all, then powder lightly and then gel and into a loaded rockwool plug, but I really like the rapid rooters and just hormex #8 too. The other way I’ve done for well over ten years with actually astounding success

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