InTheWoods Journal

Rapid rooters in a tray or cloner?
my questions may sound dense but just want to get a good plan together for when the time comes. :grin:

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Plain old tray. I use the grodan inserts but really any will work that fit and let your dome close snugly, I also keep the vents etc. closed for first 7-8 days then I open 1/4-1/2-3/4-full and then I add push pins to the corners of trays to lift the dome a1/2 inch off the base and create a full airflow albeit small it allows full air exchange (pretty sure it’s the first time I’ve disclosed that part to anyone ) and after a few days of that top off (as long as there are significant roots and your already well on your way to hardening off. Once you get all this down and have great success I’ll teach you about callous tech. But I’d focus on killing it with clones first. Oh I forgot a heat mat underneath and I also keep the bottom tray with at least a 1/2 inch of water at all times. But in that water be SURE to add 2 drops of bleach per gallon (very important)


Nah bro, I fully understand, I had a mentor etc. but god I wish I had used this resource and had someone like me and so many others on here willing to offer advice in real time. I enjoy helping and watching others succeed , especially my homies!


Thanks brotha, I really appreciate it!

Got to make a small list and get those supplies ordered. :mechanical_arm:

Out of likes… At least I almost made it 3 o clock :joy:

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Always :facepunch:t2: my pleasure

I might start a new thread since I’m finished with the first run. :thought_balloon:

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You don’t wanna go for part two? :rofl:

Haha eh fook it, It would be a pain in the ass to go thru this thread to carry over. Ill just keep using this one until the seeds are ready.

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Yeah big number is kinda intimidating :sweat_smile:

You talking the Lightning?? Haha


It’s just kind of over the place in here. Landraces, Pollen and a smoke run oh my! :joy:

lol I was asking for new names as Blue lightning was taken already.

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Good Morning OG :sunglasses: :coffee:

Royal procession C was a male and is chopped.

A new problem has started on Affie A
Not sure what’s going on with it. Its spreading on this one plant. Open to suggestions on what it is and ways to get her happy again.


SuckS about the royal procession. Had an idea while we were naming strains, cross the lazy lightning, and the Royal procession. You’d get Lightning McQueen! SPEED! :rofl::rofl:

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Haha I have one RP Female and it was the nicest one in the bunch. The names are for the LL x Bog Blue Kush pollen cross.

I just signed up for Useful Chocolate diesel Pollen and will pollenate some branches of a couple plants too.

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Whats females are left in the the tent?

Affie A & D
Lazy Lightning A & C
Royal procession B
Odisha C

2 Purple Crunch
Purple Cake
The Sweets

Still to be determined: Odisha B,C,D

I added cal mag to my feed the last two waterings and I think I overloaded the Affie A with cal mag which is giving me these weird leaves. I will flush a little then continue to only water Tiger bloom and LPF.


Good Morning OG :sunglasses: :coffee:


Two days ago, I thought I got all the cucumbers that were ready to be picked out of the garden.
Looks like I didn’t look hard enough. :joy:

Here is this morning’s haul.


Good morning brotha Nice! I just stole a few from my buddies place yesterday (we love cucs) they are HUGE! Like almost 3ft no joke! Already devoured one too!


haha I doubt he’ll notice like myself. I need to get into canning so I can make some pickles and use some of the peppers to make some hot n spicey ones.

Nothing like an ice cold cucumber salad on a hot summer day. I’ll probably have 3 with my lunch lol