InTheWoods Journal

Nice! Maybe I will too!

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Those are some good looking cucumbers!

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Thanks, I haven’t given the love the outdoor garden it deserves but it’s still rewarding me.


Making pickles is easy bro! I make all kinds. Dill, garlic, peppers, and super spicey.
It’s just as easy to pickle the peppers, green beans, and carrots also. Mmm, spicey pickled carrots are so good! :drooling_face:


Good Morning :sunglasses: :coffee:
I always say i will do it, but I haven’t yet. Procrastination at its finest.


All the plants are chuggin along.
I’m still waiting on those Odishas :hourglass_flowing_sand:
A - I’m not 100% confident it is a female. I think I jumped the gun on that call. Still watching it.
B - Nothing definitive yet
C - Looks like a male.
D - No signs yet.

In a couple days I’ll take a picture for a nice update. Hope everyone has a great day! :sunglasses:


It’s extremely less complicated than canning salsa or jam.

Morning bud. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ll have to saddle up and give it go. :cowboy_hat_face:
I love spicy food and grow peppers in the garden every year. Nothing that will blow your face out type of heat haha. Habaneros are as high on the scoville meter I go. They have great flavor even with that kick. Smoked habaneros on tacos are so good with a bunch of raw onion, cilantro if you like that taste.


Just in case I stumble on something killer later on in flower. I took 4 GCP cuts, 4 Royal Procession cuts, and 2 Lazy Lightning cuts from Plant C the later female to show since I didn’t have cuts yet of that one and will also get pollenated.

Here is what I have stored now GCP only female, Both LL Females, 1 La Affie Male, Royal Procession only female.


Good Morning brotha @InTheWoods hope you are having an awesome day :facepunch:t2:

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Likewise brotha! :sunglasses: Just taking it easy today. Smoking some of the BFC smaller nugs until I go to the event later this week. I need to keep my hands off it haha…

…out of likes already :grin:

I’m the same, used to love extra spicey but it kills me now, imho the flavour that even just some banana peppers or a jalapeño or two can add to almost anything is truly amazing! I’ve recently discovered roasted, jarred hot peppers and red peppers etc. OMG I might be obsessed! So good, I really need to learn how to make and store that kind of stuff, even in my shitty little gardens I can grow a bunch of peppers and stuff, I just filled it with a whole bunch of real good “lightly used” coco and buried in lots of leaf material and random stuff, I think next year (if I’m staying here for sure) I’m going to fully amend it etc. and plant a nice little veggie garden, move the hostas and shit out back and use it properly. I miss fresh veggies, especially after the cucumber heist I plotted and pulled off the other day! :cucumber:


Yea same I learned the limit the hard way. I keep testing the waters though. Im addicted to Mango habanero sauce. That stuff is incredibly good on chicken or great for pulled pork.

Youve been missing out brother, those are clutch when your making some sandwiches at home or cooking.

Deer love hostas so I would definitely move them. Even a couple plants can produce a bunch then going crazy with massive plot.

Nothing like fresh veggies from the garden, they taste so much better. I’d say do it brotha!


I gotta try this mango habanero now! Nice


Yea man its great, dont sleep on it :sunglasses:


Yes, you do!


I don’t do much spice, but I’m always down for the burn if it’s mango habanero :hot_face::fire:


Ok, taking the pickle plunge, so to speak, is a little daunting with the whole canning thing, etc…

Start small, with some quick refridgerator pickle, easy to shmoogle, easy to make, and you will chow them down. then you will want some to keep thru the winter, thats when the canning party goes down…

Personally, I’m on a pickle break, as i effed up my winter stash, so I will just be collecting seeds this year. Lots of seeds, that i plan to share here;)


I’ve staring testing the pH of my stuff that gets canned. I’ve read that if its acidic enough, you’re good to go. And that anything at 4.6 or below cannot grow bacteria. I’ve had salsa and pickled peppers, carrots, onions, cucumber, and green beans in my cellar since last September. All still have been great. I actually just opened my last jar of salsa yesterday. :slightly_smiling_face:


Good Morning OG :coffee: :sunglasses:
End of week 2 of flowering. All plants but the Odisha has small flowers starting. Watered them all this morning. I think the stretch is over but not 100%. On Friday I’ll do a big post with a bunch of pictures.

Thanks @Cartwright and @blowdout2269 for the tips, I’ll have to give a small batch a try and see how they do. :sunglasses: