InTheWoods Journal

Good Morning OG :coffee:
Supermoon last night still hanging around before sunrise.
A beautiful morning with the temp only at 53 at the moment.


Morning brother! I’m up making coffee :coffee: now :grin:

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Good morning brotha, Nice! :sunglasses: :coffee:
I probably should make a pot since the XL I went out and bought is nearly empty.

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The moonrise’s have been sick for sure. And a blue moon to boot at the end of the month💙

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I didn’t realize we had a blue moon on the way. Very cool! I think we just had back to back supermoons.

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Ya lots of water moving around, hopefully it gets some fish active🤞

Quick update before work

Odisha C is male, finally reared its head, I mean balls :joy: Culled

Lazy Lightning A

Lazy Lightning C

Royal Procession B @darkillusion


Affie #9 A @Budderton


Odisha row


Lazy Lightning A leaves are very defined.
It is the tallest plant in the tent, but I believe the stretch is just about over if not already. It has 3x roughly since flip. Double the stretch when compared to Lazy Lightning C. Either is leaning more 88g13hp, with slow veg and short plant structure or possibly due to stress in veg. I have a great feeling about both. :sunglasses:

They will get their first dusting of BOG Blue Kush pollen in 5 days at Day 21 of flowering. All branches will be pollenated for the greatest number of seeds. Very glad to have two phenos to work with.

I have some Useful Chocolate Deisel F3 pollen on the way from @AzSeaindooin420. Super grateful for it!

Here are ladies in the tent that can receive the goods on a branch or two:
1x GCP
2x Affie #9
1x Royal Procession :ballot_box_with_check:
1 Purple Cake - greenpoint fem
2 Purple crunch - greenpoint fem
1 The Sweets - greenpoint fem.

Which would you choose?


Chocolate diesel x royal possession for the win!

The sour diesel kushyness crossed with the diesel chocolate goodness would be a nice match :+1::fire::grin:


Great choice, I like this idea!
I have cuts stored of this female RP and could do more than a couple branches. :grin:


Good Morning OG :coffee: :sunglasses:

I have been smoking some Tahoe Animal the last harvest. Very heavy smoke :vulcan_salute:
Eyes feel like they had weights on my eyelids. The body high is extremely relaxing.
I just need to remind myself not to reach for it until later in the day or I’ll have to counter act it with a full pot of coffee. :grin:


Here are a couple of the Tahoe Animal colas and smaller buds. 25 days cured. Looking forward to it at 2 months cured.


Morning man! :coffee: Didn’t mean to ignore you yesterday, just was in a bit of a mood. Everything is gravy now though :muscle:


Morning brotha :coffee:
Dont worry about it man, I would be heated myself with all your seedling casualties.
Have you tried starting in soil?


Nah. I used to do the paper towel thing. Then I switched to soaking then planting. I could probably try it and see if anything changes.

Its very odd because your flowering plants look great and veg tent aways are looking great rockin n rollin along.
I also do the paper towel until 1/4inch tail then into solo cup of FF OF. (FF OF 50/50 compost)
I meant after you get them germinated. I’m not sure if you grow them out in different medium.

I wonder if you could get them going up to the 2nd leaf set in a solo cup with soil before up potting.

Would that make it hard to up pot them to a different medium later on?

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I usually start them in straight coco in the seed tray until I see roots out the bottom. Then I’ll either put them in solos or quart containers. They’ll probably default into the quart containers though.

They ride in those until I have the space/pots for them to transition into.

My sea biscuitz have been in quart containers their whole life, since the seed tray at least.

My finishing medium is a blend of Ocean forest and coco. I have a special mix I like to make.

It’s hard for me to offer any inputs as I have zero experience with coco.
I think you just to work out a kink or two and youll be fully dialed in and not lose anymore younglings.

Have you tried to start in the OF/Coco finish medium? Also do you use a dome when you start in the seed trays?

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No to starting on the finished medium. I usually don’t have extra ocean forest leftovers, so I’d have to open a bag for like a handful, which I definitely could do but kinda don’t wanna lol.

The burpee trays don’t have a dome, but I just got a tray with a dome that I’m using for some seeds now. If that helps, I’ll use just that from now on.

I’m wondering if buying some happy frog and starting in that would change anything.