InTheWoods Journal

I hear yea just throwing options at the wall until something sticks :grin:

Do you reuse your soil?
I will start next run because it got expensive quickly with this run. 4 Bag of FF OF really made me cringe at the cost. I will start going forward. I will pre sift the chicken run for compost and store inside until needed. Since in the wintertime all the microbes go dormant.

I haven’t tried Happy Frog yet but I will eventually give it a go. If you do, ill be lurking on the results.

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Yes and no. I either add it to the outside garden, or pile it up on the compost pile. I don’t reuse it indoor.

What’s your price on the ocean forest in your area? It’s like $18 for the big bag where I get it.

I used happy frog a little when I first started growing, but have no memory of how it went, so it might be worth a revisit.

I’m on my third cup of coffee. Send help :upside_down_face::rofl:

My plan to reuse my soil is to cut it 50/50 but then add some pearlite in there too to give the roots some breathable space.

33$ for the 1.5 cu ft bag. It’s terrible. A couple days after getting all 4 bags of FF OF, I was at Home Depot and saw they sold the red bag of pro mix for 20$/1.5cuft. I may try that next time as a cost reduction if I run into problems reusing the soil. I shouldn’t because chicken manure is the ultimate fertilizer.

Atta boy! :grin:

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The midnight snacks I’m running got the promix organic. The black and yellow bundle. I think they’re doing pretty good. Just not a fan of how hydrophobic it can get. I mixed a little coco in to help with that.

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Nice! I dont have any experience in the pro mix but hear it is a great alternative to FF. Thanks for pointing out that Pro mix soils are prone to becoming hydrophobic. I dont want that to happen.

These 3g fabric pots I have the plants in are a pain the ass haha. Watering like every other day.

I do have a ton of air movement in the tent so that will add to the evaporation rate. I have to keep up on it because they could become hydrophobic quickly if I don’t pay attention.


I think they sit outside and bake for so long it just refuses water. I think once you saturate it, it shouldn’t have any issues.

You got a dollar tree nearby? Go see if they have any coco lmao

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Peat mixes get hydrophobic when they dry out. Sometimes I use Pro-Mix when I’m lazy or based on seasonal availability. Current run is using Pro-Mix and have 30-36" plants in 1 GAL pots that look OK but not perfect. I’d always go with Pro-Mix over Cannabis marketed products like Fox Farm personally.


Yeah I might start using the promix a little more. It’s cheaper, and I don’t have to drive an hour to get it lol


Mixing and watering be right back after these short messages :joy:

Thanks for the info on the Peat mixes. I think I have dried back one or two plants with thise fabric pots. Learning curve but nothing showing signs of stress.

Yea have a dollar tree nearby I could swing by and see what they have. Probably would get the best deal towards the end of the growing season.

That drive alone would make me switch lol


I usually go when I’m already in that area. My mom has most of her Dr appointments in that area. I try to never make a special trip.


How long do you typically veg for?

Those Triple Sunshine A recent photos really have me excited to get them going.
When the tent opens would you like me to run all three?


Two birds with one stone is the way to get it done. Gas aint getting cheaper :mechanical_arm:


Those Triple Sunshine As were rooted in rapid rooters - transplanted into the 1GAL pot and flipped. Everything else was the same but don’t have the same level of vigor as A.

Whatever you feel like, I don’t even remember what I sent haha. I’m not the biggest fan of the smell on A dried (doesn’t smell bad, I just like the smell of C more). I’m currently shucking seeds from the rest of A and it’s pretty sticky despite being fully seeded.

I’m only on my 2nd run of it so I can’t speak definitively. Seems like a quality plant so far though. I don’t like the ssdd bubbashine mother really when considering everyday use. Too dreamy for me.


Thanks, I was thinking about smaller pot runs for the future test runs of the Lazy Lightning x Bog Blue Kush. I was thinking about doing Solo cup, Qt pot, 1 gallon ( finish).

Haha all good it was the Trip Sun A, SSDD BBS F1, SSDD F2.

I have yet to come across any SSDD on by me. Maybe once but it wasn’t a great representation of it.
I look forward to trying it out and how it is.

I’ll have to reread the scent/smell notes in your journal on both and compare it when I get them going.
Ill most likely do all three if not 2 then other the following round.

Do you run them to 10-20% amber or like to pull them earlier? I do like my dreamy smoke. :cloud_with_lightning:

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It will all come down to if the SSDD male was any good or not. Could possibly be amazing or horrible. I like Triple Sunshine A the most out of those 3. If looking for bubbashine phenos obviously the BBS F2s will be the place to look.

There are multiple smells that I feel are common in SSDD. I really like this coffee rubber shoe factory smell that I got in my first SSDD. Bodhi’s SSDD male often passes that smell on as well. Triple Sun A does smell really good and rubbery but it’s not the rubbery /buttery coffee smell. C isn’t it either actually. I’ve never had TK so I have no idea if these smell like TK.

A dried smell is growing on me as I keep shucking and I think if dried / cured better as well as seedless it will be much more impressive. It almost has a rubbery shaving cream / cologne / spice smell to it. (OG?).

Bubbashine smells like hot buttered blueberry muffins / slight coffee / hashy/kush. I take it anywhere between day 70-75 with a slight amount of amber I believe. I’ve tried earlier and it smells a little different but the high feels more like immature bud to me.

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Did you keep a different male just in case the male does turn out to be lackluster?
Curious how long do you typically explore before starting in a different direction?

Very hard to quantify the rubbery smell since I haven’t come across something like that. Typically, the sweet, spicy, sour, gas, diesel profiles and also piney/cider on the landraces. I’m terrible at descriptions lol.

These new scents are much different than what I’m used to when thinking of OG. Mainly slight gas/earthy/hash was the flavor/scent profile back when I would get it. It could be that I didn’t come across that a real bubba kush.

I like this description. Even if it only has the slight coffee, hash, kush.

I wonder what would come out if BOG BMR or Blue Kush pollen was introduced on the SSDD BBS.
It could bring out the blue side more. Even with the Blue moonshine from DJ short.

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It was a 1 time pollination and the male was killed off when I saw a few pistils.

I’ve had this SSDD F1 cut for a few years. It’s a less common phenotype of the SSDD line so I always wanted to find some way to preserve it to an extent given that SSDD is a dead line. I have(had?) SSDD F2s made with the coffee smelling mother that I was going to pull a male out of to pollinate it but stumbled upon another pack of SSDD F1s directly from SHOE.

I germinated 4 and this was the only male. The plan was to just pollen chuck as many males as I can at it before getting tired of doing it so that I can retire it. The females that I just went through I wasn’t thrilled with so I’m less excited to germinate more. Was considering over the winter germinating some Triple Sunshines instead to make TripSun-A F2s as well as dust the SSDD mom but not 100% on that yet.


I’m not a breeder so I don’t know but it sounds like a good idea to dust some SSDD genetics with blue line stuff, whether bog, dj or whatever. Especially bubbashine leaning phenos.

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Were you going to find a male in the SSDD F2 and then put it back on the SSDD F1 cut? If you’re interested in those males still, I have your F2s and would be willing to send you cuts of all the males if you’re still interested in that original path.

Do you have any more SSDD F1 seeds from SHOE to explore for a different male.

Same haha.
This would be a fun badge for OG to add for fellow explorers.

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