InTheWoods Journal

Good morning @InTheWoods and fam


Good evening @TopShelfTrees1 and OGs! :vulcan_salute:

I’m glad to be out of work and now time to get some food in me before I turn into the hulk.

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Good night fellas! :rofl:

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Good morning OG :coffee: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:
It’s nice and stormy for a change.

Old fashion donuts are so good.


Morning fellas :coffee:


Yesterday I joined the dark side… I got a carbon filter :joy:
After I finish my coffee I’ll mix some nutes for the ladies and take some photos.


I saw on IG that ac Infinity has refillable filters now, I might save up to try one lol

I’m about to make coffee myself :coffee:


Nice, I paid 40$ so at least I got to keep my limbs. I don’t know the cost difference in the refillable ones, but I wouldn’t want to make a mess and have to pack it.

I hope that coffee hits the spot.

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It’d have to be cheaper to refill than to buy another one, otherwise what’s the point :rofl:

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I just grabbed an ac infinity to try out, price point is much cheaper than the others I’ve used! Like 1/2 price ! If it performs anywhere near what my others do , and length wise I’m sold. It’s definitely well made. I was talking with the owners of indoor farmer two days ago about the refillable one as he was waiting on a few to come in to try, But I figured it’s gonna be at least 50% more than a new filter so I just said screw it, got the old one, and by the time it runs out they’ll have the refillable ones. I’ll definitely try it out. There’s another company that does this too I was liking at last year. It’s a Canadian company too. But I really want to get two more ac infinity exhaust fans and eventually a tent or two from them as well. They really do make great products, and are American made also I’m in .


And good morning!

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Good morning, my condolences brother.

Nice, I had to get some odor control, I love the smell, but it started to get out of hand :joy:
Installed it this morning, its already doing work. :mechanical_arm:

I agree. My friend likes the big oscillating clip fan they sell. I didn’t look at their tents but, in the future, I will need a better 5x5 tent. If it doesn’t break the bank (year or two out)

Murica :joy:

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Day 30

Odisha - @Budderton
Up potting might have to happen sooner than I’d like for both.

Wicked thin leaves

I told you she is climbing the walls. :grin:

It’s promising that the final one is a female.
Shes hungry and fed her some food today. (LPF and Tiger bloom)

Massive leaf

Affie - Budderton

Gorilla Cookie Punch

Lazy Lightning



Royal Procession - @darkillusion

Pollinated branches with Useful Chocolate Deisel.


That Odisha looks wild! I’m super interested to watch that plant flower and finish up. You flowering that plant out or taking a cut and running that from 12/12 right out of the gate?


I foresee some plant bondage in your future!:sweat_smile:
And the Affies are starting to chunk up nicely for you, right on! Everything is looking happy, just have to sit back and wait now!

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Its very cool to see the progression since all I’ve ever grown is indica dom. hybrids. I’m in for the long haul, currently flowering it out on 11/13 lighting, I have to revive an Affie male pollenate both to make F1 hybrid seeds. I will scale the lighting back to 10.5/13.5 after 10 weeks.


Ohhhh, sweet! Very fun. Stoked to watch it.

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Haha I will throw the restraints on her if she gives me any more lip :rofl:

Yea I’m shocked how a week can make a world of difference. I forgot to ask, How long do the Affies go for in flowering? I typically go to 11 weeks on all my plants.


Some phenos are faster then others but they ranged from 8.5-10 wks, done like dinner.

I know right. I up potted all my equatorials last week and now they’re all stretching for the moon! I’m a little scared.:sweat_smile:


How many weeks into flowering do they typically stretch for? I wonder if I could get away with keeping them in the 1 gallon until it stops (if it stops) then up pot them to the 3 gallons.