InTheWoods Journal

Super awesome bro! Useful would be proud and glad to see community beans being made with community genetics! Keep up the great work bro!


Thank brotha, I’m stoked to have the opportunity.
I look forward to sharing them!

Hope you have a great weekend! :vulcan_salute:


Yay, got some buns in the oven right there! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I want too pop more beans… Must resist the urge. :joy:
Hope everyone is having a great day! :vulcan_salute:


Today I ordered the final piece of this puzzle, which is a 200w light. It will be here this week and finally get to revive the male cuttings. It’s all coming together for the F1 Hybrid project. :mechanical_arm:

Then I get this in the mail today, Its a sign.

DenverDoggy seeds really hooked it up for my small order of Ranger OG ,Thai Peno Big up F3 and Danny boys poison. Colin insisted I picked another pack from his line up. I choose the Cherry Creek OG. When I opened the package, he also threw in the Super Juicy Peach on top of everything.

Big shoutout to Colin!
I’m stoked for next year!


Day 41 on 11/13 Lighting. Tomorrow is the end of Week 6. I’ve overdid it with the nutes this round as you can see the nute burn on most. Dialed it back to half strength from 3/4th. Only feeding FF Tiger Bloom, FF Liquid plant food. I have FF Cal mag if needed.

I didn’t label but enjoy the show. :sunglasses:


Tent is looking on point @InTheWoods ! Looks like they’ll cruise to the finish, no problem. Well, except for that Odisha Valley. That one looks like its gonna go for a bit.


Thanks brotha, Taking it one week at a time with those Odisha Valleys. :sunglasses:

Hope you have a great week!

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Remember when I said the urge to pop more beans was strong…

I figure six each was a good number to get a good look for testers. :face_with_monocle:
I used to germ in the DVD cases, so I figured why not bring them back. Only found 2.
The plate works great too.

The plan is to grow them in smaller containers and look to veg for a month or so.
Up pot the lades into 2 gallons when sex is determined.

(Sour Bubble x Lemon Alien) x Ghost Train Haze

Ghost Train Haze has been elusive ever since I heard about it years ago and when I saw this opportunity, I couldn’t resist.

Hopeful to get one GTH leaner for a little glimpse.

Sugar Belts x (Pablo’s revenge x Black Velvet)

I’ve had Pablo’s Revenge earlier this year and loved it. I can only imagine what this will be like.


In a for a treat with this one. I think I had Dogwalker OG out in California over a decade ago but not 100%. Love a good surprise.

Thanks @stanknugzz77 and @Ottafish for the opportunity! .:vulcan_salute: :sunglasses:


Good morning OG :coffee: :sunglasses:

Back to the rat race.


Much appreciated on the support brother! Just from what I and others have already found in Dogwalker OG x (Black Triangle F2) Hel, I am stoked to see what you pull out of Dogwalker OG x Dog Patch Odin!

I feel like the Chem 4 in the Dogwalker OG brings a lot of old school smells/flavors to the hybrids. A ton of females that I found in Hel just gave me nostalgia from before weed really had too many names. I bang my keeper Hel female pretty hard in my flower rooms.

I will be looking through a nice population of Odin in my garden sooner than later. Feel free to post any updates in the tester thread as well, if you wish. I appreciate you! Positive vibes…



The male cuts were stored on July 24th, So a little over 5 weeks in the refrigerator.

After opening the container and looking at the cuts. I lost about 6 branches to mold. I separated the whole male into 3 sandwich bags with 3-4 cuts in each. That saved the F1 project as If I just took a couple branches, I would have lost them. Love the power of numbers. :grin:

All others were fine as they were taken later on, So about 3-4 weeks of storing on the RP,GCP and LL.
I need clean out a small bottle to mist them the cuttings.

I did 2 drops of Superthive in 2 cups of water, soaked the rooters in that water, dipped each cutting in Clonex rooting, placed the cutting into the rooter. I think I did it right… Its been over a decade since I’ve cloned and I was only successful on one lol.
Heating pad is on, Vents closed.

If you see my making a mistake, Let me know.

Three shown here but four without any mold and ready to get revived.

From front to back, Lazy Lighting A, Gorilla Cookie Punch, Royal Procession, Affie Males

Affie Male @Budderton Its coming together. Time to hurry and wait :grin:

3x3 back in business :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Little square pots labeled and ready to get those seedlings. Nothing to report on from them yet but probably will get some action tomorrow.


Right on @InTheWoods , things are happening!! I store fresh snips with no paper towel or other source of moisture. I found that excess moisture brings mold. The older, woodier branches store the best I find.
Make sure to open the dome and air them out, a couple few times a day. It keeps things from getting funky . Best of luck with them!!


Good morning :coffee:

Very cool if thats true. I’d love to get a chemy/earthy lady. It’s one of those nostalgic profiles from my high school days. I will enjoy them all.

So many names now, it’s hard to keep up. :grin:

Is there a profile you’re looking for in them?

Ill post in your tester thread once they get going. :sunglasses:


That makes more sense. Next time I store cuts I will do it without the paper towel. Thanks for the insights.

Will do, I’d hate to fumble on the goal line. :grin:

Hope you have a great weekend! :vulcan_salute:

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Thanks for jogging my memory got a bunch of snips hanging out in the fridge that I’d totally forgot I’d taken.
Hopefully there not moldy .


Happy friday! :sunglasses:
Nothing to report and them Kaaaaaablam!

5 out of 6 @stanknugzz77

Sugar Belts x (PR x BV)
6 out of 6 @Ottafish

(SB x LA) x Ghost Train Haze
5 out of 6

All planted and in the 3x3. Time to enjoy this Victoria cerverza. Cheers OG!


Awesome brother! This is super exciting seeing everyone’s grows!

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I have a couple angry Affie male cuts. One looks great. I’d like to have 2 male cuts root a min for the open pollination.

GCP, RP cuts are doing great.
LL are quite small cuts, One folded over but still green. Second LL cut is truckin along.

The more I learn, the less I know…


There is Chem 4, Chem D and Chem '91 in that hybrid, so there should hopefully be some Chem ladies in there haha. I would be incredibly surprised, if not.

Don’t get me started on the name game haha. Unless the names are easy to come up with, I hate naming hybrids. That is why you will see some 3 year old hybrids from me still just referred to as Tropicanna Cookies x Herijuana haha.

In all honesty, I am just trying to see what the Dog Patch male consistently brings to hybrids, while simultaneously trying to see if the F1s are nice hybrids to market.

I look forward to it!

I am happy to see that! If you haven’t already kicked the 6th seed to the curb, try cracking it manually. If any seeds haven’t sprouted for me in 48 hours, I usually take it as a sign that moisture has most likely not reached the embryo. After that, I will manually crack them with my teeth. It might seem/sound tedious, but it is actually incredibly easy.

Either way, 5/6 isn’t too bad! Thank you for giving my work a spot in your garden! I hope that you find something that you enjoy! Positive vibes…
