InTheWoods Journal

Fingers crossed I don’t muck it up. :vulcan_salute: :sunglasses:


Good Morning OG :coffee:

I have a couple questions about how to go about the first F1 batch of seeds.

Which is the best method, Open or selective pollination?

  1. Pollenate a Odisha female with a stout LA #9 Afghan Hashplant male.

  2. Pollenate a LA #9 Afghan Hashplant female with Odisha male.

Ideally the first option would decrease flowering times down for the Odisha by 6-7 weeks and overall smaller plant, Increase in yield potentially.

Meanwhile the second option would most likely keep a larger plant, flowering time remains intact while possible increasing yield.

Am I thinking about this all wrong?
I’m excited for this project just need a little nudge in the right direction.


Thanks to the local homie @A-Loc, I will be able to get my hands on some BOG BK pollen for my second project in this upcoming run.

The plan is to use the BOG BK pollen on the Lazy Lightning and Royal Procession to make Blue Lightning and Royal Blue Procession.

I will take cuts before pollenating for a individual run for smoke.
Also debating on putting some pollen on the The Sweets with FPOG in that line.


Personally I would go with hitting the odisha with the affie. I’m a big fan of open pollination if and when possible. I would hope in this case to get an interesting mix hopefully with shorter flowering and increase the indica effects etc. it’s always a crapshoot but I feel you have a good game plan and a goal in mind…… get em brotha! I love the whole idea, and I’m a big fan of @Budderton work so this is awesome!


And blue lightning sounds absolutely awesome in every sense! That one excites me! Good morning btw

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Good morning @TopShelfTrees1 :coffee: Thanks, I was leaning that way.
It would be nice to have both to play around with, but I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew in the first attempt.
Love a good challenge.

I’ve been thinking about it ever since I joined OG . Fingers crossed I can win some BMR and mess around with LL and others.

Hopefully all goes well, and I can send you some to try out also spread the love with giveaways too.

Thanks @DougDawson for all the hard work you put in day in day out. Expect some Blue lightning as well since it’s the least I can do.


I’m really stoked to see what kinda fire comes outta that stuff. Stoked to see how your stuff does. :call_me_hand::v:


Thanks, and likewise brotha!
I bet you have some tricks up your sleeve to make some magic too. :mage:


I’m just here to figure out how you do it lol idk how I’m gonna do this either

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Glad you found your way here bro @Thats_bank


I will too scouts honor I’m just intimidated :joy:


Yea I’m definitely gonna need a cheat sheet


Following the action… Interested to see what you find in the Lazy Lightning! Hoping you get some females!


Haha Welcome aboard. :sunglasses:
I was recently blessed with a 5x5 and still might be too small :grin: Might have to get the 10x10 from him too.

When asking friend about the best way to go about a landrace. To tame the stretch, I was told to find the one you want, take cuts, as soon as it roots flip to flower. Might add some time to the project but open to suggestions too.


Unfortunately, It may take a second run to find that gem but I’m determined to fine some winners.
I only planted 3 out of the full pack. If I don’t get lucky with these limited ones. I’ll take a cut and keep for comparison of the others.


Man I got a headache trying to figure this out for a 2x4


Hey @Thats_bank , don’t feel obligated to make that cross. There’s no conditions, usually, when I give out seed, I just thought it was a cool idea. In fact, that is a hard cross to pull off, due to the different flowering times. You either have to store pollen or stagger your flower start times, which i would be more inclined to do. Either way, I hope you enjoy growing them!


If @InTheWoods does it I guess I can play around with something else. Makes sense now that I think about it

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I’ve heard it said that the female brings the structure and maturation times and the male brings the effects but I don’t think that is a true fact. As each plant is an individual, the way they combine is not that predictable. Being the weed nerd that I am, I’d figure out how to do the cross bolth ways, OV xAffie & Affie x OV. If I had to do one only, I think I’d start the Odisha flowering as soon as possible and then start the Affie flowering about 4-6 weeks later and put the male Affies on the female OV.


Thanks for the great tip! :vulcan_salute: :sunglasses:

I’d love to do both ways, OV x Affie and Affie x OV. Going for OV x Affie first.
I still have enough seeds to do a second run. :grin: