InTheWoods Journal

Ok sweet! Im not really well versed on it.

Hell yea, I got ya covered brotha.

They dont know whats about to return :grin:


Mail call from yesterday. :mailbox_with_mail:
Thanks to @shag I finally got my hands on some @JAWS gear and a sweet cross from Shag. :sunglasses:
Stoked to run these in the future! :vulcan_salute:

Unfortunately, the Lost Skunk f2 was lost sacrificed to the post office gods. :joy:


Could it have been rubbed by the rollers and fell out or it was cut out?
Either way I will try and send a replacement to ya.


The envelope has a cut in the middle of the it. but anything’s possible with those mail machines.

Not necessary brotha, Appreciate it though! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Sweet! Should have told me you wanted some brotha, @shag is the man though could expect nothing less.


Looks like a grimy postal worker, I’ve had cuts before too but in the flips etc. and taped they can’t get them very easily. Got to what he could, even the bag has a slice, crazy part is they have NO CLUE what they got, kind of pointless if so. Little do they know it FIRE :fire: PRICKS


I have a nice list of his gear I’d like to get in the future haha but wouldn’t want to take from your stash brotha. Appreciate that offer. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Damn yea this is what the envelope looks like. Looks likw we have some of those around here too.

Yea really is pointless for them. Upsides and downsides to the mail system. I ship in DVD cases to avoid the envelope. Soon I get some pucks made but until DVD cases will work.


Goood morning OG, Hope you have a great friday and weekend! :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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Morning man! :coffee: got a rosin pressing class tomorrow I’m looking forward to, and I’m picking up more soil today to pop more beans


Thats sounds like a great time, I don’t think they do that up here. Very cool!

What soil you running, I like FF OF.
Have you decided on what seeds your gonna run? cough cough.Panama red Wilson. :joy:

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I’m really looking forward to the class, hopefully I find a press I like enough to buy.

I use Ocean Forest yeah, I mix in a little coco at the top soil for water retaining.

Nope! I spent most of the day yesterday digging through them, couldn’t decide on anything :joy:

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I’m thinking about getting a new light today, so I can ramp up production lol

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I think you should be able to find a press to work with, Harbor freight ones with the attachments I hear is a decent setup for possibly the fraction of the others. I’m not really 100%. I can imagine like anything their is a spectrum.

haha it might be easier to flip a coin. I have the next 4 runs already planned out.

What light you got now? 300w?

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It’s 450w, but I have the last 4x4 I bought with a 100w in it, so I’m like. Yeah I can do better here :joy::joy:

Is currently in reveg with the 41 Tahoe, but I’ll move them to the veg tent, and flip some clones if l can get this light.

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Might just dump them in a bag, whichever I grab, fuckin send it :joy:

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Atta boy!
If you do 1 gallons, you can easily fit 30 in there. No need to choose, plenty of room for varieties :joy:

Yea 100w in a 4x4 is a tease for that plant. I think for a 4x4 you want like 400w minimum, based on the sq ft.
I was thinking about the 600w for the 5x5 to increase in wattage in there while achieving optimum coverage in the tent. Its little janky for me in there.


I was running about 600 on a 5x5, but once I turned up to 700 the buds all got way bigger.


So you’re saying just go for the 1000w :joy:

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This round all got about 2.5 gallons of soil lol. I’m looking at a 650w for the 4x4, I’ve got the extra dough, so I might as well.


Yesssssssss, 1500 watts it is!