InTheWoods Journal

I would hate to see my electricity bill haha


You’re telling me. I want to add another tent for pollen chucking but the rates have been going up a lot in the winter, so I’ll have to do some research.


@JustANobody check online to see what the peak usage hours are for your area. I’ve somewhat started scheduling my lights around it here. I’ve saved maybe a couple dollars or so, it was just awkward having lights on at 7 pm :joy::joy:

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Nice! That would be perfect.

I’m trying to find that sweet spot.
Instead of starting then solo cups. I’ve been thinking about just starting them in 1 gallons. Up pot into 2 gallon before flip, 3 gallons after finding the females.

Mainly to avoid the Taproot from getting bound up in the pint/solo cup.
I noticed when the taproot can really it in my friends plants when he just planted in his 2 gallons and let them be for the whole grow.


I run flower at night already but we don’t get off peak pricing :frowning:


Im not using the seed tray anymore, that things bad news bears. I seem to have better results using quart containers. So that’s what I’ll be doing from now on :joy:

I was thinking another way of doing it is to save the high wattage for flower only. 100w-200w for a seedling/veg/clone/mother tent. Enough to grow and keep alive

Same. Its a flat fee. Typically the delivery charge is more than my usage. Its ridiculous.


I’m in the same boat, currently running a 5 x 5 for flower, and a 3 x 3 for veg, but I want to add a 2 x 4 for some other stuff as well.

Pretty much want to fill my house up but like you mentioned, I gotta stay on top of the electric cost and keep it decent hopefully even if it’s on the high end a little bit


Same issue we have. I “switched” to a different provider but the delivery is still ridiculous.

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You have the same setup as I do, and I’m also looking for a 2x4 for chucking. That’s funny.


Great minds think alike lol

I’m outta likes, but this is me liking all the posts.


@JustANobody Seems like the ultimate setup. we’d need a drying tent too.

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Good morning brotha! And Otha brothas! Have u seen ac infinity has 1/2 g and 1 g fabrics now, I’m not a big fan of fabrics but I was thinking of picking a bunch up when I get a chance. My biggest problem is I need like a minimum of 40 of everything or I’d probs have some already.


This is what I need to do, been driving me nuts though thinking if I want to or not in fact

Got a 4x4 for that in the other room. Haaaa. I find if I flower the 5x5 when I break the plants down they fit just fine, I’m curious to see if I can fit 6 whole plants this time, we are running the wood stove at night and that just sucks the humidity out of everything so I have to slow it down in the winter and help speed it up in the summer.

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:coffee: I have not seen those. I thought i’d like the fabric pots but I think im not really sure. They dry back really quick.

Yea I hear that man.

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I totally stopped fabric pots. I have so many sitting here. But plastic pots just seem to keep the root ball happier


I’m not sure how durable these are or if they’re even worth the money, but these 50 packs are only $9.99 USD

I’m not sure if they ship to Canada but I thought I’d see if you saw these yet.


Those bags are cool. I have a pack of some left. They work pretty well for starter pots, you just drop them into the bigger containers

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