InTheWoods Journal

My sentiments exactly…. The dryback, the way the seem to become hydrophobic so quick etc. it’s annoying. I bought 50 3 gallons , what a waste . :man_facepalming:t2:

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I was hoping my blumats would keep them happier, no dice for me so plastic it is. I have plastic containers stuff full of fabric bags

Damn! At that price I could handle it, thanks bro!


It would agree on this, when I compare my first run in plastic vs second run with fabric pots. It was noticeable.

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Even with blumats huh? I’m thinking with little ones though it may not be as bad, then just switch to pots after that? :thinking:

Same , I hated the way my root mass looked also, weak sauce.


Yep, even with the blumats.

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I would say the root mass was literally 1/2. When i turned out the fabric pots, zero roots on the bottom. Bottom fed a bunch. I found it very odd.


I guess there’s a science to it, who knew?

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We run through a lot of cat litter buckets, so I clean them up, drill some holes and it’s off to the races lmao


Plus imo 5 gallon is the optimal size for big plants . I love 5’s but run 4’s usually just to stuff a few more in :laughing: but I loved running 5g pails . Did it for years! In my backyard too


These buckets hold 4 gallons filled up, I fill them about halfway, so I can use the bucket top as a reference. Anything below the lid line gets cut off. They’re also square, so they fit more compact than regular 5 gallon buckets


Oh, bonus! Those are PERFECT then, nice

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I like to go to 7 gal pots for flower most of the time, up from 1 or 2 gal in veg. Set it and forget it for the most part.


I’m still doing some experimenting. Seeing what I like, and what works.


Man I wish, if I go with octos at some point I’m going to go with 6’s . But I’m torn cuz I want to try LSO so bad! Stupid amendment lists though keep holding me back tbch


Living soil is awesome, after all the runs I did with it and with salts it seems I prefer the coco and salts indoor and would do living soil outdoors depending how many plants I have at the time :sweat_smile:

Here in FL they give you up to 15 years for 15-300 plants.

But as far as I’m concerned laws about plant count are BS, not fair to penalize people that have 15 plants between veg and flower the same as some who has 300 plants total. I just hope they let us grow even a couple plants here as legalization spreads further.


Been running salts 20 years now, crazy but that LSO terp profile is what gets me, my homie @estab87 has me SOLD!


Good Morning OG :coffee:


Morning brother! :coffee:

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