InTheWoods Journal

I took 2-3 cuts from each, Tiny little cuts. Monday I will start trying to root them.

Day 15, I kept the lighting on 11/13. Probably making them express a little faster.

Trying to savage them as they aren’t happy with me. Kicking myself for reusing soil as it created more problems than reducing. Moving forward I’m just going to buy soil.

Hope you have a great day brotha, Thanks again!

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Took 2 cuts from each SB x PR/BV. Later than I wanted but still manageable.

Mother tent arrived early, set it up this morning. Finished up potting the remaining Fems.

Waiting for the light to move the mothers into the 2x2. Once moved, I will start to root the cuts taken off ODIN and SB x PR/BV. Hope to find a keeper in both and the other Fems.

All mother plants will remain in their 1-gallon poly to allow room for the cloner station/ heat pad.

Lazy Lighting

Stoked to use her and the other mothers for a couple crosses in mind.


Moving to flower in 4 days.

Royal Procession

Moving to flower in 4 days.

Gorilla Cookie Punch


Pretty cool.

Moving to flower in 4 days.

Topping all Fems tomorrow. Vegging out for an additional 10 days, Flip on Halloween. :jack_o_lantern:
Cuts will be taken right before flip and start rooting.

Super Silver Haze Fem. @Guitarzan


Coral Kush Fem @Andrane

BD6 Fem @Tracker

A closer look. All get up potted on Wednesday, Flip on Halloween. :jack_o_lantern:
Since this is a seed increase run, I won’t top them.


Hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend. :coffee:
:sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Lookin good should have some nice herbs in a few months :fire:

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Thanks, I’m stoked to try them! :sunglasses:


Mail Call :mailbox_with_mail:
Thank you @pharmerfil! :sunglasses:
They will be popped soon along with the Punchline Bx1. :vulcan_salute:


Light arrived today, Nice and easy setup but forgot I need a power strip. lol I’ll pick one up tomorrow.

Up potted all Haze/Sk1 in 2 gallon poly bags using FF OF soil.
Topped all fems, Move the Clones into flower and Mothers are in their new digs.

Recently smoking on the Royal Procession, I’m on the fence with her. Not as flavorful as she smelt all flower long. It’s most likely due to my quick dry, evaporated the terps. Very lite sour flavor, almost muted. Smooth smoke with a relaxing high.

Ton of potential in her. I won’t ditch her until after I can properly judge her. I hope that taste that alludes me now comes back with next harvest.


What’d y’a get?

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Nothing crazy, a small 100w Phlizon light for the 2x2,Using it for mothers and clone starts.

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Every little bit helps man!

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Yea especially It would be cool to get some clones into flowering every 4 weeks. 1st-2nd weeks for rooting, 3rd-4th for veg. Depending on how good I can get with rooting, I definitely have room for improvement.


Some sour flavour seems to vanish quite fast, usually my sour cultivars turn super sweet after cure. I’ve always thought that the Sour terps are super volitile and that’s why they disappeared so fast.

Pz :v:t2:


Thats an interesting thought. I wonder if their something to the sour terp profile being extra volatile. I would honestly say it’s my fault this round with how I dried them. Hope you’re having a great day!


Good morning bud. I agree with the sours losing smell pretty quick. Actually anything with strong smell will disappear faster without a proper drying. I’ve started drying low and slow for about 21 days. It seems to keep the favor and smell much better for a long time.

Hope your mail gets there soon. I could have walked it to you faster than they can deliver it.:joy:

Have a wonderful day!


Good morning brotha :coffee:

I may have to give a slower drying process a try, I typically end up around 10-12 days to dry when I’m not rushing. Ended up running out of buds earlier before harvest and did the dirty deed of quick drying. Pacing myself this time so I dont have the problem again. :grin:

Haha, Fingers crossed no post office gremlins got to it. I’ll keep you posted.

Likewise and thanks again! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning brotha man! We’ll get you nailing 100% in no time, once you realize how simple it is and to litfa for a week at a time (well I shake moisture and open tops once a day ) and that’s it, plus too much moisture in the air actually inhibits growth as they aren’t seeking moisture from the base only using leaf matter to absorb it. Before you know it’ll be second nature. Trust me :wink:


Stoked for more trail n errors before I get a solid process. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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Nice to come home from work and find it waiting for me.
I didn’t expect three, now I have to run all haha. Stoked!

Thank you again brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
Hope you have a great week!


Good deal bud! Glad they made it safely!


Good morning OG :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Morning mate….taking me back to the Tony hawk days this morning.