InTheWoods Journal

Same, Even when Pepe’s or Bar pizza is only a 15 min drive away. Spoiled to be near New Haven.

Haha Sums up my ambition when I want to eat.

@VAkish “A true underdog story” :joy:

Hope everyone had a great day, Craving some coffee now that I’m out of work.


Domino’s and pizza hut are our only options. We have two other places, but fuck spending $30 on a pizza


Dominos cinnamon bread is addicting. I could go for some of that now.

I don’t mind domino’s, and I agree 100% I get the deals always. Two pies and breadsticks or whatever for 25-30$ that I can handle, 30$ for one pizza, lol that’ll feed one of my kids and my wife.


Yea its good for the quick meal for a decent price. Most take out is ridiculously over priced and try to make food at home.

I bet that epic mall call with the lurers and string really put a pep in your step. When you think of testing em out?
Is most of that gear for fly fishing or rod and reel?

((Haze / Sk1) x Sk1) x (Haze/Sk1) - Cultivators Choice.


It definitely did, what an awesome care package! It’s mostly for fly fishing (bugs is a pro fly fisherman) so I’m hoping to test it out very soon! In fact he’s invited me to fish his home state with him and it’s been a bucket list thing for me so I’m trying hard to facilitate it. Most people here are so good to me it’s almost overwhelming. Even when I try and stop taking beans, they come down the pipe like crazy! (Definitely not complaining) as it gets colder I usually switch to full centrepin setups, I’m a die hard all winter fisherman! (That’s when the monsters lurk in the catchable range) catch me out there in -20 in freezing water to my waist drifting a single bead down into a honey hole…. Gets my blood pumping just thinking about it in fact.
Good morning btw to all my friends

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Those haze are looking stellar btw :ok_hand:t3:

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Thanks for the write up on the LA Affie S1 #9 x Afghan Hash plant, some seeds just came in yesterday off a trade.

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@TopShelfTrees1 Thats awesome! -20 is a bit nippy for me haha. I hear Idaho is a great state for fishing, Bugs landscape shots are incredible in the sunrise/sunset thread. Nothing like incredible views to complement fishing.

Haha as if your project list wasnt long enough. You’re set for a decade now. :joy:

Thanks brotha, I have to take a trip to get some soil because I’m done messing around anymore with reusing soil. Too many problems easily fixed by not being cheap. When I up pot them I want them to be really happy as well as the others. I can tell the flowering plants are affected by the used soil.

No problem brotha. Look for the deep hash, less hairy pheno and you’re in for a treat. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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I know this all too well EVERYTIME I reuse my coco, issue galore! Ironically that’s the state I speak of :joy:

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I’ve honestly found the exact opposite IF I let the soil cook for a month+ after mixing and amending.

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DOH! :joy:

I amended with chicken compost, but nothing else as I wanted to save some money and not get Recharge or some other similar products.

I’ll find out how many 2 gallon poly bags I can fill from one bag of FF OF. Going forward I will start in their final pots to minimize workload and plant stress.

Veg times will stay the same ( 35 days). Plants will most likely benefit from the lack of stress from up potting 2-3 times before their final pots, also tap root can establish deeper earlier on in seedling stage.


I use chicken compost, cow shit, and compost from our compost pile. I’ll toss in some Dr earth, mix, water, cook. If I have it around I’ll add mycos, mosquito bits, and malted barely powder but I don’t miss it too much if I don’t have those things. Worms get into the soil mix from the cow shit and compost. It works really well. I was spending 100+ on soil every rotation and doing less plants.


I would say my chicken manure was on the hotter side as it was only sitting for 1/2 year. Took a risk and got bit. I went 50% ratio to used soil/manure. I’ll spend the next year learning more about amending soil.

This is what I trying to avoid but seems like the way for now. I could pull from the garden but I’m building soil in there, and not trying to take from it.

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We use a broad fork for our garden and it’s working really well to build our soil up. The best thing I’ve found to to become friendly with a dairy farmer and make a compost pile much to large for anything you plan to do.

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Nice, I probably should get one of them soon for next year. Probably could get one on discount now that our area is out of season.

Thats what im starting now lol its about a 6 ft by 20ft pile. Just need to fix are tractor and then I can flip it to help it along before it become anaerobic.

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Hell ya that’s awesome. I need a tractor. Flipping by hand sucksssssss

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Had to leave my left arm and right leg for these two bags.

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Good on you brother! How many cuts were you able to get from each? I’m rooting for you… that they root for you! (my lady would kill me for that one hahaha)

They are definitely looking a little bit deeper into 12/12 than I expected, but I might not be correct on what day you are on. What day are they on in this picture? I appreciate you! Positive vibes…
