InTheWoods Journal

Right, I’m stoked to smoke em. I will have to run the rest of the seeds and not stress them more then topping once.

@Andrane Thanks brotha, I did chop the CK due to my ineptitude. I will give them a proper run in the future, free from any stressors. Going thru my journal post, I really stressed them out in the beginning then later on the light leak right after moving into the flowering tent, it must have put them over the edge.
Lessons learned, no more reusing soil and be more attentive.

Hope you have a great day! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Always trying to have a great day. Sorry to hear you had to snip the Coral Kush. Sad days. I have yet to have any of the Coral kush pop any male flower. (Even under high stress conditions.) Curious for sure. If you have any other problems let me know. I would like to fix that issue for you.


Which makes me think it was something on my end.

I believe I have 2 or 3 seeds left. Most likely two runs out until I pop them again and look forward to trying that dank kush. :yum:

Ill keep you posted when they germ :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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Mines in desperate need of an uppot but other than that doing great, just waiting on the next level to clear out so I can move her up top and into a 1g


Nice, When are you putting them into flower? after the BOO males are culled?

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Yezzir, got lots just waiting . Because boo is in the same vicinity I gotta do the timing thing, soon I’ll have two breeding areas again and then I can go hard , breeding, sensi etc. can’t wait to just get caught up seems like I’m always behind the 8-ball lately but it’s my fault for volunteering for all these repros tbch

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Nice, when you do have the two breeding areas. how do you mitigate the potential of pollen drift?
Do you have a carbon filter on the intake and exhaust on both tents?

I think your doing a great job brotha, Once you get the BOO finished, other plants flowering. The next repro youll be really hitting your stride with the nice smoke.


When I was doing it previously in one home with 4 breeding areas I did have carbons on intake and exhaust also had fans and stuff going nuts everywhere so not much really settled . Then my spray bottles, I would wear different tyvek suits/booties/gloves for each area and strip down just before leaving each one, then spray down the suit afterwards, toss the booties and gloves. Also had air purifiers going outside each area to try an minimize the little stray pollens, but I’d go nuts with those spray bottles, even misting the air as it is dispersed off of the plant helps too when you are inside, plus turn off any fans etc. when inside and try not to nudge them too much and ensure your zippers are waxed etc. to seal or tape even if you don’t need to open close constantly. But mostly I just have kept a floor or two between them, and this one will be in a whole other house so I should not have to worry. Only going to be doing 2 at a time max anymore but staggered enough to not have to worry too too much. Just soak the shit out of everything, water with a touch of bleach, it’s truly an exceptional tool once you see how much it can mitigate pollen from flying around, stops it in its tracks in favt


Thanks for the tips! Yea I’ll have to get the addition carbon filter for my main tent and develop a system to keep the pollen at bay.

For my space I’m limited to one project at a time, but mainly trying to contain the pollen drift to make cleaning easier so when keep a different male, the unknown/unwanted pollen has been neutralized.
I know I will never be at 100% unless in an isolation chamber.


good morning :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

have a great day! :innocent: :slight_smile:


Good morning :coffee: :sunglasses:

What a busy past two days. Cooked 4 turkeys. 3 were baked, one deep fried and a Ham then all the fixins for our big family thanksgiving dinner yesterday.
At the same time, we celebrated my nephew’s 2nd birthday too. Archer was all smiles and loved the monster trucks I got him. Nice to see the family.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and has a great day!


I am happy to hear that brother!

Awesome! I can see a lot of influence from the Dogwalker OG in their flower structures. What day of 12/12 are they on in the pictures? I hope they turn out nicely for you! Positive vibes…



Today is D48 of 11/13. One day shy of 7 weeks. I’m not sure what finishing times are for Dogwalker OG. My guess since it’s an OG 9-10weeker depending on your smoke preference.

I most likely will cut the E Down at 10 weeks, A and F with get taken to 11 weeks. 11 weeks has been sweet spot for most plants I’ve grown lately. They have been getting lite feedings of half strength mixes of Fox farm Tiger bloom and Liquid plant food.

I’m stoked to try em!
Thanks again and have a great thanksgiving brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Most are going to be super cropped, it’s pretty tight in this 3x3.

Pollen taking.

Took some pollen off this male and put it on the Lazy Lightning main cola bud site. Even with all the pollen that will be going around I just want to make sure she gets hit. What interesting is that no other plants are showing any seed activity.


BD6 @Tracker
Very stinky. Just starting to flower, Stretch was real. :grin:

GCP no burnt pistils

RP (1-3) no burnt pistils.

edited for future reference;
#1 and #3 are the shortest, limited lateral branching. 2x stretch.
#6 3x stretch similar as 7.
#7 3x stretch, long lateral branching, not much scent from stem rub
#2, Last to flower 3x stretch, long lateral branching
#8 Second to last to flower, 2x stretch, Limited lateral branching, Stinky stem rub
#4 is the most haze structure, 4.5 -5x stretch, wispy top, stinky stem rub
#5 4x stretch, top tight clusters- Velvet stem no noticeable scents.
#9 4x stretch, top tight clusters - woody scent from stem rub. no velvet stem.
#10 3x stretch - stinky stem rub,

#10 picked to hit LL,BD6,RP,and GCP. but I imagine all the pollen will drift on to them.


Looks beautiful!


Very vigorous too, I forgot to add two other photos, one sec.

Now you can see her in all her glory.


Hell yes! Just gorgeous at ~7 weeks. Beautiful work on your part!

I usually take her around 9-10.5 weeks, depending on how my rooms are running.

Anything that leans toward the Dog Patch might run longer than the Dogwalker OG leaners, but I would be surprised to see any of them go past 11 weeks, especially since my brain is factoring in your 11/13 light schedule haha. 12/12 is just too deeply ingrained in my being haha.

I hope that you enjoy them! I appreciate you! Same to you brother! Positive vibes…



Sounds good brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Drooling over this one. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Happy Thanksgiving OG! :turkey: :potato: :corn: :cake:

Day 31
Lazy Lightning x (Haze/SK1) x Sk1) x (Haze/Sk1)

She is becoming hungry since seeds are beginning to form. I’ll up the N a tad for the next couple weeks to prevent her from cannibalizing herself.

Royal Procession x (Haze/SK1) x Sk1) x (Haze/Sk1)

Targeted half the one plant that looks naked with one male pollen. I think it will be hit by all 4 males. Not worried but I find it odd that they haven’t taken the pollen as well as the LL already with all the pollen going around.

I did the same with the one Gorilla Cookie Punch as well.

Day 50
(SB x LA) x GTH
Bubblegum scents
The smallest plant in the tent, 12 inches tall. :grin:

SB x (PR x BV)

All are very sweet, berry scents. Buds probably will fill out a little more in this last week, then start to finish off.

No purple.
Sweet, Berry
Bud size similar to C

Plant with most purple
Super sweet fruit.

Slight purpling
Smallest buds

The oddball pheno. Mutant cola?
Sugar leaf rub is very blueberry.

It looks like a seed or two on this one from the Haze/sk1 pollen.
Most likely won’t be alive long enough to mature.

A,C,D Clones. Tossed the E cuts, now I wish I didn’t later on in flower. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Happy Thanksgiving Brotha Man! Hope you have an absolutely epic day!! Much respect :facepunch:t2: