Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 1)

Oh my so many many many new folks. I’m sorry I haven’t been keeping up. I usually do a better job.
Welcome @gratefulned, @NagRaves, @High_kev awesome grow room. I’m jelly lol. Welcome @Mdjammer you from Maryland? Welcome @Canabisius, @TheNorthAbides, @SmackyMcSmackers, @Zubenal, @sparkywatts love the mutation. We have a mutation thread. Check it out sometime.

Welcome @Shiro can’t wait to see you start your grow adventures.
Welcome all! I owe everthin g to Overgrow. When I first started off I was growing in a filing cabinet with a regular household light bulb when I was a teen in the 90s. Now I grow Hydro! Everything you need to know is here. What a resource.