Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 1)

Hey @SmackyMcSmackers, You’re in for a treat! Welcome to OG and have fun!


Well, I’ve been around here for about 4 months or better. Some of you have been following my Blue Cookies grow. Just thought I’d take a minute to introduce myself to the rest.
Mike is my name. I live in a small town outside of Oklahoma City. I have little experience with growing but by using this site and seeing the results of others has really helped me a lot. I thank each of you. And,if and when I have something to contribute or donate to the forum you can get I will do so.
So… Get in there and crack some beans!!!


Even though i was following your Blue cookies, i want to say Welcome to OG @BigMike55 . Hope your enjoying so far.


My favorite place to be. I have really learned a lot since I have been hanging out here. Thanks for the welcome, altho I already felt very welcome here.


Yep, it’s like, “for old times’ sake” for the second time around. Since I’ve become a member, it’s an odd feeling of fitting right in, as though I’ve always been here… Deja Vu!? Don’t know but I like it here anyways…


Welcome @BigMike55 if I haven’t already bumped into you. I agree with you and @Abbbian. I think being in a forum where you have access to pro answers 24 hours a day really speeds the learning process along. And, this is a great one. I’ve always felt comfortably welcome here as well. It’s been a lifesaver for me this last year, too, because of the virus. I live alone outside a small rural town. Growing weed has kept me sane, too. peace


I’m an old time stoner. I had to get clean 30 some odd years ago. At that time I was just starting to cultivate. I had a couple monster plants I had grown in my attic apartment, out on the deck. I also had a first growth going in my new phototron!
But, in my journey back from the fog of abusive self medication, I packed up the phototron and put it in storage.
So, things are going great, I guess. The covid thing is a mess. While in quarantine I figured I would pull the old phototron out of storage and grow some herb for fun.
My, how things have changed in this world of Marijuana cultivation since I’ve been gone! Frankly, its exciting.
I see that “cabinet growing” has come a real long way since the days of the Tron!
I an determined to grow in the phototron. After googling the crap out of it, I am convinced that it can still be an effective grow chamber.
Lots to consider, that i need help with, especially lighting. Do I refit the tron with LED?
I think I have decided to go hydroponic.
So, im here looking for mentoring.
How do you start a hydroponic plant? Do you do it with a cutting? But where do I get a cutting?
So maybe my first effort is not hydroponic.
That just opens another can of worms.
I look forward to working this all out here.


Hi @Zubenal, welcome to OG! you’ll love it here. Soon you’ll be getting to the core of what you’ve been looking for… have fun!


Welcome to Overgrow @Zubenal . We have a member here who uses Phototrons, can probably learn a lot from him. In the advanced search tool here enter Phototron in the top box then PhilCuisine in the (posted by) field. Good luck fellow old stoner!


Welcome zubenal… I started in a tron 30 years ago.
Jeffery Julian demarco… what a guy. Phil will help you hop that up.


Squach, im on this forum because of PhilCuisine.

I found videos of his on YouTube and tracked him down to here.



That’s awesome! Welcome, can’t wait to see more Phototron action!


Welcome @Zubenal. Dig in and enjoy bro. We have a good time here. You’ll get back up to speed in no time. peace

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Hi Sparky Here
I am a Canuck in Eastern Canada.
Legal to grow 4 plants…yes!
Lived in L.A California for 10 years early 80’s to early '90s…grew a lot of Kush and San Luis Obispo strains…
Learned from Rasta neighbors.
Have got 4 plants on go:
Purple Kush 8 weeks in flower
OG Kush fast version 2 weeks in flower
Muskoka Kush 65 days in Veg
Unknown Auto Hybrid from seed off my outdoor Auto Northern lights 30 days old today.
On deck to replace Purple Kush… Bubba Kush 2.0
Built my own lights
Samsung Gen 2 3000k
Bridgelux Gen 2 3500k
Samsung Q series 3000k

Bridgelux Vero 3850k
Lenovo 672 led model

Like this site, have lurked for a while but good info here so
decided to join.

Sparky Watts
Finally figured out how to get a pic in here
This is a mutation on my OG kush


Hi @sparkywatts, grab something to drink or eat, it’ll be a while… you’ll be having fun soon! Welcome to OG!


Welcome sparky. Make yourself at home. There’s a bunch of nice people here.


Good day @Bostonbud, thanks and nice to meet you…any strains you specialize in?


Click on my avatar and your question will be answered . That’s the first trick you learned on overgrow. Browse the community/ tips and tricks to learn more.


Welcome to OG Sparkywatts, good to have another eastern Canuk here, I am just outside Halifax NS. Where are you located :thinking:


welcome to OG @sparkywatts and @Zubenal !