Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 1)

Welcome to Overgrow @So-ilgrower if you have any questions feel free to ask.


Welcome @So-ilgrower , great people on Overgrow!


Thanks guys I look forward to learning and helping out where I can


Hey @Shiro! Welcome to the finest educational and fun site on the planet. Come in and explore. Start a grow log make plenty of posts, ask questions, and give advice. Happy growing!


Hey Justin! Welcome! Jump on in there’s a lot of cool and intelligent peeps on here waiting for a convo. Glad to have u here!


You betcha, after the '92 riots and they shut the beaches down and I couldn’t surf, Dude, that was enough for me.
Homeward Bound after a little wayward stop in Denver, Colorado where a sh*tload of homies had moved as well.


Welcome @So-ilgrower . This is a great place to hang. Tons of knowledge and great people offering it!


Hello to all. I’m a new grower, with a lot of side experience thrown in. I’m 55 yo, and I live in Oklahoma. Just recently got my medical card. I grew up as an US Air Force brat. I’ve lived all over the United States, lived 4 years in Europe when I was very young. The first, and only grow I have under my belt is a strange and long story. That was around 2004 or 2005. I was a horrible lurker back then, but was afraid to sign up due to paranoia. The penalties were pretty harsh. The site suddenly disappeared so, I was done studying. I was able, years ago lucky enough to find an old mirror site that had some of the old OG information.

Well, to make a long story short, they passed medical here. I decided about a year ago to start getting grow equipment. I’m finally getting really close to being ready. Most of my stuff is what was on sale, or was cheap. I can’t afford really great stuff, I have to save to get the best piece of crap I can lol. I hope to start a grow journal with in the next month. I’ll be growing some bagseed sativa that was really good smoking. I do have some seeds ordered, white widow, and afghan kush. They should be here at the end of the week. I’m gonna grow bagseed first to help me gain a little experience before I start messing with the good stuff.

A little more about myself. I joined the USAF straight out of high school. Did my 4 years, was done. Honourable discharge. I spent the next 25 as a nurse. I no longer work, due to disability. My wife of 15 years is also a nurse. I’m very handy, whether it be building or wiring a house to working on my old 87 chevy truck.

That’s all I can think of right now, but if y’all have any questions, fire away. Thanks so much for including me in this amazing place.


Welcome nauticalwheeler, as a fellow vet thanks for your service brother. Your gonna love this site. Lots of great info and plenty of friendly people. Take a look around, make yourself at home and if ya need some help try the search button and you’ll likely find a topic that’s related. I just joined a few weeks ago and I really like it here.


Welcome @nauticalwheeler to the best site on the www! I was on OG 1.0. I’m glad to see you back. It’s a very good idea to use bag seed to dial in you grow space. I’ll keep a look a out for ya!


Welcome to all our new OGladites :hugs:


New Grower Here with less than a year under t he belt. Hoping to pick up some knowledge along the way. I have gained some pretty decent strangers in my life for the love of the grow, and couldn’t be happier with how things are turning out so far. If anyone has any questions for me I’m here, I’m sure you all will see me asking away. I’m not shy.
Happy Growing ya’ll! Respect the leaf :sunglasses:


Welcome to OG brother, glad to see you made it. :smiley:


Hey @nauticalwheeler @John_Trollvolta and @So-ilgrower welcome to OG! if I left anyone out Welcome and sorry about that.


Thank you! :green_heart:


Hi @nauticalwheeler, it’ll be a long ride, so get comfy and enjoy! Welcome to OG!


Hello OG. I did an introduce myself post before but showed my grow tent and not me so just though I would throw this up here so you could put a face to the name. This is just a video of me starting the evening fire. Hope you are all having a fantastic day.


Welcome to Overgrow @John_Trollvolta


Thanks bud!

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Thank You! :wave: