Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 1)

A post was split to a new topic: LooseUnit’s Nano Grow

Hey everybody! Been growing for about 6 years now for myself, personal stash and such, focusing on small stealth growing setups and strains. Been on IC and IG for a little while, decided to jump in here as well!

Currently got a pack of Double G (g13 x 88g13hp) from east coast originals growing, doing a selection and I’ll be F2ing them to give myself something to really hunt through. I’m really interested in learning about breeding with the handicap of restricted space, so it’s an interesting learning process. I have a lot of seeds from a lot of pollen chucks, and eventually I’ll figure out wtf I’m doing :smiley:

Here’s the Double G’s in one of my current grow cabinets:


Welcome to OG q3corn, healthy happy looking plants you got there :+1:


Welcome to OG q2corn


Welcome to OG @q3corn ! thanks for sharing pics

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Good evening to all. Was pointed in your direction by a member. Was getting really tired of all the condescending know it all on other sites. I’m in Manitoba, Canada, in my early 60’s and fairly new to growing. I have a medical license for 50 plants but currently have 16 going in 4 tents. Trying my hand at dwc, lst, topping, as well as trying mantis nutrient. I really appreciate any help you guys can offer.


Welcome to OG @Lonewolf your gonna love this place…

Tons of helpful down to earth people that like to help eachother out.
Come inside and meet everyone & Start yourself a grow thread…


Welcome @q3corn & @Lonewolf ! If you guys have ANY questions ask away. We are a big ole family here.


Welcome to the community fellow Canadian. What are you growing?


Rn I have black widow and gg in dwc and rotten peaches and my first ever autos (2 g13), in dirt. Never done dwc and much training before so I’m giving it a try


Welcome @q3corn and @Lonewolf
Happy to have you✌🏼


Thank you. Looking forward to be able to contribute but like a wiseman once said “1 needs to learn to walk b4 he attempts to run”. My knowledge is limited and I noticed earlier while looking in the mirror that I have 2 ears but only 1 mouth. Tells me I should listen 2x more than I talk


Hi @q3corn and @Lonewolf, welcome to this awesome place, OG! You’ll love it. Have fun!


Its ok to talk. I know I’ve felt like I asked a lot of dumb questions and still do. I do all my question asking in my grows diaries so I don’t tread on someone else’s. Unless of course they are doing doing something I am interested in something they did. I owe these people here 80% of my knowledge on growing :grin:


That’s why I’m here


I wish I asked more questions, I could’ve understood somethings faster and improved my first harvest. Although, somethings I just had to experience myself… thankfully the experts here tell you it’s normal and help you work through it!


Welcome @Lonewolf great to have you, your gonna fit right in, I am sure. As others have said if you have any questions just ask.


I did a lot of lurking on OG 1.0 so I kinda figured out what was what. This was before face book. I think MySpace was around. I wasn’t as bashful. You can never mess up your own thread.
I just really recommend reading someone’s full thread before asking a question. They could have possibly covered the the answer to the question you are looking for. Some folks don’t care. But others just like to document there grow.
Dose someone in particular summarize our topics for us? I always wondered how that works.


New to this forum, and new to the cannabis growing game. Last year was my first grow, I grow outdoors photoperiod. Looking to get more educated and what not. Here is a picture of my grow last year got 2 LBS. out of her!


Welcome to the OG community. Beautiful lady there man. You have come a great place. Stick around and get to know some of the folks. It’s always great to see new growers. :slight_smile: