Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 1)

Hi @Backyard_Unlimited welcome


Hey guys

Kinda funny really. I’m an oldskool OGer.
I came close to destroying my hard drive when OG was busted and user data seized by the police.
It seems like another life ago, I have only just discovered that OG had been resurrected!
I’ve even managed to register with my old nickname, kinda hoping to see some old faces and see what’s going down these days


Hey everyone!

It’s been awhile since I’ve joined a forum but after a few weeks of popping by I figured I may as well join.

Great to be onboard! Stoked to see what everyone has growing in their gardens :sunglasses:


Welcome to Overgrow, @Backyard_Unlimited, @UncleFester!

Nice to have you here @Doc.D! We’ve got bunch of positive reviews here: Doc D cannabis seeds


Welcome to OG @Doc.D (that’s the infamous Doc Dank folks, in case you didn’t know) and @UncleFester, it’s great to have you two aboard here. You too, @Backyard_Unlimited!


Thank you for the kind words @monkeyman but we’re two different doc’s… and we get confused often. Lol

he’s the mushroom guy, I’m the Sativa guy.

We laughed about it a few years back when we met at emerald cup.


@Doc.D you are the guy I was referring to - the Doc D Seeds guy, right? I didnt know there was another one claiming the title. This is Overgrow, we care about seeds (mostly) not mushrooms necessarily lol


@UncleFester @Backyard_Unlimited Welcome everyone glad to have you guys here


welcome to OG @Panamajock sounds like your living the dream !


hey at @Doc.D and @UncleFester welcome to og!


re-intro over here. i dont do the computer in warm weather, so i tend to vanish from boards in April. no biggie, tho, as the cold will force me to the desk a bit.

in my initial post way back, i sed we planned to include the public in our business plan, in a big way. hmm, seems mr. corona had other plans for social gatherings.

so, our focus has changed, but our mettle is steeled. peeps may not be able to visit us en masse, but we will still be contributing to the benefit of our community and the environment that nutures us.

thanks for having me, and i look forward to sharing another journal real soon.



Hi guys! Im a cannabis enthusiasth from Portugal and found OG through a thread of guerilla growing in my country.
I have never tried growing for myself, but i have been Warming up to the idea and if the opportunity arises i would love to give it a try.

Looking forward to learn from you guys!


Thanks for introduction, @Cartwright and @linkinpedro!

Enjoy your stay!


Cannacrabber @OG

Hey growmies,
My name’s Steve and I am from Baltimore Maryland. I’ve been in the cannabis field for over 20 years but this is my 1st grow. I’m a humble guy and I ask a lot of questions. I’ve done some studying. I have been a part of extract forums like future 4200.
I truly enjoy the networking side of the business
Till I got this hlg 600rs! simple super soil . I added dry crab shel and things are going well. Minus a little bit of discoloration, I’m well on my way.
I’m a commercial crabber by trade. I hope that this can help me with my anxiety and ptsd! Not just the actual plant! The therapeutic value of growing. It is very calming. I love it so much its hard to believe Its my first grow! Thanks so much in advance!!!


Welcome @Cannacrabber you will love it here. There is vast knowledge here and people are more than willing to help so don’t hesitate to ask for it.

Can ya overnight a crab roll to me?

Kev :call_me_hand:t4:


Welcome to OG Cannacrabber, there is another grower here called Baltimore, as that’s where he is also. Here is a link to his thread :+1:

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Bem-vindo Gugumelo, aqui estão alguns portugueses que o podem compreender bem. Eu sou espanhol, também estou interessado em raças locais de sativas, um amigo vai me mandar Cabeça de Negro, o que você tem agora? beer3|nullxnull


Olá @George, tenho sementes de flores que degustei nas províncias de Sergipe e Bahia, nordeste brasileiro. Trata se de flores que desconheço a procedência, talvez seu colega deve morar em uma região onde planta se culturalmente, na minha região, ela foi extinta rapidamente.
Quanto as flores, Estou cultivando e observando alguma características, terias sugestão de variáveis a serem observadas para uma boa seleção? Abraço



Bem-vindo ao Overgrow