Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 2)

Welcome, welcome, welcome, did I miss anyone? Have fun.


Hello @pbjgirl, welcome to the party!

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Welcome to OG @pbjgirl and @Vomact !

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Welcome @Vomact always good to see another greybeard doing the damn thing! And @pbjgirl Welcome as well! You’ve found a really good community here…

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Welcome to OG @pbjgirl and Vomact!! :partying_face: :vulcan_salute: :partying_face:

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Welcome to OG @pbjgirl, glad you joined us.

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Welcome to OG pbjgirl and @Vomact :+1:


Welcome @pbjgirl!

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@pbjgirl @Vomact Great to have you aboard!


Welcome back to the best site on the internet today my man. @Vomact

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Welcome to OG @pbjgirl

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Hi @pbjgirl! Plenty of friendly peeps around here

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Welcome back at ya @Vomact

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Kronik here. Been growing for about 3 years now, small time, and i can say honestly say that I LOVE EVERY ASPECT OF IT, THE WHOLE PROCESS. All the way from the selection of breeders and strains to try all the way to the final smoke, and everything and every difficulty that comes along with the ART of growing. This is my FIRST community that i’m trying to be apart of and I look forward to being an active member of it. Just from a few quick glances at some different topics/post, I see there are A LOT of knowledgeable people here spitting FACTS and even PERSONAL OPINIONS based on their own experiences. I’m here not just to absorb as much of that as I can to better my own art, but share as much as i can to possibly help someone improve theirs. :slight_smile:

(I’ll be uploading some pics of some of my most recent & decent)


Welcome to OG @KingKroniK ! You`ll have alot fun here! :partying_face: :vulcan_salute:

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Welcome to OG @KingKroniK, you are in the best place on the net.
Enjoy !

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Welcome @KingKroniK


@KingKroniK You’re gonna fit right in fellow grower.

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Welcome to OG, @KingKroniK! You have landed at the best weed growing site east of west Texas and west of the moon! Pot leaf hopper

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Welcome @KingKroniK. Great intro!
We’re glad to have ya. Jump right in, the waters fine. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1: