Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 2)

hello og, its been a while. its not my time to grow again yet but just wanted to register and wish you all a prolific outdoor season this year. :peace_symbol:


Welcome to OG @shade


Welcome to all you new members to the site. And a little word of advice if I may, that guy above me is one of the circus leaders. You all will want to make sure you say hi to him. Welcome to the show that we call “OG”


Welcome to OG @shade.


I started a topic post here: 2023 Grow Journal and more ... - #9 by andstephen


Yeah, I’d say a primary ring leader for sure! Lol
Welcome to the fun @shade. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yep, welcome to OG, @shade! This is simply the best place east of west Texas and west of the moon when it comes to friendly people who are both knowledgeable and generous with said knowledge (and more!). Can’t wait to see your grow!


Welcome to OG @shade, get yer grow on.:peace_symbol:


welcome to OG @shade and @andstephen !!! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

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hello im mitchnyc212 i live in nyc got me a ac infinity 3x3 grow tent setup
never grown before trying to learn so was told to check out this site so here i am i currently have been trying to grow 1 plant rwdc which is a learning experience dont think im dialed in yet waiting for 2x 6 gall octopots that suppose to come wed and this time will ask the people with xp


welcome to OG @mitchnyc212 !! the best place on the internet with a lot of nice people!!

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Good morning and nice to meet you @mitchnyc212, you’ve come to the right place to learn to grow. Im an indoor/outdoor grower. You’ll find plenty of information and help here on overgrow.:peace_symbol:

Welcome bud. I’m sure you’ll find all the information you need to be successful with this venture. Just search around and ask away!

Welcome :hugs:

Ohh you’re in the right place…. See a lot of these here! Octopots & ppl with experience :call_me_hand:

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Welcome to OG @GEMI-CONNECT616, @omne, @andstephen, @shade , @mitchnyc212!

Looking forward to all your journals!
Hope you all have great day! :vulcan_salute: :sunglasses:


Will be starting a journey here soon

Seeds on the way


Welcome, what beans are you starting?

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Yes, I’m also curious.

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That’s the best part

I have no idea till they show

I have just popped 6 Gmo x gelatoeffext bx1
So that’s a start

Solo cups

Fox farm/happy frog mix
Down to earth 4-4-4
1/4 tblspn Bone Meal
10 ml cal mag

Mixed all together for soil composition
These popped in two days already sprouting

I had a fellow OG send a surprise… I will journal as many as I can. They have not arrived yet


@THCeed @blowdout2269 They have not arrived yet

Post soon to follow

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