Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 3)

@dankitydank1976 , @emeraldbullfrog , @Reynolds , @Terp , @Chefzilla , Welcome to Overgrow! Hope y’all are finding everything well and easily enough, or have met up with people to help figure it all out. It’s the best cannabis symposium in a virtual parking lot I’ve ever been to. And the only one you’ll need. Damn glad to meet you all and hope to catch you in the wild soon.

On a sadder note, I’ve lost a couple family members to dementia and Alzheimer’s, myself. I’m sorry for everything you’re dealing with, and hope you stay strong for him and others close to him. I’m sure you’re doing him proud, by the sounds of it. @Til_Valhalla has some excellent threads on that subject exactly, though there are others here as well. Feel free to tag me if you need a link to his spots here. Auf wiedersehen

Stay up


@Chefzilla, welcome to OG.


Welcome to Overgrow !! @Chefzilla


Big OG welcome @Chefzilla :slightly_smiling_face: your soil recipie is great :ok_hand:…hoping you will share some of your other recipe’s with us :v:&:green_heart:


Welcome aboard @Chefzilla sounds like you getting it done with the soil. You every look into Jadam or Korean natural organic farming to compliment what your presently doing? There’s a bunch of threads on here about it and there’s some free pdf books available on both these subjects.
You run any sub irrigation beds to compliment you high temp climate to minimize your water evaporation?

Post questions on here as there’s millennia of experience on here with all forms and grow types. It’s an amazing and helpful forum


Sadly, I have lost a loved one to it as well. Alzheimer’s is something that my family needs to keep a watch for in case the signs appear for some of my older relatives. And there’s Parkinson’s on the other side of my family, which is its own different beast.

I agree that @Til_Valhalla ’s thread on it is very good! I’m hoping that I will work up the courage to talk to my older relatives about cannabis someday. My family as a whole has been dead set against it and saw users as “criminals” for my entire life. If I learn how to open up to them about the ways it has helped me then they might be more accepting.


Your gonna love this place and everyone here it’s like a peaceful happy island :desert_island: with yo much fun
All positive vibes Brother


Welcome to OG @Chefzilla


Welcome to OG, @Chefzilla!

I’m 74 and also a stroke survivor. 2017 for me. I’m glad we’re both still here to talk about it!

I hadn’t grown weed in a very long time. I started again in 2021. It has been the single most holistically therapeutic thing I’ve done since the stroke. Because I’ve had to move my plants multiple times a day, I get a physical workout I otherwise wouldn’t get, and growing weed makes that a joy, not just a pleasure.

I grew up in L.A., and your description of the high desert there is really accurate.

Glad to have you here!


Welcome to OG man :+1:


thanks for the votes of confidence @Coffin_Dodger and @emeraldbullfrog

@Reynolds - my main thread has some good tidbits of information mixed in a running convo. if you have any questions, please post them on the thread. there are others reading and contributing and keeping up with it. any ammo for this fight is good to have and sharing the ammo so others can fight is even better.

this is the way.

link below


ASK and ye shall receive


I havnt tried any of those methods you talked about. Gotta look into them. As far as sub irrigation, not yet. I run well water and give my plants roughly 2.5 gallons of water per day. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Ill be adding biochar (broken up mesquite charcoal) that will help with water retention and certain properties that help with growth. I have studied “black earth” and ill try to replicate it.


welcome to OG @ all new member, good you found your way here. have a great time!!! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


Welcome to og @Chefzilla glad to have you here!


Welcome to overgrow @Chefzilla!

1 Like

Hey everyone! I’m DaHoodGnome, Novice grower. I found this site while researching on google and was surprised to find so much helpful information in one place. I can’t wait to get involved here and learn as much as I can. :slight_smile:


Welcome to overgrow @DaHoodGnome!


Welcome to OG, @DaHoodGnome! Glad you found OG, but be careful. It may become your new home! Woopee! Pot leaf hopper


Welcome to OG @DaHoodGnome happy to have you!

This is the place to be for sure. Especially if you’re getting into it now. So much info and so so many veterans that love to help us grow our favorite plants!