Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 3)

@RobbieP, welcome to Overgrow.


Welcome to OG @SeniorGrower , @MrDobalina and @RobbieP . If you use the tag @ Moderators without the space in your thread @RobbieP , and ask the Mods to merge it for you, they will pop in and help you out when they have time. :v:


Thanks @DougDawson. much appreciated mate.


Mr Dobalina …Mista Bob Dobalina? :thinking: :wink:

Welcome back :upside_down_face:


Welcome to overgrow @SeniorGrower, @MrDobalina and @RobbieP!


Is that my friend sitting over there? Haha.

Thanks brother


Hello, OG.

I’ve been growing for about 21 years, though mostly outdoor and small closet grows, only indoor consistently for the last two years.

I grow organically, making my own soils and amendments from raw inputs. I try to stick to organic matter, minerals, and microbes.

I wasted a lot of money in my youth reaching for marked up cannabis products, and not understanding the microbiology of the rhyzosphere, thinking plants just consumed all different nutrients that I must buy. It was not a fun time for me.

I’m old, lazy, and poor, so I build my soil with everything that is needed for it to maintain itself for many iterations of plant life. It has worked well for me, both indoor and outdoor, and I will never go back to my old ways.

Speaking of getting old, I recently stopped consuming most cannabis. I get seizures and epileptic episodes randomly, but more often when I consume most cannabis cultivars. I recently switched to cultivating very high CBD ratio genetics, hoping they stop the trips to the hospital. I am currently taking a course on medical cannabis to strengthen my knowledge in this area, along with growing a few different CBD-dominant varieties in the process, though I haven’t consumed any yet, as they are still growing.

I still do grow THC-dominant cultivars for other family members, along with many other plants - especially chili peppers. It was said cannabis is a gateway drug, but to me it has just been a gateway to gardening in general over the years.

I decided to join this forum to share my grows, knowledge, and to see how I like it. One thing I can say right now though is, this Discourse instance needs a dark theme. I haven’t used a website without a canonical dark option for a few years, and it makes my seizures less common. I know there are browser plugins, but they usually render other things unreadable, incur a performance penalty analyzing the DOM tree and replacing resources, and generally leak memory over time. I spoke to @LemonadeJoe and they are trying to find a solution, so I may be scarce in the meantime.

Anyway, I’ll start a diary when I can spend more time on this bright web site, or I’m feeling a little better. Things have been rough lately. Luckily I can type this up in Emacs, my usual code editor, and just copy it to the web form for now :slight_smile:


Welcome @resimax !
Wow, sounds like you’ve got plenty of experience and knowledge under your belt friend. I’m sorry that the health prevents the THC consumption for you, I hope the CBD cultivars work out for you and I will certainly be keeping my eyes out for you around here! You have truly found the best cannabis growing community on the internet :sunglasses::seedling:


@resimax, welcome to Overgrow.


Warm OG welcome @resimax :slightly_smiling_face: very interested in CBD ratio genetics myself though I haven’t grown any yet.
Here’s hoping OG gets a dark theme option.


Welcome to OG, @resimax! As an old fart who’s a hobby grower and not tech person, I don’t understand much of what you said, however, I’m happy as a clam that you have decided to join the finest weed growing forum east of west Texas and south of the moon!

Big :+1: and I can’t wait to see some pictures!


Welcome to OG @resimax! :wave:


Welcome to Overgrow !! @resimax


hello all I finally decided to start posting and want give a good introduction sorry if it is a long one

the first time i actually came across this site was around 2003-4ish growing up when dial up was the only internet.
i found the original just browing the web i didn’t take to going outside much growing up and would just come home after school and used to read all i could about cannabis and just looking at all the cool grow pics needless to say its what inspired me to start growing. i never made an account though as i was scared to make one as it was illegal in Oklahoma at the time.

Im glad the site is running again and cannabis is now medically legal in The US now. man how times have changed.

I have been growing on and off for some time now and really started to take it serious in 2011 with a tent grow and started breeding around 2014 got busted for going in oklahoma in 2017 a year before it went legal. ( the biggest relief was even after getting busted and going through all that is that the didn’t find my hidden seed-bank that had some of my work in it )

so i did my time and when i got out in 2018 i was on paper but still able to grow an consume medically as it was my medicine an got a card. after some time passed. going trough the whole probation after getting out in 2018 they made me find employment after getting turned down for multiple jobs because of my felony. I went back to knowing what i do best and started to apply to the “New Industry” in oklahoma found a good job working at a place in Lawton it wasn’t bad but the pay sucked at 8.00|hr but i needed the job and its was something i could do. my po was cool about it because it was a legal job and shared a little leniency because it was just a weed charge but who knows dude probably partakes as well LOL

worked a few jobs in the industry for some crappy and cool people getting BS pay but I learned alot from it and it gave me more experience. i couldn’t apply for my own commercial license until two years from nonviolent felony as per the statues in the med program.

so in 2020 i got my commercial license and was off of supervised probation and honestly it was awesome too be able to just do what i needed to do without cutting corners and going through a few different people to get stuff done like my previous oklahoma cannabis industry employers.

I was Producing organic sun grown full term flower and breeding as well. after year two of that big cannabis moved in and metrc crapped on the industry with different regs and tags and got out before the program was mandatory lol still have a huge 300 box of plastic tags that the state made me buy. any way after that and them wanting more fees i decided to close he farm in 2022 commercially. gave it all i could for a solo artist.

but on the up side i learned alot from this whole experience and still breed and grow my own medicine. and a major plus i still have all my genetics that i have made over the years and still at it. Also me going to jail put me on a path to meet my wife and now have two kids that we are blessed with thank you creator.

back to the Growing aspect I like preserving genetics and looking through landraces Particular Afghans. also good chemotypes with variations of cbd and thc . but ill grow any strain just to see what traits are there but my go to are pure lines and older genetics. the new stuff is good too but i honestly just like my own.

have some good things i have made over the past few years that i have never put out and it will probably just set in the fridge. there is a-lot of gatekeeping in this scene. and if you don’t post to social media 3 times a-day you fall to irrealivency.

honestly i hope the overgrow community is a lot more welcoming that other social media. im just trying to network with more like minded folks and possibly get my genetics out before they end up dieing with me.


Welcome to OG, @KCACultivator! You’ve had an amazing life, so far, seems like. I think there are a lot of people here who would be interested in hearing about the genetics you’ve developed and how.

Damn… Sounds like me, except back then it was the scandalous High Times. You do sound like an argument against bubble gum flavors and such in cannabis. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

OG is completely different from other social media. For that matter, it’s the only cannabis site you need. I’ve got accounts on a bunch of them and one day I realized I haven’t visited them in months. But I’m here every day! :nerd_face::nerd_face::nerd_face:



Thank you , im working on a few post that lays out some of my work and projects

also thanks for replying its cool to know there were other people out there researching cannabis at an early age as well. lol i remember in oklahoma certain convenient stores would have the high times magazines hidden on the back shelf wrapped in back plastic :joy::joy: like it was going to make you stoned just looking at it


Welcome to OG @KCACultivator ! You sure sound like you’ve got a storied past with cannabis my friend, I think you’re going to find this is the best cannabis community online to share all that with :sunglasses::seedling:


Welcome to OG, @KCACultivator! Pot leaf hopper

You, my friend, are not alone in this!

Clearly you know what’s going on with our favorite plant on a far deeper level than I do. :+1: Can’t wait to see some of those cool grow pics of yours!


ill post some more in its own thread but heres a couple

Killer A5 Haze after a early - mid October ice storm 2021

Balkh afghan landrace from afghan selection (done alot of work with her she throws huge comical buds and skunky but with gassy eye watering notes ) 2021-22 pics ran multiple seasons


@KCACultivator, welcome to Overgrow.