Introduce yourself @OG Vol. 1

Yo @MerlinsBeard welcome to OG! We look forward to seeing pictures of everything you got. Nice intro.


Welcome and great opening post! Anything from Oldtimer 1 would be special. :grin:


Welcome back. We’ll be looking around for you!


@MadScientist Thank you for the welcome and the compliment, I’m not sure about uploading pictures yet - I may need to subscribe to a VPN before considering uploading sensitive information. It is something I may very well do in the future as for a while I have documented all information in a little recipe book which is quite apt as I’d like to rely on this information for recipe ideas when I start “cooking”.


@ryasco Thanks matey, I agree - Oldtimer1 is somewhat of a legend and a fountain of knowledge anything he imparts is enlightening to say the least, I see @Baudelaire is around, It would be nice to bend his ear sometime as I’ve been wanting to sample some of his work since reading about Generals Daughter which gained some notoriety at UK420 and ofcourse he has carried on Oldtimer1’s ESB which is rarer than rocking horse shit :wink:


A post was merged into an existing topic: 99percent’s recipes

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Hey guys. Yarddog checking in. Been hearing about this place, figured I’d see hat all the fuss is about.
My current grow is 7 weeks in. Definitely looking forward to it. Smoking roaches here. Saving the good stuff for the wife.


All the fuzz is about growing with real people and breeders who have found overgrow to be a sanctuary for non political, non religious, non satirist ideas. We here at overgrow, all we do is grow!

Welcome @Yarddog! Glad you found us!


@Yarddog welcome! Your name reminds me of Nard dog from the office lol


Hello guys, @Yarddog and @MerlinsBeard, thanks for joining us!


Thanks very much @LemonadeJoe

and welcome to @Yarddog also, are you 7 weeks into flower? or veg?

Smoking roaches :sweat_smile: can’t say I’ve been at that stage for a long time, my commiserations!

Fortunately I no longer go through dry periods but when I used to it was a real nightmare, over this side of the water we have a nasty habit of mixing bud with tobacco. I gave that up a few years back, smoked pure and now for the last 2 years we have been able to get hold of the vapexhale cloud evo which is a cracker of a vape! I have tried a few over the years but none really satisfied and suckin on them big ass volcano bags is a joke!

Can’t beat a great big doobie though at the end of the day and laugh myself to sleep watching [adult swim] shows!


A post was split to a new topic: Zimbogro’s RDWC

A lot of great riu knowledge migrating over.
Overgrows got a chill vibe. Nice to be part of a new beginning.


I have the same feeling, some people are fleeing a website and coming to overgrow… Let them come by the hundreds! You are all welcome!

I was banned from RIU for telling the truth, that will never happen here at OG!

EDIT, some months ago there were a handful of us logged in everyday,
now there’s like 30 people all the time… WOOHOO!


Another thing. I encourage all new and old members to support Overgrow, may our home be always blessed.

A dollar a month will not hurt you my people and will go great lengths into helping overgrow the world!

A dollar for overgrow…


Too much ego over there man.
great knowledge, but very hostile. This is a hobby or a passion, no room for negativity. Save that for sports or whatever lol.
Can’t disagree on equipment or method because it all works!


Not only that a lot of d*ck measuring over there… In this life we have to be humble, or else misery will remind us to be.


A supporting membership profile status would be boss.

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There is man! You get a badge saying you support our home, i don’t use it but i proudly say i support our home monthly, i just happen to be crazy about the works in the lab… Laboratory Workaholic!!!

We should all support our home.