Introducing BudBusterPro

Hey @JohnnyPotseed and @Pigeonman,

During you’re seed run applications, do you see any degradation of the trichomes???
I was always concerned about late applications…is my precaution justified or am I just a worry wart ?!

There are circumstances where later applications may be desirable…
Thank for sharing your experience/observations


I saw no breaking down of the trichs, brother. But, like you say (with pic) on your site, the beans were definitely bigger than normal seeds. lol


I didnt notice anything bad either. Big beans, frosty calyxs and made for good bubble hash.



Awesome insight @johnnypotseed and @pigeonman Bob does this mean you just errored on the side of caution about tric degradation? Being able to use all the way through a grow :thinking: imagine the results.



BBP has been on the market now for about 3 years. As a manufacturer, my main concern was ‘Do no harm’. I was highly concerned about the vast diversity of cannabis genetics…

I have an experienced grower in Connecticut who has used BBP extensively. For his last couple grows he has been applying 2.5ml/8 oz dilution applications TWICE a week and raves about his veg growth and Bud formation…

I can’t really recommend that program universally because he is highly experienced with his VPD and nutrient control. A beginner may fail with that program, and again all it takes is one BAD experience and I trash all my efforts!

I would say if you wanted to experiment, do as the seed producers are and continue 2ml/8oz dilutions on a weekly basis and see how that works for you !!



Gotcha bud! :+1:. I wasn’t trying to be negative, was pointing out that you were careful about what you okied. I know you have done extensive testing and you want to put programs that work for all experience levels. Glad to hear there isn’t and tric damage since I was considering trying it anyways through flower just didn’t have the stones to possible ruin a plant :rofl:. You are solid gold to me and I’m glad your product works for more than you imagined. I’ve yet to hear a true negative review from real customers.:+1:

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Thanks noob,

I didn’t think you were negative at all !!
Just wanted to give a cautionary nod, based on @JohnnyPotseed and @Pigeonman generous testing !!


It’s definitely worth keeping in the arsenal of things to use in any grow! lol I used it on plants all the way up to week 6 in flower, when in seed production… The beans were very nice.


I am just finishing up seed runs on 8 different strains’ females that have all been on BBP from seedling stage. I’d have to go down and look at tags, but these beans were the fastest maturing seeds I think I’ve ever grown out! We’re in the midst of the worst part of monsoon season here and as such, mold-out is big problem. These 8 girls are ‘under roof,’ but with 98% humidity levels, that doesn’t matter much! So I have to pluck any beans as soon as they are ready or risk losing them all. It means I’ve gotten more than my share of ‘greenies’, but overall I can’t believe I’ve gotten the numbers and quality I have! BBP Forever! Thanks Bob! :pray:

Side note; Anybody doing their seeded plants, please try to see if you notice any physiological changes in the calyx development. A number of my females seem to ‘release’ their seeds much easier than I am used to (Malana in particular seemed to drop seeds if I even thought hard about it!) I also see a number of females that have the calyx split open revealing the very green beans at an extremely early stage. I’m wondering if that opening of the calyx early is just a sign of such rapid bean growth?

Here’s one of the little Ethos - Super Lemon Haze with it’s early green beans showin’ (I’ll look at the tag for a pollination date but I doubt it has been a month yet! This one scared the hell out of me yesterday…I saw the green beans out of the corner of my eye as hermie’s at first glance!)



I don’t know, but it may have something to do with the humidity…


I didn’t have that problem here.



Monsoon season.
Anyone in a tropical rainforest would be having basically the same.

Haa, haa, haa well I’m chalking up the already sprouted seeds I’m finding up to the humidity levels, that’s for sure! :rofl:

Not a ‘problem’ so much, (unless they fall out!) just wondering if anybody else notices it happening?

WHAAAAAHOOOooooo! Well, I went for it! My 5-gallon NaturChlor hypoclorious acid generator is ‘on-the-way’! If they can be believed, should be here in 9 days!



Well, posted this in my thread but I want people to see this, so sticking it in here too! Hope that’s acceptable mods???

And Now… :drum: :drum: :drum: :newspaper_roll::roll_eyes:

It’s HERE!!! My new 'Blemished" 5 gallon Hypoclorious Aid generator from Controlomatic has arrived! Oh MY GOD!!! I’m tempted to brew up a 5-gallon batch tonight just 'cause I can!!!

And, I paid a little extra to get the 3-amp charger that speeds up the process of batching! They sent the normal one as well. So far, I’m stoked with Controlomatic! They were really helpful with my overseas order and freight, responded promptly on my questions and lived up to the predicted shipping times and rate. And I had NO Customs hassles at ALL! Delivered straight to my security guys, I believe, in the 9-days predicted!

Now, this unit (NatureChlor-Max) normally sells for $469 + shipping. BUT they also sell “Blemished” units at a very highly reduced rate! I paid something like $225 US including postage! I’d recommend ‘asking’ about pricing on shipping…when I went direct to the website it quoted me $271 but they had already checked the shipping price and quoted me $50 cheaper and when I asked about it they sorted it out right away.

They also make smaller models that are less expensive, but I need VOLUME here in the tropics! I want to be spraying this tomorrow morning with my 20-liter, gas-powered backpack fogger! Screw those whimpy little pump sprayer jobs! :rofl: And, like everyone else I have spoken to that has bought one of these ‘blemished’ units, it took some time to find the blemish!

Here’s their website, tell 'em I sent ya!



WHOA!! I just check out their site and wow!



Whoops, another ‘copy & paste’ from my thread (First Time (growing legal that is)! - #1233 by Tlander there’s more on BBP & “One & Done” scattered throughout the thread)…sorry my mind is too out there on RSO to try to retype all this with different words! :crazy_face: But I want to help Bob get the word out after all the hands-on help he’s given me. So I want to drop a note talking about the size and speed of seed development w/BBP treatments. I’m still quite early on in my experiences (a few months I’d guess) but so far it has been in the seed development part of things where I am seeing the greatest differences from my ‘old ways’. Any of you breeders out there, you REALLY want to look into this stuff!

Here’s a shot of the Malana (green pheno) seeded plant that I hit up w/pollen just 8 days ago! It’s tough to see on this one, but if you zoom in you’ll see that the calyx have already split open revealing the green seed coat. I have been assuming that it has to do with the Bud Buster Pro treatments effecting the seed development process. this is now the second seed-run using BBP and to my eye, it’s an across-the-board thing…all the plants have been doing this calyx split really early on. I have been hoping to let these beans run long-term on the bush…last run was a tag-team match against the budrot with monsoon assisting! Had to take what I could get before they succumbed…hopefully not this time!

Here’s one of the Ethos Super Lemon Haze (last seed run) that shows the effect a lot more clearly…

Same thing on the Goji’s, these at 10 days after pollination.

And 8 days ago! Again, see the calyx starting to split already?

Would love to hear from any/all others using BBP in their seed plants!



I’m doing my first real attempt at making seeds and I also noticed at about 3wks calyx were “splitting at the seams” it looked like. I checked most all looked that way also. @Pigeonman @JohnnyPotseed @blowdout2269 I believe can help you with this.


Haa, haa, haa! Good luck w/ the first ‘real’ attempt bro! You’ll be hooked! Okay, so that’s a second instance of this observation. I’m NOT seeing it as any ‘problem’ and quite to the contrary! My seeds are finishing in almost 1/2-2/3 of the regular time and the older ones are fantastic looking (No germ tests yet!). My biggest ‘worry’ is that these are all outdoor and sitting on grey gravel, so if any beans drop, they’re goners! Indoor growers (with strain-segregated tents) will just LOVE it!



I’ll post picks tomorrow. It’s a Mexican sativa and the seeded calyxes are huge! Anyways will post a pick of the split if I can get a good one.