Irene (sourced from FJ)

I’d love it, but I’m sure many who have been around longer and contributed more will want it. Awesome offer! Good on ya!


Absolutely :fire:


I would be interested ! She looks gorgeous :raised_hands:
I have a friend I can send her to in the future as well.

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@hoss8455 If you don’t mind, would you please send her to my buddy @HappyTrees23s :wink: :grin:


Very much interested


@hoss8455 I’m definitely interested!


Definitely interested looks spectacular


I posted this in another thread, but figured I should post here in the official Irene thread since I just saw it.

This is Irene from FJ at day 45 from flip:

I also thought she was slow to veg, but she took off pretty well once I got her into a SIPs container (City Pickers from home improvement store). So, I think maybe she’s slow in veg for some because she’s just really picky about her watering schedule. Flowering in SIPs at the beginning of week 8 from flip, she’s drinking faster than anything else in the garden besides Legend OG. She also stretched about 2x in flower, which is pretty decent and just about perfect. I agree with people saying her stems break rather than bend when supercropping, which I found annoying but manageable.

Something that I find odd is that, while her smell is on point for the descriptions (currently it’s smelling like what I imagine an old Polish granny’s purse smells like - flowery old lady perfume, worn leather, pencil shavings, and onions), the pics of Irene FJ showed in his discord look nothing like my plant. Mine is much more OG spacing between nugs, golfball buds, with huge swollen teardrop calyxes with almost no pistils. His, which I saved from his discord posts, show extreme stacking colas with lots of pistils.

Mine looks very much like what Nspecta showed in his old 2012 ICMag thread at The Infamous Irene Kush...straight outta' the Dirty South!!! | International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums

Excited to try this and see if she brings the goods or is just ho-hum like so many of the other old school “elites” I’ve tried from FJ so far.

I’ll update here with final pics once I’ve harvested, and then again once I’ve had time to smoke her.

:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


Not trying to thread jack or anything but I have to ask…

So apologies in advance.

I got a cut or two from him a month or two back, just getting them vegged out nicely and taking more cuts to flower, may I ask which ones from him you have tried?

I currently have his legend OG, and his Tahoe. I was just hoping they are not lackluster…

Any info you can provide if you have ran either of those or both would be awesome.

Thank you and have a great day!


I have Tahoe and Legends from him . Tahoe harvested few weeks back , Legends not flowered yet .

Tahoe is outstanding , grows well , although not a good yielder , acceptable however for the quality of the bud . Not colored up like a lot of my other strains but wrapped in beautiful long red hairs and covered in goo . I personally love it , have a review in one of my threads .

I have Skunk Tangerine also . Thick healthy bush with nothing but large colas no larf even though short yielded very well . The Loudest weed you will grow or dry or open a bag of .
Terps are stupid high , tastes exactly as she sounds but in reverse . When just dry it was too much for me , i didnt really care for it and never hit enough to know her power . Now cured a bit , its gotten worse , and i cant smoke it . MANY will die for her flavor n smell , just hits we way wrong , we are all different .

I have ChemD , Giesle, Apple Fritter Lumpy, and GMO , all from him in week 3 or so

Chemd is a smaller bush , GMO a bit larger bush , Giesle is nuts, huge and all over with 3 x the side branching she needs or could even support . Lumpy, damn Lumpy! Thing is a skyscraper of towers . Grows maybe even faster than WC or ICC . Needs daily neck wrenching to stay anywhere close in height to the others .

What have yall finished and smoked from him so far ???


@nube ???


Good to share our thoughts . @WhiteBoyRick has ST down also , think he likes it .


His Irene is legit it’s from me unless he’s got a different one these days. Should grow almost like a quicker Bubba rather than a viney OG. Doesn’t look like much until the final weeks. Smells like gassy piney earthy evergreen kush w/some sweetness to my shnozz.


Id be happy with that. @Cannavore


Thanks for asking. Without derailing the thread, my comment was more about the elites not being very special rather than any specific comment about FJ. So far I’ve flowered and sampled his:

Chem D
Chem 91 (Skunk VA)
Skunktek Sour Diesel
Triangle Kush
Bubba (Orgnkid)

And currently flowering but haven’t sampled his:


Out of that first list, the only two I thought lived up to the hype were the TK and Chem 91, neither of which I grew particularly well. The Bubba is reminiscent of all the things you hear about Bubba, except that FJ’s cut actually isn’t very slow in veg - it’s just not very potent. You can read my comments about the Chem D here: Chem D Discussion - #985 by nube and also see a lot of pics of my two grows of it in that same thread. Giesel was mediocre smoke though beautiful and super small buds in flower, and Bunktek had neither sour nor loud anything and basically zero effects (for me and some others who tried it).

Tahoe is looking great and is a very resilient, low maintenance, easy to grow plant. Legend is an outstanding plant so far, very vigorous and very productive in flower, but I can’t say how it smokes. To me it looks like a cross of an OG and Chem91skva that is greater than the sum of its parts. SR-71 has me scratching my head wondering why anyone would keep this plant: it’s not vigorous, it has terrible flowering characteristics, has almost no smell, but maybe the smoke is incredible? We’ll see.

See above! It’s also always possible I didn’t grow them well, or they didn’t like my environment, or they just don’t work for my endocannabinoid system. However, what I’ve mentioned above is mostly echoed by friends who have also grown the same cuts or tried my flower.

My takeaway is that it’s good to get a baseline education for what these old hype strains bring to the table so you know what you like and dislike and can guide your seed popping in the future. But, just like big fish stories, these elite’s reputations may have been artificially inflated over time. I’ve found significantly better representations of what these cuts bring to the table in freebie packs of bodhi seeds; some were enjoyable to me and some were not. I never felt like most of those seed plants were elite. Had I known they had similar desirable attributes people wanted, I would have kept and shared cuts.

But what I’m learning by trying these clones is that truly remarkable smoke can be found in lots of places, and you don’t need to spend a lot of money or chase the so-called “elites” to do it. Just plant more seeds.



Thank you so much brother that answered all of my questions!

I quoted your last statement because I definitely think that’s the right approach and methodology to take, as certain clone onlys are great for some people and some people would do better hunting through a pack of seeds, just depending what they prefer, how they grow, and what they like to smoke.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend and hope I didn’t interrupt the Irene conversation horribly beyond just the last few posts.

And now, back to our regular programming! :v:


yeah, ive tried

Bubba (Berger)
Chem 91
Chem D

all said to be from FJ

None of these “elite” clones from FJ lived up to the hype. I’m keeping Chem D and 91 for one more round just to double check but man, not really impressed which has brought me back to good ole seed poppin.


How long did you flower your 91?

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it was 75 days…granted i made some mistakes - she’s a tough one to get at first. i do think it’s legit as it’s got the looks but just wasn’t as strong as I remembered…all of them were like that.


Here’s the same FJ Irene cut @ 53 days:

Whole plant:

Seems to look similar to Bubba buds to me.

I haven’t tried her yet, but she smells good, can’t wait to jump in.

I’ve been thinking about why some of these cuts have been around, and I agree with a lot of what you’re saying. It gives people like you and me a baseline for what’s out there. Some stuff I haven’t liked, and some I have, it’s just a personal thing in my eyes… there is no “one ring to rule them all” type plant. I think another reason they’ve been around, is that back in the day, when cannabis was much more underground… there weren’t a TON of people popping seeds and looking for elites like there are today. Sure there were people here and there (the people that found these clones in the first place), but not like it is now… So when something unique, or special popped up, it was an easy way to cash crop and get consistent income… not saying that’s what happened all the time, but I’m sure it had some play in the longevity of these clones.


I’ve been pondering this recently. I think part of it is smoking for many years, many of us probably got used to the earth shattering potent weed high and it’s not “new” to us anymore so we aren’t as shocked by it.


i completely agree