Is this a better way to store seeds?

I keep all the original packaging if that counts :rofl: I just like being able to look in my catalog and be like yup H4 that’s the one I need and just grab it out without having to look through anything else I guess


I use these because they have a gasket in each vial to prevent moisture. I have a couple of them stacked up, lol.

Check out this thread.


i store my seed in fridge for 1 or 2 years and they 95% popped


I love those glass vials…
Going to have to see if I can get some amber colored ones.

Thanks for the idea! :call_me_hand:

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Just tried putting some seeds in my freezer for 2 weeks to make sure it worked before putting my whole collection in, since I’d also heard it’s better than the fridge where they are now. I pulled them out last week and set them to germ, 0/6. I’d just popped 3 of them the week before, so I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the seeds; if the freezer’s better, it seems like there might be a few details we’re missing on the method. :slight_smile: Obviously it’s how the real scientists do it, but they also have fancier gadgets.


It’s likely an issue with the type of freezer etc

I thought I read on here somewhere to let them sit for awhile…like a week or at least several days. And maybe even going freezer to fridge for a day first???
Or maybe I’m just high…


I’ve had good success storing in the freezer nothing fancy most in original packaging or coin flips inside a gallon ice cream pail .

15 plus year old seeds still sprout and grow perfect example is the shiskaberry run @Alaskagrown is doing right now extremely old stock and still had decent germ rates .

I’m sure rice or any other moisture grabbing tool won’t hurt but in my opinion not necessarily needed.


Black film containers work great. Seeds inside small zip lock bags (in film container) w/rice in the bottom of the containers. In the Fridge works great. 95% germ rates on 12 yr old seeds.


They are an excellent, light-proof storage container and you can find cheap, mid sized plastic storage boxes that will hold 25~ 50 each (dollar-store).

Before the days of digital you could score those canisters for free at the film processing centers.
Although, towards the end, the black ones were getting replaced by the translucent ones more often.



Classic, old school seed storage.

I’m starting to become fond of Eppendorf tubes for storage.

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Yeah i have alot of mine in them. Reliable.

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For moderate storage(gonna be used in 5 years or so…)

I use my seed fridge…glass sealed container’s with desiccant and/or rice inside to make sure they stay dry, cool, and dark.

Long term storage(5-30+ years)

I use the freezer…package seeds in vacuum pack bags again with desiccant and/or rice…

The premise behind both techniques is to keep the seeds as viable as possible by eliminating heat, moisture, and oxidizing conditions that degrade the virility of the seeds!

Cool, dark, and most importantly…dry for the win!! :muscle:



I do like those. I get most of my seeds in them lately.



Wine fridge.

Best investment you’ll ever make.

Store your herb, seeds, rosin, hash… all at 55f.

Or whatever temp you prefer. I’ve got a small one that’s around 100-200w total. Didn’t cost more than 150 usd delivered. My herb is always “fresh”, jarred up inside my wine fridge. Seeds stay viable with no concerns. And my rosin/hash always tastes like it was just made. Plus you can do cold cure aged herb really easily for any old schoolers who like a proper aged cold cure smoke.:ok_hand:


What are those and where did you get them they look pretty good need to change up my storage solution

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Here are a couple links. Aliexpress is half the price but takes a bit longer to arrive. I ordered though them and got both packages within a couple weeks.


@DougDawson Awesome thanks for the links :pray:

How many seeds would you say each one vial holds?

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Are you using the cryo test tubes with the twist on threaded caps that thread inside the tubes?All the real Cryo tubes I seen like that were UnGodly expensive.