Is this a mag deficiency?

Well not waiting an hour to ph again… waiting an hour to make sure your tap doesn’t have so many ph buffers that it’s messing your ph up on you when you ph … ya know?

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In other words… I was going to go tap also… but my waters ph fights my ph buffers so much it seems to win the battle and rise too fast too much… causing me to add alot of ph buffer… and it just messes up the soil I think with all that in there

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And if you have chloramine instead of chlorine like our City water you can let it sit forever and the chloriamine will not evaporate.


Damn that’s good to know!!!

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Oh and 1 more thing… make sure you treat your ec meter and ph meter how they say… like how to rinse it off etc… some do NOT recommend using reverse osmosis or deionized water because it will throw the pen off indefinitely!! So make sure to call them and ask what correct method for their pens/meters are for bluelab it is reverse osmosis or deionized for rinsing the ec meter… and tap only for the ph meter …

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On that note some lime skunk oil :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Who’s with me?


I’m with you brother! Thanks for all the great advice and the chat!


Haha right on!! Anytime broski!!

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My curiosity is now piqued… so I’ll have to know what it was officially … it’s like reading a book until the last chapter … and then selling it…lol …

I will definitely keep you posted brotha!

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Thanks man… good luck :+1: :green_heart:

Alright bro dude, I figured it out. The problem from the beginning was a Ph imbalance which caused a calcium deficiency. My problem was 2 fold, first I was checking the Ph of my water before adding nutrients which led to a lower Ph. The second part was that the runoff had a higher ppm than the input. This nutrient build up caused the the soil to become too acidic and have a low Ph. After I flushed with 6.5 ph water and very low nutes it seems to have stabilized. Lesson learned lol


I think I’m having same issue with nute buildup

Glad the problem was solved :grin:. When I suspect some salts buildup I use this along the grow, not only in the final flush … beer3|nullxnull


Real easy fix sometimes. I just put them out a day or two in a good rain or a nice down pour outside in the dappled shade during veg of course and watch my light hours as not to flip it .Some times the rain water fixes things up a bit for you.

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Definitely gonna buy this to have on hand. Thanks!

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Dang I live in California, it rains like twice a year here lol. I’m trying to relocate somewhere that meets these 3 criteria:

Legal to consume cannabis
Cheap land


Flawless finish is just overpriced epsom salts in water. Similarly, Clearex from Botanicare and FloraKleen from General Hydroponics are epsom salts and sugars. You can flush just as well with pH-balanced water for a whole lot le$$


Holy shit he’s right… thanks for the heads up on that abuse!!


Illinois!!! It rains… cheap land… but there’s absolutely nooooooothhhinnnngggg worth doing here … like it’s friggin boring bro

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