I've been hunting unicorns "Da Lat"

Ya, but the leafs are curling and dying off like its not getting any water. So i had to try something. The stems are soaked the cloner is working as it should. Just wait and see now i guess


i had the heavy dryout Leafcurl also. Mine stayed 2 weeks like that, and well… It didnt make it, but it was still doing a bit while this Period. Will be a close call, gooood luck


I’m making the switch to Living Soil soon. My knowledge on LS or TLO was weak so I’ve been researching it a lot. I’m still getting everything I need but I’m excited to do it.

Of the many books I’ve researched on the subject, the book below is a great read and resource. It does require you to do some work to maintain but it’s all worth it for the benefits.


They probably had an air pocket in the stem, preventing water being sucked up. .( embolism)Cutting off a bit of the end should make a difference. Whenever I’ve taken clones out in the bush, I fold the stem at the bottom to prevent the air from going in there. Like a kinked hose. That was my thinking at least. Don’t know if it made a difference, but they rooted. Maybe that guy could root one for us)… 5 days on the road is a long time for an unrooted clone. Fingers crossed…


This book is how I taught myself true living Organics. I think he uses way more sources than is necessary for a good grow. He seems to have had the same thought process as me. A little bit of this a little bit of that. That way nutrients are being released all along. But I have had equally good results just using blood meal bone meal kelp meal and lime ( outdoors in the ground, though). And in a pinch, just Holly tone. If you are growing in containers, Make sure to get that soft rock phosphate. Of all the ingredients, my grows didn’t go properly until I had it. Also make sure to find that feather meal. I doubled the quantity of cottonseed meal to replace it( 6-2-0 instead of 12-0-0), but I think it makes my pH take a nosedive. Do yourself a favor and get that feather meal. It is crucial for long-term nitrogen.


That’s no joke.


Thanks for the share Kingmambo! Im always reading and looking for more knowledge… the problem is retaining all of it hah


While I appreciate the Rev’s passion (he’s who convinced me to grow organically), that soil mix of his is ridiculously expensive. I like Coot’s better and it’s cheaper, too.



I started with TLO, well… as much as I could find/afford in the GTA a few years ago.
Then I found Subcool’s Super Soil (ver. 1&2). I got spreadsheets analyzing them :laughing:

Now I have a worm farm… in the kitchen… and the wife is OK with them!! :exploding_head: :partying_face:

And I can vouch for the soft rock phosphate… I’ve got the scars as a reminder…



Did you pound your own from rock phosphate? I tried and gave up, lol.( apparently it’s not the same as colloidal soft rock phosphate, or srp).Pretty cheap online. @minitiger , yeah, his list is unnecessarily complicated. I got an organic gardening book out. I drew out his list into three rows. Fast release, moderate release, slow release. I added up all the numbers and then divided by the amount of ingredients and came up with an average number the Rev was shooting for, for each nutrient. You can get rid of a lot of ingredients that way. Green sand is another one I would keep. It lasts forever. In addition one his T’s are very wasteful of nutrients. A second book he remedies that. Make sure you have second edition. Like the other guys are saying though, you don’t have to go so crazy. I think it’s easier to screw up actually, when you have 20 ingredients,. When you don’t have one of them, it feels like it’d be okay to leave just that one out. Not necessarily true. Some are key, some can be substituted for. Simpler is better.


5 ain’t bad if the weather is cool. My record is 11 days but they took 3+ weeks to root lol


I’ve been using Gaia Green.

Thanks for the tip about his 2nd edition.



Yeah, a lot of the ingredients he uses are redundant. It’s been so long since I mixed up a batch of his soil, but I remember him suggesting adding Fox Farm fertilizers (which contained like crab, oyster, kelp etc) and then also adding crab, oyster, kelp on their own, too. Something like that, anyway. Didn’t make any sense. I do remember that after all was said and done, it cost me around 500 bucks to mix up like 60 gallons of soil, which is insane.


Crushed eggshells also is a deterrent to Slugs/Snails, as is Copper or, Sand. It’s gets in their membrane and suffocates them. In my Veggie Garden, I sprinkle Eggshells BOTH in the individual holes and along the rows. They provide slow-release Cal also. Banana peels for Potassium. ALL, do take care, stay EXTRA care (you KNOW why) and, indeed, be well…mister :honeybee: BTW: diluted LAB is EXCELLENT for PM, after a few hours, rinse off, diluted WHOLE Milk does the same!!!


Think I read somewhere that if you grind up the eggshells enough it acts similar to diatomaceous earth maybe?


Sorry I haven’t posted in a little bit but there really hasn’t been a lot to talk about been watching pollen drop for the last 2 weeks and collecting as much as possible. Little bit of exciting news girls from California might just make it they look rough but two of them are shooting roots after 13 days.


Sorry for poor quality pics. Cheap ass phone.




Yea, @Guitarzan how bout that shit. We still not completely outta the woods but i feel a little better. As for my little test i left seeds in 2 biggest cuts and gently plucked out as many as i could from other 3. And 1 of each is starting to make roots. “so far” and the seeded cut looks strongest. Not enough for true test but interesting none the less.


Talked to John earlier. The Dalat seeds should be in the mail tomorrow or Wed. :slight_smile: