I've been hunting unicorns "Da Lat"

Have you listened to the podcast Growcast? They discuss making your own and give great details about it.

You need to bake the eggshells. You can make it into liquid or ground it up to add to the soil. If you just add them to the soil, it takes a long time for it to break down and release.


Its just compost material, just like banana and potatoes peeling
Yadda yadda yadda

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Don’t quote me on this, but baking turns the calcium carbonate shells into calcium oxide by releasing the carbon as co2, allowing the plant to uptake the otherwise locked-up calcium phosphate.

I’ve always heard peat drifts acidic over time. Adding uncooked shells could help mediate that by using the acids to burn off the carbonates.

@ReikoX you strike me as the type of organic gardener who’s taken a chemistry class. This sound right?


Took chemistry in college and failed it. :rofl:
I just follow the recipe.


I had read that when sphagnum dies, it releases polysaccharides which block bacterial metabolisms and this causes the peat to become acidic over time.
I also bake the egg shells and use a small coffee grinder to increase the surface area the shells can cover - takes a lot of shell to cover…

BTW - have you heard of peat bog mummies ?
[shiny object for ADD folks like me - IKR !!! ]


Nope never heard of this, used to live in
Peat bog country. N.W. Illinois lots of peat bottoms.


Elevation Map of vietnam.

4000 feet in Dalat. Mountainstring goes up till the North, and at North reaching over 10 000 Feet in North Viet. Many Hmong in the North who are known for only growing Hemp tho.

What i wanna say is, there might been even reasonable shortflowering Viet. Infact i know 4 old Vietlines that were either chunky Plants, or flower as less as 13 Weeks, an most reported as strong weed


I just can’t get over how much variation is in these only one of them look like what my mind thinks of vietnamese weed and that’s the super narrow leaf one


So would seeds produced from this method be the opposite of fem seeds


Hey hunters of Unicorns.

I once smoke the strongest Weed in my live. It was a trip to the Stars. Not making anything up when saying this was Hallucinogenic of the highest degree. And i smoked Thai, hallucinated on it, but never was the Thai coming close to that Vietnamese.
That Strain i had was allegedly: Vietnam Tourist - Green Hornet.

viet touri

No hurry googling it, i did it countless times. Its basically lost.

One important thing:
If anyone knows where old Greenhornet Packs are remaining. If you have any Lead, be it just so little, if you just seen any Greenhornets Strains somewhere. Then please tell, I or Greenhornet will go to great Lenghts to finding it still.

You know, Greenhornet lost it himselve, searches it since…

That this didnt survive is unbelevable to me . this was Tripweed, a true Unicorn
Im not sensible by the way. Modern hybrids, Hazes, i smoked that all man… so,
Send me a PM if you know something for his Contact.


I would expect it to increase the number of males in the next generation. But really, I’m not too sure. They would still be effectively regular seeds though.


Well the ladies showed up Wednesday. I received 5 cuttings but these girls are not virgins they came already seeded. So here is my thoughts. I have never revegged seeded cuts, not even sure you can? I am concerned they will use there energy to produce seeds instead of rooting? So i picked as many seeds as i could out of them all but 1 plant. And thru them all in cloner. We will see what happens? Anybody have any experience or advice with this?


standard Cutting procedere:
-dont keep them cut-surfaces in the air!
-give them moderat light, not strong light as for plants
-destilled water, but Tapwater works ok
-place them simply in cups of water
-use humiditydome, this forces them to root even faster, cause the overkill of humidity forces them find a solution (roots) . You can instead spray them with water .


Thanks for the info i am pretty comfortable with standard cutting procedures have you ever revegged or rooted seeded clones???

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You’re definitely right, they’ll devote some energy to seed production. And probably take a little longer to reveg. But if you get good clone rates ordinarily, than I’m sure you’ve got it down pat.


Ph test your water also


How do the cuttings look today?


They are looking very sad todaystarting to shrivel up don’t appear to be rooting no little nubs or anything so i cut a little more off the bottom like you would fresh flowers. They look like they arent getting any water, maybe they didnt like 5 days on the road, I added rooting compound and bloom to cloner under breeder recommendation. not giving up yet but not looking very promising


as you shure know, you should wait like 3 /4 weeks to be shure it not working