I've been hunting unicorns "Da Lat"

thats exactly what happend when mine had the heavy leafcurl. small Roots stagnating. I was getting crazy and trow bit soil into water, i was under the impression that was not a good , cause the small roots fell of after that (alltho i couldnt see anything nomore cause water was untransparent from soil)


Oh, they’re on the way all right, They were supposed to be here yesterday, but they weren’t. And since USPS doesn’t provide package tracking anymore, there’s no way to know where they are, or when they might show up here. Good times. :slight_smile:


I have faith, brother its all good.


Just found this thread yesterday. Thrilling! Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: that the extra seeds arrive and there will be girls!


Hey @YoBigdaddy, @rootfarmer. USPS says the seeds will be here today. :slight_smile: They didn’t arrive in Muskogee until 3am this morning, so I’m hesitant to declare victory yet, but if they do arrive today I’ll try and get them out tomorrow, or Saturday for sure.

I can’t see shipping them USPS unless they have some other tracking options available. It’s not like FedEx and UPS are beacons of reliability, but USPS is a clusterfuck ATM.

I’ll keep everybody in the loop. :vulcan_salute:


Welcome to the party, @allotment pull up a chair, relax, smoke a fatty the girls are on their way.


Fingers crossed they show! Still waiting for Panama seeds. The mail is crazy this time of year!

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Any more life to those roots?


Monday will be 2 weeks since I mailed them. They were supposed to be delivered last Thursday, the 11th. There was an “in transit” scan on the 11th, so what I suspect is that it reached its final destination on time, and it’s sitting in a box somewhere waiting to be processed. If I haven’t heard anything by Monday, I’m gonna put a trace on it.

It freaked me out to send those Dalat and Blood Klot seeds USPS, but FedEx and UPS are no better, just more expensive. So, I guess all we can do is :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: and hope for the best.:vulcan_salute:


i do label my stuff very “monk-ish” … so, if they are
not clearly labelled then its smile’s repackaging (?)

i didn’t send smile any LT f1 seeds, so whatever he
did send you from the crosses i made = it’s a hybrid.


They will get here buddy. I’ve been too lazy to check the tracking LOL. Everyday I expect them. Especially this year, it’s a crazy time of year for the mail system.

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The mail system makes me want to go postal most days!

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Time for another update: I’ve collected five tubes of pollen and I think I’m going to put the male plants to rest to make room for the new ones. @Pheno_fiend has graciously sent us 19 more seeds. he purchased the same batch we did from snow High he ended up with two males one female and sent us 19 seeds from that batch. I dropped 10 of them in water last week and every one of them sprouted probably drop the other 9 today. Still patiently waiting for the seeds from snow High they’re still in transit like most everything this time of year. I am also going to trash the Clones they have been done for a while. I hate to do it but we have to open up some room for the new girls. And I think with the addition of 19 more seeds five tubes of pollen and the six more coming from snow hi we should be okay I hope everybody had a great Christmas and I’m looking forward to a spectacular New Year


I have a question for all of you out there? Ok if Pf bred 2 males and 1 female and i pollenate the seeds from that with pollen from the same batch of original seeds will mine be f3 or f2 or???


Well, it’s sure shaping up to be spectacular. :grinning: Still no movement on the seeds, but the stuff I mailed on the 7th is finally starting to move, so hopefully these won’t be far behind.

So, you’re gonna cross those P1 plants, grow out the F1s, and hit the females with pollen from the original P1 male.

Man, isn’t that a back-cross? I think it’s normally done back to the mother, but it’s still got that Arkansas vibe to it. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Ya i know kinda messed with my head a little to thats why i asked.

Not the original P1 mother or father technically. I’m going to hit phenos F1’s with uncle joe and his 5 brothers ??? And just for the record since not" technically "open pollination i will keep them seeds seperate once i figure out what to call them.


I understand each Male, from whaterver Generation provides a Genetical Basis.
If you use more males, you get “richer” Genetics. If they are even one Gen. lower, even better.

Depending on if one want selective Breeding or not, using all males is crutial for Preservationists, not?


All pics of the “purple” dalat male. The pollen sacs are pretty close together.


Second dalat male. Not as purple, not as resinous, not as filled in.


Dalat female. The plant is pretty nice overall. The plant loves frequent waterings and mistings if you can. It doesn’t feel like you can really over water it, probably because of how much water it transpires through the leaves. Mold resistance is pretty high too. On a few occasions I’ve completely soaked to the plant to rinse off dirt and debris (no grass in the backyard and my area is very windy) and no signs of mold anywhere.