I've been hunting unicorns "Da Lat"

These are really interesting looking plants. That purple male is something! Never have had the pleasure of such a resiny male in 30 years growing from seed. Interesting, the only male I ever did have with any resin at all was a Vietnamese cross…


No F generation if they’ve never been outcrossed.

I don’t know what conventional agricultural notation suggests, but I refer to all purebreds as IBLs.


The funny part is that as frosty as the plant is, the resin heads are pretty tiny.


I will Always keep Dalat pure, but crossing it to a big resin head variety could be epic! Great photos btw. Excellent clarity at close range. Looks like a green porcupine.


My exact thoughts!


Happy New Year bud. Any pics of the little green friends to start 2021 off proper?


I’ve read 20 generations is considered IBL but Cannabis is an obligate outcrosser; you’d have some very very goofy plants at F20. You’d need some big plant numbers to avoid inbreeding depression if you even could at all. Hell Blueberry is F4-F6 and those plants are weird enough. For practical purposes I think F5 is plenty for Cannabis, plants should be satisfactorily uniform at that point.


Not much new growth on the da lat so i thought i would throw in pic of the aka marty johnstone thai (Buddha stick) to start off the new year.


Wow! Looking good! Some fast Growers you have there!

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Well here goes round 2 its official. I put everything in quart containers today and will give them a few days to adjust then into flower tent to see how many girls we got. I have received the snowhigh seeds(6) in go-gro juice we will see i dont have much hope for them. But the pheno_fiend seeds are thriving anywhere from 4"-10" all natural growth, no wierd anomalies, pretty uniform across the board size differences due to different start days.


Temps in my area have been a lot colder than normal. Daytime high temps haven’t gone over 72 in a a couple weeks. Night time lows are averaging about 48. On top of that, wind has been getting up to 25mph on some days. The plants are very unhappy with the weather around here, but 2/3 are still growing.
Like some reports mentioned, the plant does continually put out new pistils. Every few days, I see some white pistils here and there.
The female started to get more color about 3 weeks ago. Only the outside of the buds are purple, the insides are still green. Interesting part is that the parts of the plant that are the most purple, get the most sunlight.

This guy is finished though. Hasn’t put out pollen in a couple of days. I think the wind blew so hard that the plant bent and ripped it’s roots, causing it to slowly die.


Also did a quick count of seeds. I should have about 800 harvested. Still many more left on the plant.


Thats wild they are still throwing pistols, how many weeks are they now? I really like the pic with the moon in the background. I cant help but wander is that turning purple due to temp change are is that purple pheno snowhigh was talking about? Either way nice looking plants bro.


Right now, the plants are about 10 weeks into flower.


that is a wonderfully fast finishing Dalat! The good thing, i heard people saying Da we Dalat is Ok, or even better in Effect when harvested bit early . Did you grow these normally outdoors?
( i dont really make any compromises in the hunt for Unicorns, but)


Big seed! I wonder more and more if Dalat has Chinese Beoadleaf Hemp in it. Really nice male plant. That’s not the one with the resin is it? Nice amount of flower clusters on it.


The apperance of fast flowering chunky equatorial Landraces from the 70s overlays funnily with Mountaineras: Columbian-Mexican, Southafrica, Vietnam all have very high mountains. And funnily have a couple fastflowring old trippy Lines. Hemp hence the possible selection for fat Leaves and Stemms, or what you think is all possible. In the end its strong weed from higher elevation . This was collected at Dalat hill/mountain.
Fast/or chunky equatorial are a observation i made on my long deep hunt for the viet unicorns from 70s

Well your Hemp-theory is possible too, since HmongTribe introduced Chinese Hemp into Vietnam, but i stick with the observation that i heard enough reports from other equatorial Mountainregions… Mex, southafrica…


Vegged indoors under a 200 watt led light in a 3-4 gallon pot (have to check in the morning). I moved them outside when they started to grow above the grow light.


Yes it is the resinous male! That’s what made this male so much better. It out did the other in every category.

Pics of the leaves in the middle of veg to beginning weeks of flower.


Let me introduce you to a couple of the ladies, yes i said ladies. Some of them grew 14" in last 8 days. Haven’t named them yet but heres some pics.