I've been hunting unicorns "Da Lat"

I purposely pollenated the buddha thai with male pollen from BT male plant. I did this in seperate tent in other room. I had not seen any nanners or flowers when i hand pollenated every bud on that plant. I sprayed it down with water and stuck it on desk while i scrubbed everything n tent down for sunrise girls and noticed three flowers 2 opened on BT . spent rest of week scrubbing house down. Going to wait on sunrise thai see what happens. I was so pissed didnt think to take pic. Keeping my eyes open if i see another will snap a photo.


20 minutes? Where have you heard that? I read 24 hours, and have always gone by that time line. keeping male plants close to my females, spraying them down once a day. Out of 400 plants I found one seed. I’ve been doing this for years this way and never had any issues. I actually have problems making seeds because we have a heavy Dew every morning.


I read that somewhere on here and practice it.
I pollinate, wait half to an hour and spritz get all the seeds I want on targeted limbs.


I do the same thing, but wait 24 hours. Perhaps it’s strain dependent. I about gave my cousin a heart attack practicing this out in Washington State. 400 female plants in close proximity to a dozen male plants in full flower. Semi desert climate. I hosed the female plants down once a day. Only one seed. In New York, I generally have to wait for a windy stretch of weather for pollination, because we have no Dew in the morning on those days. Sometimes I have to pollinate more than once to get any seeds at all. The females and males are very fertile.


Hard to believe everything strain dependent on this .
Practice this SOP with everything i breed.

But if it works for you then its all good, aye.


Are you spraying down the spots you pollinated, or just surrounding areas you mean to keep seed free?


I always heard after 15-30 min, you’re good to spray it off with water and return it to the flower tent. I don’t know for sure, only what I’ve always read or heard. Crap, pollen here travels easily and can linger, too, since it’s so dry down here.

The one plant I have in flower now has at least a seed or two that I can see, and I only had one male and it stayed in another part of the house.

That’s the way I’ve been doing it for a few years now. That way I get enough seeds to look at and still have some nice smokeable flowers. If I just think pollen around here, I’ll get seeds if there is a female around, lol.


Just the spots I pollinate, very seldom do I get unwanted beans from this.


Pollen can fly in good conditions for hundreds of miles, just like a snowflake in the wind.


Yep. I just read that pollen can travel 20000 miles if it finds a jet stream. All this hemp farming that is taking off could really impact the Cannabis scene.


Yep could even effect indoor growers coming in thru your fresh air into your grow.
It was all a big plan after legalization they knew what they were doing.


You obviously live in the same general area where I live haha. That weather last week was crazy… Good to know it didn’t fuck up your plants too much.


I had three plants growing downstairs in a basement with two windows in wells below ground level. It was March and the windows were open and we had sustained winds of 25-40ish for two days. Somehow my plants got pollinated and produced a good many seeds.

I don’t think any hemp would be getting pollinated in my area in March so I wonder if it came from a local grower like me or from a hemp operation a hundred miles or more away. And, I live in a canyon with a huge mountain straight east of me.

I plan on grabbing a good fan and a high end filter to prevent that in the future. At least for the indoor stuff. I’d really like to build a greenhouse using a shade cloth instead of plastic. That would give a little protection from summer pollen.


Mo, right?
Upper lower middle, I highly doubt that also.

Probably from another grow.

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Dont know if you can see the seeds in the bud right above open flower but it is still throwing flowers apparently

aka marty johnstone buddha thai


Ok who invited the dudes? Turning into another sausage fest. I am no mathematician not even sure how to spell it. But damn thats alot of dudes. Started with 31 beans not counting the last 6 from snow they did nothing. Had 7 not germ and 12 dudes so far. Still not sure on last 6-7. So if my math is correct thats alot of dudes. I will let you figure out how many girls so far. To much math makes my head hurt. only need one.


Here is some of the girls.


Here is the buddha thai week 12 banging on the light. No more room i guess its time to tie her back some.


@YoBigdaddy Great Thread :slight_smile: how big is the tent and how many watts is the light

thank you



According to my math you can still get nearly 50% females. I would have guessed it to be unusual to get so many male plants. What an unusual landrace. Did I see that dalat has a 24 week flower cycle? If that’s the case, it’s shooting that theory about skinny leaves for long flowering sativas right in the ass. To me these leaves look very Indica like( some). Probably just a sign of long domestication. Great job @YoBigdaddy. Looking great!