I've been hunting unicorns "Da Lat"

Here’s a bit of our conversation


@Upstate you seem to make tracking down info easy! I’m sure looks are deceiving even with years of practice of where to look and finding different worthy to trust sources.


All it takes is a little OCD LOL.


Yeah my adhd counterdicts my ocd! Lol I still do what I can thou. Worse cause just throw it out to the OGverse and someone will have a answer or lead! Lol


Don’t know how many times I’ve been thru this on here on the Durban and you could’ve got that same info off of Google if you didn’t believe me and others.


Awesome, I was wondering the same thing (Durban vs. Durban Poison) ever since I got your seeds. Thanks for the info, saves you a PM of me asking about it. :wink:


Always takes more than one source before I believe something. Everybody has something to say about Durban. Really hard to find the truth. The difference with what I just learned, was the different components that made up Durban. That part about Durban being a port city I already knew, but I got that information from you as well. I took what I learned from you, and put it with what I just learned from Rastafarout, a local, so now I have two sources that told me the same thing.


Ok, thats a reasonable Counter, saying that Vietnamese may been only so potent cause it was introduced, then the Outcross was the reason why it was a Landrace that provided some of the most unbelevable smokereports i EVER read.

However, i dont see any proove provided .

What leads me to not think thats the Case is: cause the most ubelevable smoereports i ever Read came from Vietnam. I pronounce “leads”. Your theory is not battled at all by that…

however, i dont see any proove for your theory either.

Look, i smoked once an unknown Bud. It was so unbelevable, that i centuries later (now) started a looooong search for it online.

So, how did i start: well: i just listened to the most unbelevable Reoports that were just like mine.
And where did i find it? Not in Thai, alltho it sounds bit related, not in Mexican, alltho it comes close, not in African, cause it sounds to different…

I found it mostly in Viet , Cambodian probably, and Sumatran probably.

So, i had the clearest indication of Similarity in Vietnamese Smokereports. In the end i dont claim it…
So probably it sounds reasonable to beleve that vietnamese People did infact simply grow that stuff themselve… Cause if it was just an outcross that was what trip-vietnamese was, then it happend only in Vietnam to cause the strongest reports. So, we have already a fixation to vietnam… Outcross or not. So we are lead to search truth, and the explonation should somehow explain why in Vietnam this immense potency was possible…

i didnt find this eplonation from you…
the whole Region had some of the crazyest reports, Cambodia, Sumatra, vietnam…

Why there…?

If you find this explonation, with an evidence, i have no problem with it…

Further you say: newer Vietnamese is less potent cause the fresh outcrossing moment lays long back in Time…
Well, but why dont you find any Landrace reprot that is a good as the old ones? Nothing is nomore the same, african, Columbian, whatever.Well you say probably cause any landrace was an outcross, and that outcrosing stopped. As long as you dont provide any explonation and evidence, it doesent stick in my memory… if thats the truth no problem…

I edited my above post to include you as the other source of what I learned.


You have to take my post on the matter with a grain of salt. I’m using the words possibly, or perhaps, or maybe. I never say definitively

oh, and Da we was a copterpilot in the vt war. Well, thats a resonable counter that his report is not reflecting how strong it was accuratly. Howeer. When people tell they saw Sound coming out boxes for 6 hours on a 3 puffs vietnamese… Then i have pretty clear indication.

I hear heard like 6 Reports from old vietnamese, those had just the most clear, and vivid indications, that it was the most strongest weed ever. I cant tell for certain if Mexican or thai, or Sumatran was stronger. Those had all very good reports, but ietnamese stood out. THATS when i decided to focuss only on this one Region : vietnam.

speaking of hallucinations, a veteran sweared bouth hands up: he tripped on Viet pot. Sumatran had the nickname “tripping weed” thats how it was sold …

So, do you think im far off, possibly, im not shure…


Try Cambodian


yes man, i beleve cambodian is bit underrepresented in smokereports/ comapred to how insane it was. But i had one , two very good report. That indicated it was very special.


I got a shitload of beans from Vets.
Have not tried popping cuz of possible disappointment. Questionable past care.

Not really my cup of tea, some day.
Might have to dunk them all to find one out of a couple thousand or so.


I think there is some magic to be found in Southeast Asian land races which is why I’m so interested in them. And so interested in what you come up with. When I’m posting about my theories about Southeast Asian land races, it’s just to get conversation going, and to get more input from everybody about what they think, and I’m hoping we can come up with an answer between us all. There is no easy answer. Was that crazy trippyness bred out of Southeast Asian strains in an effort to get higher-yielding, shorter flowering varieties? Its possible. When I hear about that trippyness, the pot always seems to come from the unworked jungle lines, which seem to have something special in them. When modern cannabis is bred to contain 30% THC, it is at the expense of other cannabinoids. Perhaps the same is true of the Southeast Asian genepool. Has some cannabinoid has been bred out of them to make them more desirable for money making? Maybe. I think you’re on the right track searching the old varieties. I don’t think I would limit my search to Vietnam because the border was so porous( openly crossed) during the 60s and 70s, and still is today. That trippy weed could have literally come from anywhere down there near the Mekong River, but I still think there are areas where those old varieties probably exist as they once were… probably in regions where pot farming is not done for a living. Some remote tribal villages. One thing I know for sure . The people that are looking for that old trippy weed will be the ones that find it. That means you and Yobigdaddy.:grin: Just don’t forget about me when you find it! Also, don’t forget I told you about that guy Biodynamic Gardens on Instagram. He said he tripped off of Peruvian pot. and he’s willing to trade seeds. ( he is Peruvian) he said what he tripped off was probably extremely low in THC, but he said it was just like mushrooms. After he had that experience, he told himself he would always grow the local landraces.


If you need help dunking those old school Vietnamese just let me know i would be happy to help.


Crazy weed in Cambodia. I’m hoping @YoBigdaddy finds something good!


Its probably sitting in @OleReynard 's sock drawer. Lol or fridge.


great to have a target pics of the steveO gear - the sunset Thai looks fire.

  • makes me want to drop those mixed bag beanz to see what’s up"

considering it for my outdoor patch… time to get off the fence…


I get excited everytime I see a new post hoping it’s the unicorn we all really want to find. Just glad someone like yobigdaddy is taking the time to actually find it.