I've been hunting unicorns "Da Lat"

i heard a couple breeders produced Seeds in switzerland around year 2000. The boom lasted very short, about 5 or 10 years till it became illegal.

The strongest weed i got was and stays Landrace but yeah , overal very special genetics , very good genetics. Many stuff looked like a 50 percent Hybrid, nothing was watered down, or depressed, or outcrossed to excess. Those were often very fresh genetics.

But as landrace lover i still didnt fully like most weed. Not even back then. It tasted insane, of Berry, of Pinapple , of sweeeeet Perfume… So People would absolutey enjoy it.

The thai and Viet that i smokd were just stellar, just fresh, strong, happy weed that impressed me. I bet it was very low generation, old genetics. This longflowering stuff was even sold. No Moneymaking like today. Just perfection.

From who it came from, i guess half Holand was here, bringing the best, but opposed to holland there was no preffereance of knock-you-out weed. More kind bud was going around besides the knockout weed…


@Justanadachuka. .check out this thread.

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I always wondered why you have to “charge” biochar, and I’m pretty sure I found out this summer. I had a hell of a time keeping nitrogen in my soil this season. In addition to all the rain we’ve had this summer, I used fresh( unsoaked) biochar in my soil for the first time, not thinking about how much nitrogen it might gobble up. This may have been related to my nitrogen issues this year. Sound right?


Definitely don’t quote me, but if I understand bio-char correctly they’re just little magnetic sponges, adsorbing this that and the next ion to their surfaces.
I think the nitrogen specifically gets bound up by bacteria that are trying to process, and living on, the bio-char. Same thing that happens when people say wood chips “rob nitrogen from the soil.”


You can quote me. :slight_smile: I used some bio-char in my last soil mix, and the prevailing theory is if you don’t charge it, it’ll charge itself with the nutes in your soil. Not to worry though, it’ll release it back into the soil just like pre-charged will, but that first year you’re gonna see a reduction in available nutrients.


Someone understands CEC. :wink:

More specifically this is with the positively charged ammonium, NH4+, cation.


Call me petty for bumping this thread — but I dont want it to die.

I’m trying to learn all that I can about Dalat &/or Kampuchia Red. I’m on the fence about which OP/selection I’ll do next. Just started some 6mo AGs…. So I have a month (or 3) to decide.

In other news, I have some Vietnam Black 164 s1s from Doc D that are 4+ weeks in veg. They’ve suffered a bit under my negligent care, but they’re alive…& mostly green. Only one looks like you’d expect; but I’m gonna pamper them from here on out. Hopefully something great comes from my limited selection; s1s have always been a losing bet for me


Thanks for the bump brother nothing Petty about that at all much appreciated seeing how this thread was mostly about da lat not a whole lot of information about the reds in here but if you have any questions about either one don’t hesitate to shoot me a message man I’ll help out anyway I can. I just finished some Viet black beautiful plant. Mine didn’t come from doc but I’m sure there’s some fire in there he’s always got good stuff I’m growing his Beastie boy now. I only had five seeds all four plants turned out to be females so I took a bunch of clones STS about six of them made a s*** ton of female seeds. Then I got some pollen from black cat genetics he was doing a snow high Viet black run and had a bunch of males. So I hit a few of mine with that. Mine didn’t start turning black until maybe a month before the end. If you’re interested in either one let me know I shoot some out to you.


Do you have a link to Beastie boy did a search about the strain didn’t come up with much info? Thanks


No unfortunately I don’t have a link you might have to hit up old doc himself. Sorry


I appreciate that immensely! :pray:
But I don’t wanna bother you about seeds/pollen — It’s not my intention to make seeds with the Viet Blacks (as of now). I WILL bother you about the Kampuchia when it comes time to get those wet; I’m leaning more towards them… even though dalat has been a white-whale for me.

PS: I like Doc a lot! I have a few Beastie Boy hybrids in the fridge. But for the time being, I’m trying to move away from the modern polyhybs. If I have any of the ones you have/want, and you want a bigger population, I’ll happily send em your way. At least I know they’ll be in good hands

If I have any others you want. I’d have to check my stash, but I think mine are duplicates of BH7 x BB, Ethiopian Banana x BB, and maybe one or two others.


Beastie Boy is Yo Mama! x Bandaid Haze F1 Male.
Yo Mama is Bodhi’s afgooey x appalachia.


Thank you appreciate the info .


Now you know Yo Big Daddy’s got to be growing some yo little mama.


Now I just need some seed to run.


@YoBigdaddy when do you cut down your Southeast Asians? Do you take them at the first ripening or do you let them flower some more and then cut them down? I know that’s a question that’s probably not easy to answer. Final question. Have you found that they need a good cure for the potency to be released?


I usually chop them at 10% Amber but some of these Southeast Asians are tricky they’ll just keep going and going and going and never turn Amber so you kind of got to look at each plant individually. I definitely count the days and don’t start counting till I see signs of flowers Sorry that was kind of a lame explanation but there you go. They most definitely get better with age leaving alone long enough to cure is the tough part. Although I don’t know if it’s me just getting used to it or not but that viet black sure was a lot better when I first chopped it than it is now a month later.


Thanks buddy. Just had a great smoke of fresh dried. Its gotten excellent. @romanoweed I was just telling me how some people prefer their Southeast Asian cannabis uncured and some prefer a cure… maybe Vietnam black is the type of strain you need to freeze right when you dry it?


As a teen at a bus stop three strangers 2 old and me, winter, long wait. one guy says anyone got any papers? I ran to the store and back , he quickly rolled a dube in his hand. his bus came so he handed me the dube said enjoy, the next bus came right after, the third guy looked at me shocked when i got on it instead of smoking with him. I re-rolled it at home, it did not even look like weed to me , not weed i seen. not bud form. i smoked a pinner on a walk to a close gas station waited for friends to go clubbing. the creeper was insane,i was walking a curb back and forth, stopped staired at the curb zoned out forgot wear i was looked up and everything looked different in mood and lighting. my final hi was retarded. time jumped like I was on mescaline. I never got buzzed like that again on anything and I always wondered wtf was it laced. was my only guess. It was like if mesc meets acid meets me trying to keep cool. Reading this I wonder could have it been one of the shroom like weeds? It was before I did shrooms and acid every weekend for a year, like the next year or two or three. It was more crinkly leaves than bud. The guy didn’t really break it up, we were standing in a really cold windy snow situation so i get that but it allowed me to see the plant material when i re-rolled it. I was like wtf is this? what ever, roll. lol


Mannnn @Pheno_fiend fuckin killed it in this grow! He found a resinous male, and a purple phenotype. It’s hard to top that. Although I am strongly considering trying my luck…