I've been hunting unicorns "Da Lat"

#4. 9" tall


#5 7" tall


#6. 8 1/2 " tall


I am curious to everyones opinion on the wierd shape and color of the leafs.


Those are looking really nice man, weird leaf shapes and all. Great job!! :grinning:


saw same leafshapes in Snowys Vietblackselections… i was ever wondering if he did some weird things ? hahah, not that i doubt he careful selecting.

Then to the bright spots, i saw spottet vietnamese two other times. If its that its something different to albinism. And slightly strange leafes, aswell spottet leafes never appeared to be a major problem.

Somehow however it looks albino`ish /variegated.
Albinism would be rather an unwanted trait, since such plants can be slightly unhealthy.

shown in picture is minor problem, atleast if its not as pronounced as on this. its a trait apperant in “wild” strains


Afghani is known to have similar weird leaves in some lines, and its thought that years and years of inbreeding from a small starting population is responsible. Maybe this is a very old line?
Great job! Very happy plants!


Olereynard’s AKs do that exact same thing. I’ve seen it in my own grow, and growhards AK. Now you’re seeing it in your Vietnam and one of my Vietnam too. Even though the lines are both from Vietnam they’re unrelated.

At risk of getting a whole bunch of people up in arms, I think it’s a seed-borne virus

The Vietnam black from Doc D aren’t showing this trait


I have seen it once before in one plant, but everyone of these seems to be affected. Which made me wander is it genetics? Or to much in breeding? Which is why i asked?
@Worcestershire_Farms do you think if it is a seed borne virus it will only be this generation or hereditary? @OleReynard i would love to hear your thoughts?


i recall the weird-leaf-shapes like you had yobgdaddy , are just some deformations, and a canna-magazine seemed to tell, they re harmless, so i guess they saw it as genetical. Mutation. cause they said there is just nothing to do about. so i think genetical.


Someone here on Overgrow mentioned various viruses infecting plants in old lines, passed down via seed to the next generation. He claimed test tube reproduction( I’m having a brain fart) will return plants to their former glory. Plants are a lot like people. Royalty in the past often used incest as a means to keep power. The Offspring from these meetings were always f’ d up in some manner. Same with plants. Don’t sleep with your sister lol.


I have seen it quite a bit as of late.
Looks like one of my spinner rigs, variegated hatchet shaped, i just thought it was the way I grow.
Always seems to be that “one”

Plants are strange things, I see the roots as our veins and if you damage one of them roots, could it have some ramifications?
I’ve seen some pretty strange shit in 40 odd years from plants.
The oddest one was one half of the plant was female the other half male.
I’m talking a split y’d plant and one leg was this and the other that.
Aint ever seen nothing like it.

It mystifies me when one leaf does something exactly different, is it environment, is it hereditary, is it a mute,
Did the plant roots get damaged?

I dont know i don’t see it as a nutrient problem.
Is it a couple things off the list above, im sure others could probably add to that list.

Doesn’t effect anything that I’ve seen, no stunting no dudding.


So you want people to send you money, so you can buy seeds, and then you’ll send them off to reproduce after taking several for yourself.

Guy wants a finder’s fee (and your $$$). He’s broke, but he got links. What a deal, everyone lol.

On topic, FWIW it doesn’t necessarily appear to be a virus. Could be, but if it’s growing vigorously it’s probably fine. More likely, just simple variegation or something similar. If every plant looks like that, it’s probably genetic. Does kinda look like one of the mosaic viruses, which can transmit through seed, but you’d need a test to be sure.


@vernal i didnt necessarly want anything. the impuls to give links was @RedOctober telling he wishes for GNThaistick.
So i stated that i may share the link where to buy it with him.
After that, i got people telling something like i should share my links with more people, or openly. Wich i didnt want cause some reasons . Then i made the offer, that anyone could get a certain equivalent of links , it was that they send me the money and they recieve the repros. this offer was zero in my interesse, as i could easily shared the links with friends, without a pile of work how to manage such a group-operation.

In short: i dont really need anything from random people, i offered this as a help. Also, nobody said i wanna keep most part of repros for me i think. People could bought a gn thaistick repro for 10d per person, i dont think its that bad of a “deal”. Again, zero in my itereresse, so deal not the perfect word
if possible continue that talk in PM, for the flow of the thread

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@vernal ooh, and i forgot, that idea of sending money to me, and i share repros didnt even come from me, it was stated from member @ShiskaberrySavior , so… not my idea, not in my intereseese, but i would done it for others

@vernal also, when you said i want peoples dollar, you possibly implied i wanna steal. incase thats what you ment, i tell you, i have no idea why you thinking that. So that im not standing in the light of a stealer, i informed you (with indices) on how the other implications you made might be not the truth . Altho i cant really say anything against that possible stealing-implication, how to proove that… alltho i could clarify most of your implications


Ok da late, but here we go. I knew going into this one it was going to be difficult everything I read said low germ rates, weird unusual Tendencies, and hi herm rates, and everything negative. and I never claimed to be any kind of expert but man these things have got me scratching my head for sure. I’ve seen one or two plants with weird unusual leaves here and there but nothing like this. They’ve grown anywhere from 8" to 14" this last week. and at the beginning of the week I was looking forward to the big sex reveal and was convinced that I had 2 males, #1&3 and the other 4 were female by the end of the week all 6 had balls. temperature and humidity have been fine all week between 80 and 84 degrees with 59 to 80% humidity all week very uneventful happy and healthy. I was talking with Guitarzan about how completely weird this plant has been and he contacted the breeder who sent this little bit of information. First he said don’t write them all off yet. He said he’s been growing them for years, and they’ll still fool him on sex.

He said he vegs those plants for 45-60 days, starting in a beer cup then into a quart, then 1/2 gallon, and so on. He said inadequate root development can cause them to behave strangely, and expressed a concern that they went into flower too soon. He said to take cuttings of all of them because they could flip sex.

He uses a 10 1/2 on, 13 1/2 off light cycle for his pure sativas. He says that’s the sweet spot. He also said that a “bluer” light will produce more females. That isnt much different then what i did maybe i messed up by not vegging longer??? Or maybe there all dudes??? Or maybe i have no f ing idea??? I have started plants in flower before no problems. Hell they start off in wild with 11 hrs daylight??? Any thoughts or ideas at this point or welcome. Hey @Worcestershire_Farms didnt you have a bunch of males with highland grow? I will post better pics hopefully later today.

pics are backwords starting with #6 going to #1


They’re sure nice looking plants.


thanks @GMan they seem happy


They sure look like males to me. It may just be bad luck man, it happens. We still may have an ace up the sleeve though. :wink: