I've been hunting unicorns "Da Lat"

That sucks I’d call them all males too!


First and foremost, it’s not a matter of grower error, you did nothing wrong. I’d think at this point we could all agree the evidence says sex is already set in stone before the seeds have germinated.

Yeah. The Vientiane were three out of three males on the first run. The second run turned out more females than males, so the final count is right about fifty fifty.

Five hundred bucks for six males is some hella bad luck. What’s the chance he would donate a new pack to the cause, free of charge?


It sure wouldn’t hurt to ask at those prices !


And it’s not something we can find elsewhere. We could use Ethylene to reverse a male, but that’s last ditch effort.


He has stated he would. And there is another possible source. I am not ready to give up yet. @Worcestershire_Farms


Good stuff. He’s a good dude.

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I think grower error can help determine the sex of the bean
Just like grower error can help determine that seedling gender as it gets older on the flip.
Too many nutes too early i believe could be the culprit.
Possibly stress in general


@OleReynard no synthetic nutes used. Living soil with slow release dry amendments. I have other plants in same soil doing fine. Temps have been between 80-82 one day 84. Humidity between 50-80%. Ph 6.2. well water. No stress that i can see other than variegation and deformed leafs. Don’t know how i could have done any different.


I don’t think it can possibly get more ideal than that for seedlings.

Edit: to piggy back, I am extremely fast and loose with my germination/seedling conditions and I almost always get a 50/50 60/40 sex split. I don’t even pH until a month or so in. I keep them so close to the lights that they burn a little. It’s a good way to learn how the plants will speak to you and their left and right limits early on, like learning their language. I’d rather not try and interpret what a plant is telling me at +60. It isn’t an abuse thing, but I digress. I really think sex is determined by factors outside of the growers control, maybe possibly excepting the most extraordinary circumstances, but that’s just speculative.


If environmental factors controlled sexual expression, outside of hermies, sex tests would be worthless.


I don’t think there’s anything you could’ve done to change the outcome. The plants look nice and healthy man. I think we just drew a shitty hand. Hopefully the next one will be a better.


Just a few pics before they move into new tent . Look at wierd spacing and branching.









Accurate. Assumption seems to be for a lot of people (males = bad) and (stress = bad) so (stress = males) and it’s simply untrue. I’d say the average is probably 55/45 male/female for me across the board. Usually males are less common in tropical plants, more females and intersex plants. But a few beans isn’t a massive sample size either. I think a lot of people also fall to the “gambler fallacy” on sex ratios as well.


I recently got 7 males out of nine seeds. Had more females than males next time. Anybody believe that slices of Apple or Banana can sway a plant seedling to become female from the release of ethylene? The only time I did it I got 3 out of three females, lol. So, I have to do a larger drop to really make myself convinced of it working.


Ya know i heard about that a few years back and forgot about it.
Think it was back in the early 2k’s.


Don’t believe i have ever heard that. @GMan but you can bet i will give it a try especially if i get more da lat seeds.


You can use ethylene to reverse a male plant and he’ll grow pistils — and ethylene is a gas — but apples and bananas can’t get the ppm high enough to change anything.
Ethephon is ethylene, sold as Florel; It might be what they spray on bananas to force them to ripen. Pineapple growers use it to kick their plants into flower. I want to say it helps stop premature fruit drop, too, but don’t quote me on that.

Sex is predetermined, though. Ethylene only makes a plant show female, in the same way silver makes a plant show male.


Welcome to the sausage fest the boys are ready to blow and not a female in site. Shipping in some bitches from cali this week. I hope everything goes well.