Jacks Nutrients

This a the whole basket of awesome sauce. I just ordered the RO formula 12-4-16 and 10-30-20. Been watching their youtube and reading on their site. I prematurely ordered the classic line 20-20-20 that I will and have used on outdoor ornamental plants and the Tomato Fe which I will use on the Tomatoes as well.
My soil is a homemade mix using Coast of Maine and Bumper Crop plus a few bags of Stonington and BarHarbor I bought for a side by side. Im going all in on the next grow for Jacks to see how it produces in these soils following their nutrition schedules. Im just a home grower in a closet and I do seem to be getting better as I go after a few years.

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that has enough nutes in it for a 3 month grow.

i live in maine, i get it fresh :smiley:


So ever use the COM products with Jacks ? Any advice?

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No, if I ever used CoM, it was only stonington mix cut with some promix 50/50.

This was for my outdoor growing because I tended to notice a lot of bugs in the CoM.

9 out of 13 grows had bug issues right out of the bag, stored inside the store. Went from truck to inside.

My plants were quite happy on rainwater and stonington / promix


Sweeeet dude I love this place

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I’m in the Midwest and have a hard time sourcing their stuff but TrueValue does free ship to store. If Jacks works as well as claimed I can just buy the promix from the big box places and save money.


I thought truevalue was a new England thing… huh, come to find out most of our stores are no longer around.

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Well, if need be, you can always order directly from Jack’s.


Is this the same?


Indeed it is!

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Oh I did. Have RO feed and bud set on the way and should be delivered tomorrow. Still looking at the finish product but will probably end up buying a small bag. Plus downloaded their feed schedule. I had to get my Oakton 35 out and go through set up and parameters again and ordered some ph and conductivity test solution. If I’m gonna do it try and do it right. For those growing in soilless media do you still feed full strength at every watering or once a week or ? Sent same question to peters and waiting for their reply. Asked a couple other questions of them several days back and they responded with recommendations for me. Nice.


the 1kg bags could last about a year maybe longer.


I just did my first feed with the 12-4-16 but I backed off on strength a bit to 5g @950ppm in my RO. Gave a diluted small amount to feed my bonsai moms.

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We have a handful in a 50 mile radius.

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Feeding at 5g was too much for young plants in veg. 950 PPM. Got some minor burn. Watered just plain a few days later. 3 days later fed 2g with .25 g epsom and man they really took off and my Ghost plant went from 19" to 24" in 5 days and they look really good. 4 different strains. So yesterday I ramped up to 4g and .5g Epsom and they look good and Ghost is about 26" today and the other strains are doing as well. Hope for one more good possibly full strength feed before flip and change to the 10-30-20 for a couple weeks. I suppose its all things you have to adjust feed for your needs and learn what they want. Off to a really good start with Jack’s and I am hoping this will be my go to for a long time. Need to order some of the finish.
One lesson learned is NOT to feed bonsai moms with left over mix they really didnt like it and were burned but nothing drastic. I will continue to feed mom with Neptunes.


I use 321 formula and in flower i jump to 4 2 for like month then last month three weeks go back to 321…its been working good for me

My jacks


I should do that. I really dislike the bags.

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I got these at Walmart. Each one came with its own measuring cup

stackable too


Are those the 13 cup ones?

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