Jacks Nutrients

10.2 cups …


Thanks @Floyd

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I get these at a local Tap plastics.


@Syn did you have them test your tap before selecting the City Limits line? I average 200ppm out the faucet and I feel like that’s enough to warrant going this route, but curious what led you to select this over their other options.


That’s what mine looks like, No RO or filter at all. Straight tap.

i chose tap for the little bit of calmag they add, so I dont have to.


Is your local water supply from a desalination plant?


from a local drinking pond (im sure they RO the piss out of it and add stuff to it)


Question here for the guys that use the 10-30-20 bloom booster?

When you use that, do you skip/lower the amount of CalNit?

Since the bloom booster has 10% nitrogen, would adding 15.5% more be too much nitrogen for flower?

I bought 2lbs of the 10/30/20 and I’ve yet to use it yet, but always wondered about this.


skip the calnit and just use epsom salt with it. The point of the bloom booster is to drop the nitrogen levels from my understanding.


I agree with @Neb

That’s exactly what I do


That’s exactly what you are supposed to do


So does jacks have calcium in it? Where does the plant source it’s calcium from when you’re using the bloom booster?

Sorry for the probably dumb question. I’ve just wondered this for a while.

I reached out to JR Peters and I got a schedule from them for the product I’m using, namely, Jack’s Clone, TAP, Ultraviolet and Finish.

My city water has 150ppm of calcium according to last year’s report. My testing record has ppms in the 140-165 in summer, currently in winter I’m clocking 220 to 250ppm eight out of the tap. I’m guessing salts from the de-icing or something.

Since using Octos, I’ll be halving the weights.

Posting it below if it could be of use to anyone :


I just picked up some of their Citrus FEed, actually.

I like experimenting with different nutrients. I’ve seen a few posts from a member on here who exclusively uses the same and his plants looks great, which is promising :slight_smile:


When do you completely drop calnit first week of flower ? I always used 4 2 .5 per gal in flower n go bak to 3 2 1 at end…i will try to drop the 2g calnit and see how that works :ok_hand:

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I drop the cal net week 2 of transition


FWIW I just switched my grow in potting mix of Bar Harbor Coast of Maine from RO feed to Finish. Got about 3 weeks left of 9 weeks. Two strains I have not grown from clones (Chiquita Banana and Ghost) before and they are really flopping over and have had to tie up more than past strains. Not sure if it’s the genetics or the Jack’s but they look great. I have bought small size of Power Si for next round of two other clone’s (Blue Dream Santa Cruz cut and Piffcoast PC3) neither of these strains have been in my tent before either. Jack’s makes it easier than falling off a log.


Hi J
Some people say to add silica at early stages I like to run the fan on high aimed at my plants the movement helps the plant stems to firm up ! that Chiquita banana sounds great :+1:
But I do believe genetics has a lot to do with it
The gray haired bandito


Can I ask what’s used to supplement Ca in flower if we drop the Ca-nite?

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I do use A bit of calmag and Epson salts in my mix but very low amount

I fine more of a problem with trace minerals so I like an eart juice product called microblast I believe