Jacks Nutrients

Hello @Papalag. Do you find you have an issue with micros because you cut down on the 5-12-26?


That’s a good question
Sometimes it’s just finicky plant :weary:
I’m normally at straight 5/12/26 starting at week 8 on a 10 week schedule

Now you got me thinking ( I hate when I have to do that it make my head hurt )
I’ll need to watch this run maybe feed 2 different then the other to see


That’s what I’m trying to avoid right now lol! Making different feeds for different strains. Got these 2 OG Kush types that love the 3.7-2.5-1 jacks/ca-nite/epsom and the Purple Poison Cookies that are showing a few different deficiencies on the same feed. Pita having to make different mixes.


@SaintAliasKnife whats your feeling on the Jacks with Octopots?
By bottles of GH Flora series are just about empty… and I’ve been thinking about switching to Jacks. Seems like a no brained for soil, but wondering how it acts in the passive-hydro type setup?


they work great. I’m using these below:

at half strength its a little light. TAP at 4gr /gall gives ~890ppm. I’m pushing mid 800ppm. like an idiot, was starving them before. ph stable. can order direct or from ebay.


Hi there
I have a question
During flowering stage I see that they are calling for 15/5/20 I’ve been under the impression that the 15 is too much N during this stage ? Ppms at 1050 is about where i usually stand
But I’m normally at a npk range if 1/3/5 keeping N low then even lower weeks 6/7 with an npk of .5/3/5 ?
Do you find that the plant is on the border of nitrogen toxicity? ( dark green leaves )
And does it affect the fad in to fall colors ?
Do you feel that the drop in N during week 1of flip compensates?


In my opinion 15/5/20 a good place to start. I use Jack’s 3-2-1 and when mixed according to the feed chart I also get an npk ratio of 3:1:4. Its a good place to start and then you can make adjustments for individual strains from there.

@firehead I’ve been running Jack’s for years in DWC, sub-irrigated planters, and high frequency fertigation and I love it. I’ve tried a lot of other lines (GH, AN, etc) and Jack’s is incredibly adjustable and its simple enough to use with other additives when needed. It’ll perform better than that flora trio once you learn how to use it and for a fraction of the price. Koot has a good feed chart with some additives, I used this to help me learn how use jacks. https://www.kootmed.com/.downloads/FEED/JACKS-3-2-1.pdf


That chart shows 4 weeks of seedling and THEN starts veg - am I reading that correctly?

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Yeah I think you’re reading that correctly. Seems a little long to me too

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I do I use jacks more of a custom blend

I was thinking of buying the 321 kit ?

But I have good results with what I have

I raise the n in veg but drop it like is hot in flower



I just buy the Part A Jacks 5-12-26, the Calcium Nitrate can be sourced for cheaper elsewhere and same with the Epsom salt.


I like using the 3-2-1 system and then changing my ratios depending on what strains, environement, etc. I get Parts A and B (cal-nit) from Jacks and the just buy espom salt at walmart 8lb/$5. Other brands of calcium nitrate are cheaper but I like Jacks because they’re a smaller US company and when I have problems I can call and talk to someone in their lab, not just a customer service rep.


Yeah I’ve been happy with the straight 5-12-26 version of 3,2,1 and cal-nit. I’m on my second 25lb bag of Jacks, the 1st cal-nit bag is still 1/4 full. I do tend to modify the cal-nit levels and get down to 3,1,1 at times and add cal-mag and SI. I like the EC’s mostly around 1.3 - 1.5 before cal-mag or SI.


Hi Paps,

I’m running a photo right now, its on day 42 of what looks to be 10-11 weeks flower. I gave it one week of Jack’s UV then switched to TAP 15/5/20. It’s the yellowest green plant in the tent. burn tips and everything. Switching to 7/15/30 for 2 weeks next week.

no I do not.

I did not run these ppm’s last time. but I am very keen to find out let’s find out together.

not enough I think. I was warned of bad yellowing but I barely noticed any.



I use similar grow style


I’m running jacks 20-20-20 in ph d h20 and switch to blossom booster for flower with good results


Hey everyone. I was just gifted some Jacks 25-5-15 to try out. The problem is, I can find no information about how to properly use that particular ratio of Jacks. I’ve been using liquid nutes so this is all new to me and I dang sure don’t want to burn my girls with too hot a mix…
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks all.

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I’m wondering anyone running the jacks 321, do you fertigate everytime? Do you have water only days? Thanks and have a great weekend!


Coco/perlite jacks 321 in 1 gallon bags. Fertigate daily to runoff. Which is maybe 750ml to get a decent runoff. I actually just keep ph’d jacks full strength in gallon jugs and ph’d water in jugs and just mix it on the fly. Usually to 1/4 or maybe 1/3 strength. Ppm or ec? F*ck all that. Its simple which works for me.