Jacks Nutrients

Super easy! Go to jacksnutrients.com and you’ll find your product and they have start to finish, what to use when and how much through harvest. Tried finding on my iPad but I suck with technology. But that will get you there oh you may need Epsom salts Or? Unless it’s a 1 parter


https://www.jacksnutrients.com/cannabis-hemp-schedules. This has all Canabis specific formulas


I used daily too. I am using Promix BX so don’t water to run run off.

I only use 80% strength which works well for me, and start to reduce to 50% before switching to Jacks Finish.

Since I am in more of a soil, I used the Finish 3-4 weeks, and then a couple weeks of just water at the end.


I do have bloom and finish, but often rock the 321 all the way through, with a short period of straight water at the end. Good call Captain Comacus!


Unfortunately, the 25-5-15 is not listed on that site.


Send them an email. They have answered a few questions I had pretty quickly.

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I sent an email on Thursday. Nothing yet. I have been conservative with the stuff so far and the plants are looking better. There was some deficiency because I didn’t trust the liquid nutrients I had been using. The Big Bloom had hardened in the bottom of the container and wouldn’t mix up and the Tiger Bloomz was cloudy. A good friend sent me the Jacks to try. I think I’ll be alright but I would really like to see a feeding chart (specifically for pot if possible :wink: ) so I don’t burn up the girls.


Jack’s is a bit confusing because they actually have 2 websites. One has the jacks fertilizers that would be used specifically for cannabis (jacksfertilizer.com) especially in the 321 program, the other site has all their other fertilizer products and professional greenhouse formulas like their tomato formula, all purpose 20-20-20, etc (jrpeters.com).

Taking a stab at what you said you have, looks like it might be this: https://www.jrpeters.com/25-5-15-high-performance. One key nutrient I see missing from that formula is Ca. You’d need to add Ca from another source like gypsum, lime, calcium chloride, etc.


I use 20-20/20 for mom in veg

And I use it up to the week 2 of transition or when I see bud formation . I do add 15.5/0/0 week 1 of transition
In bloom depending on what week there in the feeding schedule I’ll use 10/30/20 , 5/12/26
And a bit of Epson salt



Thanks for the help @SmackyMcSmackers and everyone else.
Much appreciated :+1:t4:.


I fertigate daily with great results🌱


Easy peasy cbizzle

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going from 10-30-20 to 7-15-30 today for the first time. bag says 3.5 and 5g website says 5.68 and 5.41g for feed. usually i trust the bag given that different batches can have different weights and ratios but im inclined to trust the feed schedule and not ramp the dose up on it. i suppose i could call them but thats a lot of manpower for one tiny plant.


Use an EC meter. It’s what I do.


i suppose i should have done that :rofl: seems weaker though


What happened to your other plants the purple queens?

theyre going on week 2/3 flower, starting to give them 1:3:2 not 1:2:3. i was refilling the res on them last night and all i could smell was kush incense with a slight hint of poppy in the background.

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I believe you’re supposed to go back to “Hydro/CalNit/Mg” after the 10-30-20 (transition stage).


yea those im feeding more according to the octopot schedule or ratios. have some others that im just giving the 3-2-1 to all flower.

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I picked up their Clone 15-6-17, Tap 15-5-20, Bloom 10-30-20 and Finish 7-15-30. We shall see how it goes.